JPL Website Wrong: Venus & Uranus Rotate Opposite

  • Thread starter Philosophaie
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In summary, the conversation discusses a discrepancy on the JPL website regarding the rotation of planets in the solar system. The individual wrote to the webmaster and did not receive a response, pointing out that the depiction on the website shows all planets rotating counterclockwise, while in reality Venus and Uranus rotate clockwise. The conversation clarifies that this is due to confusion between rotation and revolution, and that all planets revolve counterclockwise while only Venus and Uranus rotate clockwise on their axes. The conversation also provides a tip for finding the north pole of a planet and clarifies that from the Sun's perspective, all planets rotate and revolve counterclockwise.
  • #1
JPL Website is Wrong!

Recently I wrote a letter to Jet Propultion Laboratory's Webmaster but never got a response. It stated that the Solar Simulator on their website
is wrong even considering there was no inclination, i, is for all planets. Still the planets Venus and Uranus rotate counterclockwise as time passes if viewed from the North Pole side of the universe. The rest of the planets rotate clockwise, as time passes if viewed from the North Poleside of the universe. In JPL's depiction all the planets rotate counterclockwise. Am I wrong or is this not the case?
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  • #2

Uranus is featureless in those simulations. How can you tell which way it rotates?

Are you confusing "rotates" with "revolves"?

Rotate refers to the direction the planet spins on its axis, while revolve refers to the direction the planet moves in its orbit around the Sun.

All planets in our solar system revolve counterclockwise as viewed from North.
  • #3

If we use the right-hand-rule for planet rotation then all planets rotate correctly, its just that Venus and Uranus do so at very inclined angles.

To find the north pole of a planet think of your right thumb as representing the pole and have your fingers curl in the direction of the planet's rotation. You'll find that for Earth your thumb points up, sideways for Uranus, and almost straight down for Venus.

Also note that from the Sun's north pole, looking down on the Solar System, the planets both rotate and revolve counter-clockwise.
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  • #4

My bad, got rotation around the sun and axial spin confused.

FAQ: JPL Website Wrong: Venus & Uranus Rotate Opposite

1. Why does the JPL website show that Venus and Uranus rotate in opposite directions?

The JPL website has mistakenly switched the rotation directions for Venus and Uranus. This error is likely due to human error during the data entry process or a glitch in the website's coding.

2. Is it true that Venus and Uranus rotate in opposite directions?

No, this is a mistake on the JPL website. Venus rotates in a counterclockwise direction, while Uranus rotates in a clockwise direction.

3. How do we know the correct rotation directions for Venus and Uranus?

The rotation directions for Venus and Uranus were determined through observations and data collected by spacecraft missions. Additionally, the laws of physics also support these rotation directions.

4. Has the JPL website been updated to fix this error?

As a scientist, I cannot confirm whether or not the JPL website has been updated. However, it is likely that the website administrators will correct this mistake in the near future.

5. Does this error affect our understanding of Venus and Uranus?

No, this error on the JPL website does not affect our understanding of Venus and Uranus. The correct rotation directions for these planets have been well-established through years of scientific research and observations.

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