Joining the air force reserves vs. borrowing money for college loans

In summary, the conversation discusses the idea of joining the air force reserves while attending college and the potential benefits and drawbacks of doing so. The speaker wants a second opinion and is looking for anyone with experience in the reserves to share their insights. They also mention the importance of being well-informed and cautious when making agreements with the military. The conversation also touches on the different paths of joining the military, such as entering as enlisted or applying for Officer School. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for careful consideration and research before making a decision about joining the air force reserves.
  • #36
My friend is in the army reserves. They called him and said pack in in the middle of his last semester. Hes in Iraq right now.

He does repairs on vehicles. But sometimes he has to go out around down which can be very dangerous. This is his second tour.
Physics news on
  • #37
Besides, they're having budgetary problems, so I'm sure they'll be looking for ways to not give you everything they promised in the future.

So it would seem! I've heard horror stories about soldiers being asked to repay their deployment bonuses since they had to go back home early after being wounded in combat. A disgusting bit business, that.
  • #38
You could try ROTC or NROTC, which would pay for you to complete a degree, if you qualify (I think most people are generally accepted). Joining one of these, I believe, can even help you get into a better school. One guy I knew going to community college was told that he would essentially be guaranteed a transfer to a good state school (UIUC), if he joined ROTC and maintained a 2.0 GPA...definitely wouldn't happen with that GPA otherwise.

The other option of course is to go to other banks for loans...there are many online that you could try. You could probably shop around for loans until your degree is finished, and then either try to pay them off by working, or join the military at that point, and they will pay off something like $65k worth of student loans simply for joining up.

I don't recommend the military at all, especially if you don't want to actually do it. Once you sign that contract, your life is theirs for 4-6 years. Everyone I've ever talked to who has served in recent times had nothing good to say about their experience...that should be a telling sign.
  • #39
Benzoate said:
I am thinking about joining the air force reserves while continuing to attend college because I am no longer able to borrow money for college. I think the air force would be beneficial for me because I think it would be the perfect opportunity for me to developed my research skills in the Air force and I could put my physics education to use while helping me pay for my college loans. I 'd like a second opinion about joining the air force reserves while attending college. I would like anybody who has worked for the reserves to share their experiences and share some research experiences you might've had while in the airforce reserves

I knew a lot of people enrolled in ROTC in school, also several who were attending under the GI bill. They all worked their butts off and were quality individuals; I have nothing against serving in the military.

I feel for your financial troubles, unfortunately, it has made you a prime target for recruiters who are willing to take advantage of you. It's a Faustian bargain- the military will own your a** for a few years, and you will be changed because of the experience. As others have said: go in with your eyes open, trust only a written contract which you read VERY carefully, and do not expect to get something (tuition) for nothing (time served).

Have you spoken directly to the University financial aid people, to see what options are available? States usually have higher-education grants, and there may be smaller nonprofits that underwrite tuition costs.
  • #40
I was maintenance. Screw Ordanance. I don't know what job is good in the military, because all I had was that, so... *shrug* I dunno. Maybe go for payroll, or something? That's a desk job. I had a buddy who did pay roll -- his deployment was into Kuwait, so he wasn't in much danger.

As for the financial situation: Private Loans are usually available, even when government loans aren't. The downside being, you'll pay more for them. Then you may also want to look into teaching. A lot of states offer free money if you promise to teach for them for X amount of years, where X is equal to the number of years you get money from them.
  • #41
Will the military pay for grad school like it does for college?
  • #42
leumas614 said:
Will the military pay for grad school like it does for college?

You can use your GI Bill funds for graduate school if you like.

  • #43
I was maintenance. Screw Ordanance. I don't know what job is good in the military, because all I had was that, so... *shrug* I dunno. Maybe go for payroll, or something? That's a desk job. I had a buddy who did pay roll -- his deployment was into Kuwait, so he wasn't in much danger.

My cousin (who joined the straight-up army, not the reserves, which might have something to do with it) was supposedly going to be a mechanic and weapons repairman, but when he went to Iraq he ended up being a body guard for some colonel, saw his fair share of firefights, made a few kills, and was eventually wounded in combat. I guess I don't know how one can guarantee that they will be kept out of the front lines.
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  • #44
Barfolumu said:
I was maintenance. Screw Ordanance. I don't know what job is good in the military, because all I had was that, so... *shrug* I dunno. Maybe go for payroll, or something? That's a desk job. I had a buddy who did pay roll -- his deployment was into Kuwait, so he wasn't in much danger.

As for the financial situation: Private Loans are usually available, even when government loans aren't. The downside being, you'll pay more for them. Then you may also want to look into teaching. A lot of states offer free money if you promise to teach for them for X amount of years, where X is equal to the number of years you get money from them.

I was Aircraft Armament Systems in the USAF. Flightline job. Long hours. The good jobs in the USAF are clerical/administrative in nature; when in the States, you are almost guaranteed an 8hr day and when in a warzone you'll be either hundreds of miles away from action or protected by Marines.

