Job experience or pursue a Master (Computer Vision)?

In summary, the speaker intends to complete their bachelor's degree in Computer Science in three years, at the age of 24. They are interested in technology and want to work in cutting edge fields like Computer Vision and Machine Learning, preferably on an engineering team in a tech company. They are aware that experience is more important than a degree in software engineering, but most computer vision roles require at least a Master's degree. The speaker is considering gaining industry experience before pursuing a Master's, but the age of 26 is a concern. The other person advises not to worry about age and suggests that the value of the MSc research project will compensate for any lack of job experience.
  • #1
I intend to finish my bachelor in Computer Science 3 years from now, by which time I will be 24 years old. I'm very interested in technology and cutting edge fields like Computer Vision/Machine Learning, and I would like to work with something like that in the future. Not necessarily with research (that's more for PhD's), but on some engineering team working with that in some tech company (like those companies researching self driving cars: NVIDIA, Google, etc...).

I know that experience counts far more than a degree in the field of software engineering/programming, but I know that you need at least a Master's for most computer vision roles in industry. I'm a little bit worried, though, because I would be 26 if I go straight out to a Master's after finishing my B.S, and without any industry experience.

Do you think that I should try to work and get some real experience in the field (even if it's not directly related to the topics that I'm most interested in) before applying for a M.S program, or should I go straight for it?
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  • #2
Well if your goal is a research position that requires at least a master's degree, it would seem you're going to have to get that master's degree sooner or later. I would expect that in areas like that, a lot of value would be placed on the project that you do for your MSc research and that would compensate for any lack of job experience.

Don't worry about your age. No one is going to care.

Related to Job experience or pursue a Master (Computer Vision)?

What is the difference between gaining job experience and pursuing a Master's degree in Computer Vision?

Gaining job experience typically involves working in the industry and applying skills and knowledge to real-world projects, while pursuing a Master's degree involves furthering academic knowledge and conducting research in a specific field.

Which option is more beneficial for a career in Computer Vision?

Both gaining job experience and pursuing a Master's degree can be beneficial for a career in Computer Vision. Job experience can provide practical skills and industry connections, while a Master's degree can offer a deeper understanding of the field and potential for research opportunities.

Can job experience be substituted for a Master's degree in Computer Vision?

It is possible for someone to have a successful career in Computer Vision without a Master's degree, as job experience can also provide valuable skills and knowledge. However, a Master's degree may open up more opportunities for advancement and specialized roles.

How long does it take to gain job experience in Computer Vision?

The amount of time it takes to gain job experience in Computer Vision can vary depending on the individual's education, skills, and job opportunities. It could take a few months to a few years to gain significant experience in the field.

How long does it take to complete a Master's degree in Computer Vision?

A Master's degree in Computer Vision typically takes 1-2 years to complete, depending on the program and whether it is pursued full-time or part-time. Some programs may also offer an option for a thesis or research project, which can add additional time to the degree completion.

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