JFETS/MOSFETS and applied potential

In summary: Therefore, in summary, the weak signal (potential) applied to the gate of a JFET modulates the strong current between the source and drain by changing the size of the depletion layer and the number of available carriers for conduction. This concept can be compared to a vacuum tube amplifier, where a similar effect occurs with the grid voltage.
  • #1
Explain how and why the weak signal (potential) applied to the gate G modifies (or modulates) the strong (current) between the source S and the drain D in the JFET . In particular you must indicate what happens to the depletion layer and the conducting channel when
a. (10) Positive potential is applied to the gate
b. (10) Negative potential is applied to the gate

1. This is a p-channel JFET.
2. It may be useful to draw a comparison to the vacuum tube amplifier.

I understand that applying positive potential causes a reduction in the drain current and that the gate voltage (VGG) becomes more positive till all current is cutoff. How does that relate to the vacuum tube amplifier ? And does that mean that the depletion layer decreases in size? I'm not sure i have a good grasp of this concept.
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  • #2
A: a. When a positive potential is applied to the gate of a p-channel JFET, the electric field created by the gate attracts the majority carriers (electrons) from the source and drain towards the gate. This reduces the number of electrons available for conduction between the source and drain, thus reducing the current between them. As a result, the depletion layer at the source and drain increases in size, blocking the flow of current even further. This effect is similar to that of a vacuum tube amplifier, where a positive voltage applied to the grid reduces the current flowing through the tube. b. When a negative potential is applied to the gate of a p-channel JFET, the electric field created by the gate repels the majority carriers (electrons) away from the gate. This increases the number of electrons available for conduction between the source and drain, thus increasing the current between them. As a result, the depletion layer at the source and drain decreases in size, allowing the flow of current. This effect is similar to that of a vacuum tube amplifier, where a negative voltage applied to the grid increases the current flowing through the tube.

Related to JFETS/MOSFETS and applied potential

What is the difference between JFETs and MOSFETs?

JFETs (Junction Field-Effect Transistors) and MOSFETs (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors) are two types of field-effect transistors. The main difference between them is the type of material used for the gate. JFETs use a junction between two differently doped materials, while MOSFETs use an insulating layer of oxide between the gate and the channel. This difference affects the way the transistors are controlled and their performance characteristics.

How is applied potential used in JFETs and MOSFETs?

Applied potential, also known as gate-source voltage, is used to control the flow of current through both JFETs and MOSFETs. In JFETs, the gate voltage controls the width of the channel, which in turn affects the resistance and the amount of current that can flow through. In MOSFETs, the gate voltage controls the formation of an inversion layer in the channel, which allows or blocks the flow of current. Increasing the applied potential can increase the conductivity of the channel, while decreasing it can decrease the conductivity.

Which type of transistor is better for high-frequency applications?

MOSFETs are generally considered better for high-frequency applications. This is because the insulating layer in MOSFETs allows for a higher switching speed, which is necessary for high-frequency signals. JFETs, on the other hand, have a slower response time due to the junction between the gate and the channel.

What is the advantage of using JFETs and MOSFETs in amplifiers?

One of the main advantages of using JFETs and MOSFETs in amplifiers is their high input impedance. This means that they have a low current requirement for controlling the flow of current through the channel. This results in less power consumption and less noise in the circuit, making them ideal for use in low-power amplifiers.

What are the main limitations of JFETs and MOSFETs?

One limitation of JFETs is their low gain, which can result in a low output signal for a given input signal. MOSFETs, on the other hand, have a limited voltage range, meaning they can only handle a certain amount of voltage before breaking down. Additionally, both JFETs and MOSFETs are susceptible to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD), so proper handling and protection measures must be taken during manufacturing and use.