Other good jobs are aircrew jobs like in-flight refueling (boom operator), flight engineer, flight attendant, loadmaster, etc.

The thing that bothered me was that an E4 working 8hr days was getting paid the same as me working 12-16hr days.

Mathemaniac said:
My cousin (who joined the straight-up army, not the reserves, which might have something to do with it) was supposedly going to be a mechanic and weapons repairman, but when he went to Iraq he ended up being a body guard for some colonel, saw his fair share of firefights, made a few kills, and was eventually wounded in combat. I guess I don't know how one can guarantee that they will be kept out of the front lines.

Regardless of whatever job a soldier (and airman, sailor, or marine) has he/she is still a soldier. If a person wants to stay out of the frontlines that person needs to get a very technical or specialized job like Intel or become a high ranking officer/NCO.

Jordan Joab.
  • #45
Jordan Joab said:
The thing that bothered me was that an E4 working 8hr days was getting paid the same as me working 12-16hr days.

...and the officer who worked less than anyone was payed twice as much :D.

To say the least, I agree.
  • #46
You can use your GI Bill funds for graduate school if you like.

No I meant can you go to grad school first paid for by the military and then you serve; like the way it works for doctors. The military pays for med school and then you commit 5 years. Is there a similar arrangment for graduate school assuming you have not served before?
  • #47
leumas614 said:
No I meant can you go to grad school first paid for by the military and then you serve; like the way it works for doctors. The military pays for med school and then you commit 5 years. Is there a similar arrangment for graduate school assuming you have not served before?

Call them up and ask. I know one of the basic requirements needed to become an Officer is a Bachelor degree. To advance to higher officer ranks (Major and above) you need at least a Master degree.

The Military finds everyone attractive but people with 4yr degrees are slightly more attractive. Add to that the fact that many mid-level Officers (Captains, Majors, and Lt. Colonels) are leaving the service due to long deployments and other various reasons. At the moment, incentives are being offered to retain these officers; the Army has even been lowering its entry requirements to meet recruiting needs.

All that amounts to this: if what you are asking about is not available now I am almost sure that you can work it out with them or it will be available soon.

Jordan Joab.
  • #48
love the AFR <3

I am a Govt civilian college student debating on the Air Force Reserve as well.

I currently work on base in a reserve unit and absolutly love it! <3

I already have so much debt & haven't even begun grad school.

During school I also spent time in the Air Force Reserve Oficcer Training course through my college...needless to say the funds aren't what you think & there is NO free rides. Excepting a scholarship through AFROTC means a service commitment to active duty for 4yrs...I have no problem with that but finding out I'd have to wait until my 2nd year to be eligable for schoalrship -made me think twice! This is not true for everyone, but I happen to be a liberal arts major...Also working with the Reseve made me realize it's way more my style! :)

Now if you are looking for money for school I would suggest checking into your schools ROTC programs. With a degree like yours they'll grab you up asap! & give you a scholarship right off the bat!--as long as you qualify medically/physically. You will be paid for school while in and once you graduate your 4yr service commitment starts and you will come in as an officer making close to $50,000 reguardless of your career...& might i mention you can continue on with your usual college life.

Or the Air National Guard. The difference with the Guard is you arent just tied to fed but state as well...but they give you a $20,000 signing bonus -$10,000 after basic & $10,000 after 2yrs in...however if you terminate your contract -you will be paying back! -as with any branch of the service. Guard also pay 100% -where the Air Force Reserve pays 75% of college tuition. They also don't give a signing bonus...But you still get monthly stipends for both...also coming in as a reservist Guard or Reserve =networking which means meeting people and finding out about all types of jobs within the govt that outsiders might not hear about :)

&& for the record this is how it works with Resevists deploying. Depending on your job (ie pilots & cops deploy a lot) -other than that You will most likely NEVER be told hey you are deploying...reason being is that the AFR is a volunteer based you can volunteer to go on deployments...& trust me there is a long make lots of $$ that's tax free while over seas! & with the reserve its diff bc they work in sets of months. & they are short! There are people here with me who have never deployed & don't plan to! & others who are on waiting lists!..SO many ofthe people in this unit are full-time college students with no intention of taking a break from school. Theres lots of people with all different kinds of occupations coming in on the weekends from teachers to Lawyers & Drs...Being a military memeber also earns you access to base establishments like the commisary & bx -which is tax free and SO much cheaper than other stores.

The one wekend a month thing is done at your home when they say 2weeks active duty they mean being on active duty orders. This doesn't mean deploying over seas! It could be just working in the office you work in on your reserve weekend for a set number of days...reservists on avtive duty orders usually stay at home station :)

My opinion is this: If you want more of a laid back atmosphere go AF Reserve...but if you don't mind be tied to the state -like cleaning up after a hurricane...go guard :) Eatha way its $ for college and it earns you the respect of serving our country, which is something to be proud of! --its also looks good to employers bc generally military members havea good work ethic. integrity 1st. service before self & excellence in all we do!* <3

Good Luck!*