K.Ionizing Radiation: Uses, Dangers, and Effects

  • Thread starter nobodyuknow
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In summary, ionizing radiation is a technique that is used in Radiation Therapy to kill cancerous cells. However, two sentences from the same article on Wikipedia do not make sense to the expert summarizer. Exposure to radiation can cause damage to living tissue, and high energy neutrons can damage "strong" metals.
  • #1
I've been looking on Wikipedia about Ionizing Radiation. Basically, it's a technique that is used in Radiation Therapy... according to my research.

However, I've come across two sentences that do not make sense to me..

Exposure to radiation causes damage to living tissue, resulting in skin burns, radiation sickness and death at high doses and cancer - Wikipedia

Ionizing radiation has many uses, such as to kill cancerous cells. - Wikipeda

This is all on the same article on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionizing_radiation"

When they refer to the word exposure, they wouldn't happen to mean: over-exposure would they?

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  • #2
nobodyuknow said:
I've been looking on Wikipedia about Ionizing Radiation. Basically, it's a technique that is used in Radiation Therapy... according to my research.

However, I've come across two sentences that do not make sense to me..

This is all on the same article on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionizing_radiation"

When they refer to the word exposure, they wouldn't happen to mean: over-exposure would they?


No, they mean exposure. Therapeutic levels of exposure in radiotherapy often causes secondary effects such as skin lesions, pneuomonitis, or other tissue damage. The whole point is that you're killing (or destroying the reproductive capcity of) cancer cells with a minimum damage to surrounding healthy tissues.

Sadly, in many cases this DOES damage surrounding tissues. People who require radiotheraphy of their thoracic region can develop GI problems as sensitive cells in the gut die, and scarring of the lungs which can cause problems later. Of course, this beats death. Moreover, the skin can be damaged during radiotherapy, for which a variety of topical and other medications exist.

Remember: ionizing radiation = DEATH. Ionizing radiation "knocks electrons" out of their orbits, or strips them entirely. Without getting getting technical, this tends to, on a sliding scale of exposure vs. symptioms, kill rapidly dividing cells first, and then hardier tissues later.

May I suggest that you research: Radiation Poisoning, Criticality Accident, Radioactive Source Safety Protocols, Grey, Sievert, Radiation Absorbed Dose (RAD), Roentgen, etc...
Come to an understanding of the evolution of the understanding of radiation in general, and its effects on tissues especially (note the modern notion of a quality factor based on type of raditation and location of exposure) and the rest follows.

Another thing to research might be the effect of high energy neutrons on "strong" metals (ITER has an issue with this), which is a damaging effect of radiation.

Bottom line: As with so many therapies, a modicum of poison is the cure. The trick is balancing the desired vs. adverse reactions.

EDIT: Btw, "ionizing radiation" IS, it's not specifically a thing used for medicine. Rather, it's ionizing radiation that (at energies we encounter normally) is damaging to tissues. If you're worried about shielding a bunker, or a tank, or a nuclear reactor, your concerns extend to a wider variety of radiation, and secondary/tertiary emissions from the shielding material.
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  • #4
Its a shame how oblivious xray techs are to ionizing radiation, moreover the faith in such
crazieness that the ncrp report 147 deems to be a safe way to protect staff and or the public
  • #5
Lambert said:
Its a shame how oblivious xray techs are to ionizing radiation, moreover the faith in such
crazieness that the ncrp report 147 deems to be a safe way to protect staff and or the public

Care to elaborate? And provide something to back your statement up?

Related to K.Ionizing Radiation: Uses, Dangers, and Effects

1. What is ionizing radiation?

Ionizing radiation is a type of energy that has enough power to remove electrons from atoms, creating ions. This radiation can come from natural sources such as the sun, or from man-made sources like X-rays or nuclear power plants.

2. What are some common uses of ionizing radiation?

Ionizing radiation has many uses in various fields, including medicine, industry, and research. Some common uses include medical imaging (X-rays, CT scans), cancer treatment, sterilization of medical equipment, and food irradiation.

3. What are the dangers of ionizing radiation?

Exposure to ionizing radiation can be harmful to living organisms, as it can damage cells and DNA. This can lead to health effects such as cancer, mutations, and other long-term health problems. The level of danger depends on the type of radiation, the dose, and the duration of exposure.

4. How can we protect ourselves from ionizing radiation?

There are several ways to protect ourselves from ionizing radiation, such as limiting exposure time, increasing distance from the source, and using shielding materials. In medical settings, doctors and technicians also wear protective gear to minimize their exposure.

5. What are the long-term effects of exposure to ionizing radiation?

The long-term effects of exposure to ionizing radiation can vary depending on the individual and the level of exposure. Some potential effects include an increased risk of cancer, genetic mutations, and other health problems. Proper safety measures and regulations can help reduce the risk of these long-term effects.

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