Kaons, Black Holes, and Particle Physics

In summary, the kaon is a new particle that explains the four fundamental forces in terms of a basic particle called the kaon. The idea is that kaons fly through the universe like neutrinos, but have mass, which creates small impacts with matter, fewer kaons will fly through a large object, thus creating a deficiency of kaon, and thus pressure, from one direction. The larger the object, the larger the deficiency. If the large object is to the right of a smaller object, there will be less kaons impacting the right side of the small object then the left, thus the small object will be pushed toward the large object, and this is basically a particle physics understanding of Newtons theory of gravity. It
  • #1
I was on Youtube the other day and found a series of videos that explain the four fundamental forces in terms of a basic particle called the kaon. I basically understood the first 13 videos, but at video 14 I was lost. In the first few videos, they explain gravity, basically stating that it is a result of contact forces and pressures from these kaons. Because kaons fly through the universe like neutrinos, but have mass, they create small impacts with matter, fewer kaons will fly through a large object, thus creating a deficiency of kaon, and thus pressure, from one direction. The larger the object, the larger the deficiency. If the large object is to the right of a smaller object, there will be less kaons impacting the right side of the small object then the left, thus the small object will be pushed toward the large object, and this is basically a particle physics understanding of Newtons theory of gravity. It also implies, as it seems to me, that Newton's equation is little more than a statistical probability equation, stating how many kaons will impact an object, based on its distance from another object. It seems that the strength of the apparent gravity not only relies on the mass of the large body, as Newton would state, but also the size of the body. My question is this: If size is also a factor, how is a black hole, say, with a schwarzschild radius of 2 meters, have so great a gravity, since the window of lack of kaons to create reverse pressure is so small. Sure for that small area, no kaons would get through, but with that radius, there would only be an area of 4pi m^2, in which kaons would be lost, whereas our sun creates a deficency almost 49x10^10pi km^2 in area, more than 120,000,000,000 times the area created by the black hole. How does this work? I understand that my explanation was very dense and not well worded, as was my question, but I am only in high school and have only taken the Mechanics section of the AP Physics C test, so this video was my only exposure to real physics beyond basic mechanics. << Link deleted >> Thank you.
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  • #2
what is that? Is that even real?
what is the K-neutrinos thing?
  • #3


And I am guessing they can just be treated like regular neutrinos, though I don't know at all.
  • #4
it's a new particle it says, not Kaon...Kaon is a boson (meson), not a fermion (lepton), so it doesn't have a Neutrino...

I guess he talks for a totally different particle, which of course I don't quiet understand...

I don't know if that's correct, because experiment up to now has showed that there are only 3 generations of leptons (electron+electron neutrino, muon+muon neutrino, tau+tau neutrino) and not 4 nor 2...
  • #5
Well you are right. My bad. It is just the K-Particle, short for Karlsen-Particle, named after the discoverer. And I'm guessing its so new that no one has had much time to experiment with it, as it was discovered in 2008. His website is www.principlephysics.com. So you don't know why under this theory why a black hole is so much more powerful than the sun, since size is also an issue, not just mass.
  • #7
echandler said:
I was on Youtube the other day and found a series of videos that explain the four fundamental forces in terms of a basic particle called the kaon. [...] In the first few videos, they explain gravity, basically stating that it is a result of contact forces and pressures from these kaons.

The basic idea goes back to the 1700s, and fell out of serious discussion around the time Einstein came up with general relativity:


This appears to be an attempt to extend the idea to the other fundamental forces. It's complete crackpottery. The only references I can find for it are these videos and the author's web site(s).
  • #8
I am not even sure if it's discovered, I'm sorry... There are many people who try to build up models which of course tend to be inconsistent with the experiment or whatever, like those who try to defy the General and Special relativity over the idea that "aether" still exists and so on...

If someone knows better on the matter i hope he says... What I know is that experiment (like ALEPH) show that other generations of leptons don't exist (maybe for low energies).And I am more cautious after watching the video for the uncertainty principle which I found misleading...

FAQ: Kaons, Black Holes, and Particle Physics

1. What are Kaons and what role do they play in particle physics?

Kaons are a type of subatomic particle known as a meson. They are composed of a quark and an antiquark, bound together by the strong nuclear force. In particle physics, Kaons play an important role in studying the fundamental forces and interactions of the universe, as well as in understanding the structure of matter.

2. What is a black hole and how does it form?

A black hole is a region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it. It is formed when a massive star runs out of fuel and collapses under its own gravity, creating a singularity - a point of infinite density and zero volume.

3. How are black holes and particle physics related?

Black holes play a significant role in particle physics, especially in the study of quantum gravity. The extreme conditions near a black hole, such as high energy densities and strong gravitational fields, provide a testing ground for theories that try to unify the fundamental forces of nature.

4. What is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and why is it important for particle physics?

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator, located at CERN in Switzerland. It is used to collide particles at high speeds, allowing scientists to study the resulting subatomic particles and interactions. The data collected at the LHC has led to significant discoveries in particle physics, such as the Higgs boson.

5. What are the potential applications of particle physics in everyday life?

Particle physics has a wide range of potential applications in everyday life. For example, the development of particle accelerators and detectors has led to advancements in medical imaging and cancer treatment. Additionally, understanding the fundamental particles and forces of the universe can also lead to advancements in technology, such as in the fields of energy production and communication systems.

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