Julie Payette - Chief Astronaut for Canadian Space Agency

In summary, Julie Payette is a highly accomplished and inspiring astronaut, and her story serves as a great example of the potential for women in science and space.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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2023 Award
WAMC Radio, ALBANY, NY (2006-01-30)

The Best of our Knowledge (TBOOK)
While the U.S. often grabs the headlines when it comes to news about space, many other countries, including Canada, are very much involved in every aspect of space research and exploration. Regular listeners of this program will be familiar with our National Science Foundation series of stories highlighting the advances women are making in science, technology, engineering, and math. We found another wonderful example of that, and want to share this profile with our audience.

Julie Payette is the Chief Astronaut for the Canadian Space Agency, and is already a veteran of one space shuttle mission. She is a perfect role model for anyone listening who ever considered being an astronaut.

Julie Payette was born in Montreal. She's earned multiple degrees in electrical engineering and computer sciences. She's a member of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Payette is the winner of numerous awards, including an honorary degree from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. Julie has a commercial pilot's license, and enjoys many sports including running, skiing and scuba diving.

This multi-talented astronaut even plays the piano and sings. TBOOK recently had a rare opportunity to have this conversation with her about her academic career and astronaut training. Dr. Karen Hitchcock reports. (10:04)
http://www.publicbroadcasting.net/wamc/news.newsmain?action=article&ARTICLE_ID=871933 (mp3 - one can download using 'save target as')

The Best of Our Knowledge #802

I highly recommend listening to this interview. I absolutely agree with Payette's comments. She's brilliant!

Some background -




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  • #2

Thank you for sharing this interesting interview with Julie Payette. I am always fascinated by the accomplishments and insights of individuals in the field of space exploration. It is encouraging to see that women are making significant contributions and advancements in this field.

Payette's background in electrical engineering and computer sciences is a testament to the importance of having a diverse range of skills in the field of space research. As she mentioned in the interview, being an astronaut requires not only technical expertise but also strong physical and mental abilities.

I also appreciate Payette's emphasis on the importance of education and continuous learning in pursuing a career in science and space. It is crucial for young people to be exposed to these opportunities and to have role models like Payette to inspire and guide them.

Thank you for bringing attention to this interview and for promoting the achievements of women in science and space. I will definitely take the time to listen to it and learn more about Julie Payette's journey and contributions to the field.
  • #3

I find it incredibly inspiring to hear about the accomplishments of Julie Payette. She is a true role model for women in science and space, breaking barriers and reaching new heights in her field. Her impressive academic background and experience as Chief Astronaut for the Canadian Space Agency demonstrate her dedication and passion for space exploration and research. I highly recommend listening to her interview and learning more about her incredible journey. Payette's achievements serve as a reminder that there are no limits to what we can accomplish with hard work and determination. I applaud her for her contributions to the scientific community and for being a shining example for future generations of scientists and astronauts.

FAQ: Julie Payette - Chief Astronaut for Canadian Space Agency

1. Who is Julie Payette?

Julie Payette is a Canadian engineer, astronaut, and former Chief Astronaut for the Canadian Space Agency. She has flown two space missions, logging over 611 hours in space.

2. What is her role as Chief Astronaut for the Canadian Space Agency?

As Chief Astronaut, Julie Payette was responsible for the recruitment, training, and management of Canadian astronauts. She also represented the Canadian Space Agency at international events and promoted space education and awareness.

3. How was Julie Payette selected to be an astronaut?

Julie Payette was selected as a Canadian astronaut in 1992 through a rigorous application and selection process. She was one of four candidates chosen from over 5,330 applicants.

4. What are some of Julie Payette's accomplishments as an astronaut?

Julie Payette has completed two space missions, logging over 611 hours in space. She was the first Canadian to board the International Space Station and the first Canadian astronaut to operate the Canadarm2 robotic arm. She has also served as CAPCOM (spacecraft communicator) for multiple space missions.

5. What is Julie Payette doing now?

Julie Payette retired from the Canadian Space Agency in 2013 and is now serving as the Governor General of Canada. She is also a member of the Order of Canada and the Ordre national du Québec.

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