Just needs checking please (Sets and Relations)

  • Thread starter Natasha1
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Hence -1 x -1 = +1.If one element of the class (-1), which has the form (a, a+1), is added to an element of the class (+1), which has the form (a,a-1), it gives us(a, a+1) + (b,b-1) = (a+b, a+1+b-1)= (a+b, a+b) which has an integer of 0.Hence +1 + -1 = 0.
  • #1

Let AxB be the set of ordered pairs (a,b) where a and b belong to the set of natural numbers N.

A relation p: AxB ----> AxB is defined by: (a,b)p(c,d) <-----> a+d = b+c

As p is an equivalence relation there are associated equivalence classes.

(iv) Find all the ordered pairs in the equivalence class of (2,6). Why could this equivalence class be identified with the integer -4?

(v) Give the equivalence classes (as sets of ordered pairs) defined by p for each of the integers: 0, -1 and +1

(vi) Consider two general ordered pairs, (a,b) and (c,d). If addition is defined by (a,b) + (c,d) = (a+c, b+d) and multiplication is defined by (a,b) x (c,d) = (ac+bd, ad+bc), show that these definitions provide a way of demonstrating that (+1) + (-1) = 0 and (-1) x (-1) = (+1)


(iv) The ordered pairs of the equivalence class (2,6) are infinite i.e. (4,8) or (6,10) so to find the general term let's write the condition as follows: a - b = c - d (so that the values of one pair appear on the left and the values of the other on the right). Here a - b = 2 - 6 = -4. Therefore any pair (c,d) with c-d = -4 (or d-c = 4) is also related.

(v) The set of ordered pairs are:

0 ----------> (a,a) where b=a

-1 ---------> (a-1, a) where b=a+1 or should I write like this instead (a, a+1)? Not sure let me know

+1 ---------> (a+1, a) where b=a-1 or should I write like this instead (a, a-1)? Not sure let me know

(vi) Let's consider 2 pairs say (2,3) and (6,7) which are as seen previously have an integer of -1 then if the multiplication of two orderd pairs is defined by (a,b) x (c,d) = (ac+bd, ad+bc) then

(2,3) x (6,7) = (12+21,14+18) = (33,32) which is has as seen in the previous question an integer of +1

Hence -1 x -1 = +1

Again, if we choose 1 pair say (33, 32) with an integer of +1 and the pair (5,6) with an integer value of -1 then the addition of two ordered pairs is defined by (a,b) + (c,d) = (a+c, b+d) and we get

(33,32) + (5,6) = (33+5, 32+6) = (38,38) which has an integer value of 0

Hence +1 + -1 = 0

Please correct any of my mistakes anyone... many thanks
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  • #2
Natasha1 said:
(v) The set of ordered pairs are:
0 ----------> (a,a) where b=a
-1 ---------> (a-1, a) where b=a+1 or should I write like this instead (a, a+1)? ...
I would write it the second way, since we're dealing with N. If by (a-1,a), you're writing shorthand for the set [itex]\{(a-1, a): a \in \mathbb{N}\}[/itex] then there is no corresponding term for a=0 (or a=1 depending on your definition of N). The next one is fine since adding one to a natural number will never take it out of the set.
Natasha1 said:
(vi) Let's consider 2 pairs say (2,3) and (6,7) which are as seen previously have an integer of -1 then if the multiplication of two orderd pairs is defined by (a,b) x (c,d) = (ac+bd, ad+bc) then
(2,3) x (6,7) = (12+21,14+18) = (33,32) which is has as seen in the previous question an integer of +1
Hence -1 x -1 = +1
This is not enough to show that (-1)x(-1) = (+1). You must show it for an arbitrary element of the equivalence class, not any specific element. This is to show that only the fact that it is in the class (-1) makes it behave this way, and that it is not simply a side effect of the specific pair you picked. You should start off something like "All elements of the class (-1) have the form (a, a+1), so multiplying two arbitrary elements (a, a+1)x(b,b+1) gives us..." and so on. Same for the next question. :smile:
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  • #3
Right then,

All elements of the class (-1) have the form (a, a+1), so multiplying two arbitrary elements (a, a+1)x(b,b+1) gives us

(a, a+1)x(b,b+1) = (ab+(a+1)(b+1), a(b+1)+b(a+1))
= (ab+ab+a+b+1, ab+a+ab+b)
= (2ab+a+b+1, 2ab+a+b) which has an integer of +1 (Should I say it like that? how can I end this nicely?)

Hence -1 x -1 = +1

If one element of the class (-1) , which has the form (a, a+1) is added to an element of the class (+1) which has the form (a,a-1) gives us

(a, a+1) + (b,b-1) = (a+b, a+1+b-1)
= (a+b, a+b) which has an integer of 0 (Should I say it like that? how can I end this nicely?)

Hence +1 + -1 = 0
  • #4
Natasha1 said:
Right then,
All elements of the class (-1) have the form (a, a+1), so multiplying two arbitrary elements (a, a+1)x(b,b+1) gives us
(a, a+1)x(b,b+1) = (ab+(a+1)(b+1), a(b+1)+b(a+1))
= (ab+ab+a+b+1, ab+a+ab+b)
= (2ab+a+b+1, 2ab+a+b) which has an integer of +1 (Should I say it like that? how can I end this nicely?)
Well, the last line is enough, but you could clarify by saying that it is of the form (c+1,c) = (+1) where c = 2ab + a + b. You already established earlier that pairs of that form are in the equivalence class (+1), but you can do it again by just noting that (c+1)-c = +1. The same holds for the next question. :smile:

Related to Just needs checking please (Sets and Relations)

1. What is the difference between a set and a relation?

A set is a collection of distinct objects, while a relation is a set of ordered pairs that relate the objects in the set to each other.

2. How do you determine if a relation is reflexive?

A relation is reflexive if every element in the set is related to itself. This can be checked by looking at the ordered pairs in the relation and making sure that each element appears as both the first and second element in at least one pair.

3. What is the difference between a function and a relation?

A function is a special type of relation where each input has exactly one output. In other words, there are no repeated first elements in the ordered pairs of a function.

4. How do you determine if a relation is symmetric?

A relation is symmetric if, for every ordered pair (a,b) in the relation, the ordered pair (b,a) is also in the relation. This means that the relation is bi-directional and the order of the elements does not matter.

5. How do you determine if a relation is transitive?

A relation is transitive if, for every ordered pairs (a,b) and (b,c) in the relation, the ordered pair (a,c) is also in the relation. This means that if there is a relationship between a and b, and a relationship between b and c, then there must also be a relationship between a and c.

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