James Doohan, Star Trek's Scotty , Dead at 85

  • Thread starter jma2001
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In summary: Scott: Here's to hoping that the next time you meet an alien, they're more receptive to a scotty-led sob story... :beer:
  • #1
Gold Member
James Doohan, Star Trek's "Scotty", Dead at 85

Rest in peace, Scotty.

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  • #2
awww that's such sad news. He was charming to meet in person, and played a very good role on Star Trek.
  • #3
jma2001 said:
Rest in peace, Scotty.

Amen to that, no more beam me up. :cry:
  • #4
Nothing is as uplifting as a good beam-me-up.
I'm sorry he can't do that anymore.
  • #5
Very sad. I understand he had suffered from Alzheimer's for quite some time.
He will be missed.
  • #6
Very, very sad. :frown:
  • #7
Am I old? When I heard the news I expected an outpouring of grief similar to when John Lennon was shot. I been around the net and, if there is even a message about it, there are about 5 posts like this one. ;)

One post was even "ya I remember that guy scotty". Some young un talking about Scotty the way I would say I know who Charlie Chaplin is.
  • #8
Yes, you're old. Me too. Let's do some Scotty quotes:

"Why, how do we know he didn't invent the thing?"

(Kirk)"How long to re-fit?"
(Scotty)"Eight weeks. But you don't have eight weeks, so I'll do it for you in two."
(Kirk) "Do you always multiply your repair estimates by a factor of four?
(Scotty) "How else to maintain my reputation as a miracle worker?"
  • #9
Just before they went into warp, I beamed the whole kit and kaboodle into their engine room, where they'll be no tribble at all." -- Scotty, The Trouble With Tribbles
  • #10
jma2001 said:
Rest in peace, Scotty.


:cry: why do you always bring things like that up, really :cry:, why ?
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  • #11
hypatia said:
Just before they went into warp, I beamed the whole kit and kaboodle into their engine room, where they'll be no tribble at all." -- Scotty, The Trouble With Tribbles

Hey, that's one of my favorites! :biggrin:

Kirk is questioning Scotty after he gets into a fight with some Klingons.

Kirk: Scotty. You were supposed to stay out of trouble.

Scott: Aye, sir.

Kirk: Who did it, Scotty?

Scott: Umm... *looks down* I did, Captain...

Kirk: You did, Mr. Scott?

Scott: Aye...

Kirk: You... threw... the first punch...

Scott: Aye. Chekov wanted to, Sir, but I held him back!

Kirk: You held him b--- Why did Chekov want to start a fight?

Scott: Well sir, umm... Is this off the record?

Kirk: No, this isn't off the record!

Scott: Well, sir. They called you a... tin-plated, overbearing, swaggering dictator with... delusions of God-hood...

Kirk: Was that all?

Scott: No, sir! They also compared you to a denebian slime devil!

Kirk: I see...

Scott: And then they said---

Kirk: I get the picture, Scotty!

Scott: Aye...

Kirk: And... that's when you hit the Klingons.

Scott: No, sir.

Kirk: No?

Scott: No, uh... Well, you told us to stay out of trouble... and after all, we are big enough to take a few insults... aren't we?

Kirk: What was it that started the fight?

Scott: They called the Enterprise a "Garbage Scow!" ... Sir.

Kirk: And... that's when you hit the Klingons.

Scott: Yes, sir!

Kirk: You hit the Klingons... because they insulted the Enterprise... Not because they insulted---

Scott: Well, sir! This was a matter or pride!
  • #12
Happeh said:
Am I old? When I heard the news I expected an outpouring of grief similar to when John Lennon was shot. I been around the net and, if there is even a message about it, there are about 5 posts like this one. ;)

One post was even "ya I remember that guy scotty". Some young un talking about Scotty the way I would say I know who Charlie Chaplin is.
That is sad. The original Trek was even a little before my time, but I watched the reruns and the movies and I always loved Scotty.

