Julia's question at Yahoo Answers regarding a linear recurrence

In summary, the conversation is about finding the number of fir trees on a tree farm in the year 2010, and how it changes each year as 10% of the trees are harvested and 750 new saplings are planted. The conversation includes a recursive sequence and asks for the number of trees in the years 2011-2014, as well as finding the number of trees as time passes infinitely. The solution involves solving a linear recurrence and using initial values to find a closed form for the sequence. The final result shows that the number of trees will approach 7500 as time passes infinitely.
  • #1
Gold Member
Here is the question:

Pre Calculus homework help please!?

A tree farm in the year 2010 has 10,000 Douglas fir trees on its property. Each year thereafter 10% of the fir trees are harvested and 750 new fir saplings are then planted in their place.

a) Write a recursive sequence that gives the current number t"sub"n of fir trees on the farm in the year n, with n=0 corresponding to 2010.

b) Use the recursive formula from part a to find the numbers of fir trees for n=1, 2, 3, and 4. Interpret the values in context.

c) Use a graphing utility to find the number of fir trees as time passes infinitely. Explain your result.***Please show work and explain how you got the answers because I have no idea what to do! Thanks so much!

Here is a link to the question:

Pre Calculus homework help please!? - Yahoo! Answers

I have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can find my response.
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hello Julia,

a) Let $T_n$ denote the number of trees present in year $n$. Each year, 10% of the trees are removed (leaving 90%) and 750 trees are added, and at time $n=0$ we have 10000 trees, hence we may state the linear inhomogeneous recurrence:

\(\displaystyle T_{n+1}=0.9T_{n}+750\) where \(\displaystyle T_0=10000\)

b) Using the result from part a), we may state:

\(\displaystyle T_{1}=0.9T_{0}+750=0.9\cdot10000+750=9750\) (This is the number of trees in 2011).

\(\displaystyle T_{2}=0.9T_{1}+750=0.9\cdot9750+750=9525\) (This is the number of trees in 2012).

\(\displaystyle T_{3}=0.9T_{2}+750=0.9\cdot9525+750=9322.5 \approx9323\) (This is the number of trees in 2013).

\(\displaystyle T_{4}=0.9T_{3}+750=0.9\cdot9322.5+750=9140.25 \approx9140\) (This is the number of trees in 2014).

c) To find the value of \(\displaystyle \lim_{n\to\infty}T_{n}\), let's find the closed form.

(1) \(\displaystyle T_{n+1}=0.9T_{n}+750\)

(2) \(\displaystyle T_{n+2}=0.9T_{n+1}+750\)

Subtracting (1) from (2), using symbolic differencing, we obtain the linear homogeneous recurrence:

\(\displaystyle T_{n+2}=1.9T_{n+1}-0.9T_{n}\)

The characteristic roots are:

\(\displaystyle \lambda=0.9,1\) hence:

\(\displaystyle T_n=k_1+k_2(0.9)^n\)

Using the initial values, we may determine the parameters $k_i$:

\(\displaystyle T_0=k_1+k_2(0.9)^0=k_1+k_2=10000\)

\(\displaystyle T_1=k_1+k_2(0.9)^1=k_1+0.9k_2=9750\)

Solving this system, we find \(\displaystyle k_1=7500,\,k_2=2500\) and so we have:

\(\displaystyle T_n=7500+2500(0.9)^n\) and low it is easy to see that:

\(\displaystyle \lim_{n\to\infty}T_{n}=7500\)

Here is a plot of the recurrence:


To Julia and any other guests viewing this topic, I invite and encourage you to post other linear recurrence questions here in our http://www.mathhelpboards.com/f15/ forum.

Best Regards,



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Related to Julia's question at Yahoo Answers regarding a linear recurrence

1. What is a linear recurrence?

A linear recurrence is a sequence of numbers in which each term is calculated based on a constant number of previous terms.

2. How is a linear recurrence represented mathematically?

A linear recurrence is typically represented as a formula, such as an, where n is the term number and a is a constant. For example, the Fibonacci sequence is represented as Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2.

3. What is the purpose of studying linear recurrences?

Linear recurrences have many applications in mathematics and other fields, such as computer science and finance. They can be used to model real-world phenomena and make predictions about future values.

4. What is the difference between a linear recurrence and a nonlinear recurrence?

The main difference is that a linear recurrence has a constant number of previous terms involved in the calculation, while a nonlinear recurrence may have varying numbers of previous terms. This results in different patterns and behaviors for each type of recurrence.

5. How can I solve a linear recurrence?

There are various methods for solving linear recurrences, such as using a recursive formula, finding closed-form solutions, or using generating functions. The specific method used will depend on the specific recurrence and its properties.

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