Jacobian in path integral equal to one?

In summary: If the transformation y=f(x) does not change the endpoints (limits), then the Jacobian would not have to equal one, but would still be related to the derivative of the function f(x). I don't have an explicit example, but couldn't we have a local transformation y=f(x) that doesn't change the endpoints (i.e. limits) and J=\frac{\partial f}{\partial x} \not\equiv 1?If the transformation y=f(x) does not change the endpoints (limits), then the Jacobian would not have to equal one, but would still be related to the derivative of the function f(x).
  • #1

[tex]\int d\phi e^{iS[\phi]}=\int d\phi' J e^{iS'[\phi']} [/tex]

where J is the Jacobian. If the transformation of variables to phi' is a symmetry of the action [i.e., S'=S], then this becomes:

[tex]\int d\phi e^{iS[\phi]}=\int d\phi' J e^{iS[\phi']} [/tex]

But doesn't this imply that the Jacobian has to equal one?

But surely that doesn't have to be true in general? If the action has a symmetry, and you perform the change of coordinates corresponding to the symmetry transformation, then does the Jacobian of that transformation have to equal one?
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  • #2
I think you miss that, in general, [itex]\mathrm{d} \phi \neq \mathrm{d} \phi'[/itex].

For a simple example, consider [itex]S=\frac{1}{2}\phi^2[/itex]. Obviously, this is invariant under the inversion [itex]\phi \rightarrow \phi'=-\phi[/itex], for which [itex]\mathrm{d}\phi'=-\mathrm{d}\phi[/itex] and [itex] J=\frac{\partial \phi'}{\partial \phi}=-1[/itex].
  • #3
Hypersphere said:
I think you miss that, in general, [itex]\mathrm{d} \phi \neq \mathrm{d} \phi'[/itex].

For a simple example, consider [itex]S=\frac{1}{2}\phi^2[/itex]. Obviously, this is invariant under the inversion [itex]\phi \rightarrow \phi'=-\phi[/itex], for which [itex]\mathrm{d}\phi'=-\mathrm{d}\phi[/itex] and [itex] J=\frac{\partial \phi'}{\partial \phi}=-1[/itex].

The Jacobian should take care of differences in measure, so what happens to

∫ e-x^2 dx from -∞ to ∞

under y=-x is:

∫ e-y^2 dx/dy dy from ∞ to -∞

which equals ∫ e-y^2 (-1) dy from ∞ to -∞

so it's the change of the order of the limits in the integration that allows the Jacobian to not have to be equal to 1.

Maybe a stronger statement is true: If the limits in an integration are unchanged by a transformation, then the Jacobian must equal one?
  • #4
geoduck said:
so it's the change of the order of the limits in the integration that allows the Jacobian to not have to be equal to 1.

I guess that is the more common way of putting it, yeah.

Maybe a stronger statement is true: If the limits in an integration are unchanged by a transformation, then the Jacobian must equal one?

I don't have an explicit example, but couldn't we have a local transformation [itex]y=f(x)[/itex] that doesn't change the endpoints (i.e. limits) and [itex]J=\frac{\partial f}{\partial x} \not\equiv 1[/itex]?

I think your statement should hold for linear functions [itex]f(x)[/itex] though.

FAQ: Jacobian in path integral equal to one?

1. What is the Jacobian in a path integral?

The Jacobian in a path integral is a mathematical term used to describe the change in variables when performing a change of coordinates in a multiple integrals. It is a determinant of a matrix that represents the transformation between the initial and final coordinate systems.

2. Why is the Jacobian equal to one in a path integral?

The Jacobian is equal to one in a path integral because it represents the ratio between the infinitesimal volume elements in the initial and final coordinate systems. In a path integral, the transformation between the coordinate systems does not cause any change in volume, hence resulting in a Jacobian of one.

3. What is the significance of the Jacobian being equal to one in a path integral?

The Jacobian being equal to one in a path integral simplifies the calculation of the integral as it eliminates the need to include the Jacobian term in the final result. It also indicates that the path integral is independent of the choice of coordinate system.

4. Does the Jacobian always equal to one in a path integral?

No, the Jacobian does not always equal to one in a path integral. It depends on the type of transformation and the coordinate system used. In some cases, the Jacobian may not be equal to one, and it must be included in the final result of the path integral.

5. How is the Jacobian calculated in a path integral?

The Jacobian in a path integral can be calculated by taking the determinant of the Jacobian matrix, which is the matrix representation of the transformation between the initial and final coordinate systems. The elements of the Jacobian matrix are partial derivatives of the transformation equations with respect to the variables in the coordinate systems.