One of my favorite quotes is from the Trouble With Tribbles, after Scotty gets into a fight with a Klingon for insulting the Enterprise, and Kirk confines him to quarters:

Scotty: "Yes, sir. *Thank you*, sir! That'll give me a chance to catch up on me technical journals!"

Sounds like exactly the kind of thing a real engineer would say. :smile:
  • #13
ah and people say the harry potter thread was geeky...RIP mr. scotty
but i still prefer miles obrien.
  • #14
Well, I admit I don't feel like teasing a dead meat, if there is life after death, he won't answer any of my calls or letters. :redface:

Okay, anyway, Rest in peace and have a dead smile on your face for the rest of your dead life, you are, as always, my only sunshine...forever and ever...
  • #15
Ivan Seeking said:
Scott: They called the Enterprise a "Garbage Scow!" ... Sir.

Kirk: And... that's when you hit the Klingons.

Scott: Yes, sir!

Kirk: You hit the Klingons... because they insulted the Enterprise... Not because they insulted---

Scott: Well, sir! This was a matter or pride!
That was good. :biggrin: I remember that scene...

Let's see if I can remember one...:rolleyes:

How about when he is attempting to distract the alien by challenging his emotions with alcohol. After swapping several shots. Scotty takes out a bottle and the alien asks what it is? Scotty's so smashed he doesn't know and says "Is ...uh...Iss GREEN" ...Finally after they had quaffed down the lot.. Scotty takes out one more... His last bottle of Scotch Whiskey... And proceeds to outdrink the other fellow.. Here is a photo just as Scotty says in a half sobbing voice, "We did it, you and me... Put him right under the table"..
  • #16
Scotty is to be beamed up.

Scotty's ashes will join Gene Roddenberry's in outer space, according to this CNN article:
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  • #17
Isn't it somewhat ironic that he died on the anniversary of the moon landing?

Holy crap...he had a kid when he was 80. That deserves an atta boy!
  • #18
Yes, I find it very odd!
  • #19
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  • #20
A couple more moments we enjoyed:

From one of the series episodes, when the crew was dealing with gangsters on a foreign planet.

Kracko: I got rights!
Scotty: You got nothing. You mind your place, or you'll be wearin' concrete galoshes.
Kracko: You mean cement overshoes?
Scotty: Aye.

And another from The Voyage Home, Mr. Scott speaking into the mouse in a sing-song voice: "Hell-loooo, computer!"
  • #21
Hello, everyone, today I feel really sad, I'd like to cry a tear again for Scotty and a tear for my heart-attack that happened just a few hours ago :cry:

I was brought to a nearby hospital and was asked by several pretty nurses to never drink coffee too much or my little heart would be poissoned :shy:
  • #22
damn he served in the CDN military and had 9 kids...wow..were all star trek original actors Canadians?
  • #24
Emiemo, hope your feeling better, and pay heed to what the pretty nurses said.

He had 9 kids? atta boy atta boy! <he gets 2 for that.

FAQ: James Doohan, Star Trek's Scotty , Dead at 85

What was James Doohan's most famous role?

James Doohan was best known for his role as Montgomery "Scotty" Scott in the popular sci-fi television series Star Trek.

How did James Doohan pass away?

James Doohan passed away on July 20, 2005 at the age of 85 due to complications from pneumonia and Alzheimer's disease.

What other roles did James Doohan play?

In addition to his iconic role as Scotty in Star Trek, James Doohan also had roles in various films and television shows such as The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, and The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Was James Doohan a real-life engineer?

No, James Doohan was not a real-life engineer. However, his portrayal of Chief Engineer Scotty in Star Trek inspired many individuals to pursue careers in engineering and technology.

How did James Doohan's death impact the Star Trek community?

James Doohan's death was a great loss to the Star Trek community, as he was a beloved actor and a key member of the original series. His legacy continues to live on through his iconic role as Scotty and the impact he had on the sci-fi genre.

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