Keeping your thumbdrives together

  • Thread starter Weissritter
  • Start date
In summary: Mine has a thick flat cord such as is used for water bottles and whatnot. I keep it around my neck along with my significant chain/artifact and my Phillips Lifeline pendant (which has saved my life twice).In summary, this thread is targeted at mature adults who often lose things, and the advice provided is helpful. A person should make multiple backups, keep their phone number and email address on valuable things, and use a thick flat cord on their keychain to keep it close.
  • #1
Hello to all mature people around. This thread is targeted at you, so do should feel appreciated.

Now...on topic. Dad is a teacher at a local normal school. While he does his best at school, he is somewhat forgetful. He forgot me once in the roof when I was a baby :cry:
So, his problem is that he often uses a thumbdrive for presentations and other stuff, forgetful he is, he has lost two thumbdrives already. After asking in the group, made of fully functional adults with deep understanding of morals and ethics (almost), he ends with no data about it. His stick is plainly lost.
I'd like to know if anyone of you experienced the same problem, and how it could be solved. I suggested him a variation of the triple tap, but it I'd doubt he'd ever propose himself to actually do it. So what I seek is some sort of easy to use-system-for-not-losing-sticks-anymore, if avaliable. Thanks in advice
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  • #2
Weissritter said:
Hello to all mature people around. This thread is targeted at you, so do should feel appreciated.

Now...on topic. Dad is a teacher at a local normal school. While he does his best at school, he is somewhat forgetful. He forgot me once in the roof when I was a baby :cry:
So, his problem is that he often uses a thumbdrive for presentations and other stuff, forgetful he is, he has lost two thumbdrives already. After asking in the group, made of fully functional adults with deep understanding of morals and ethics (almost), he ends with no data about it. His stick is plainly lost.
I'd like to know if anyone of you experienced the same problem, and how it could be solved. I suggested him a variation of the triple tap, but it I'd doubt he'd ever propose himself to actually do it. So what I seek is some sort of easy to use-system-for-not-losing-sticks-anymore, if avaliable. Thanks in advice
He sould be making other backups, you never put all of your eggs in one basket.
  • #3
Create an email just for your work, and email yourself. Learned that the hard way.
  • #5
I made some money from a client because there was no thumb-drive backup. There is now.
  • #6
I wonder if there ever will be position locators like the one in ipods/iphones. You login online and find where you phone is.
  • #7
get an iphone. it can store the file and the find my iphone can locate the iphone. tell him to get you one too so you can help him find the lost one. also add a login screen so who ever finds it can't unset the find my iphone settings.
  • #8
jedishrfu said:
get an iphone. it can store the file and the find my iphone can locate the iphone. tell him to get you one too so you can help him find the lost one. also add a login screen so who ever finds it can't unset the find my iphone settings.

I am also bad with keeping things. But, people are usually very kind. Once I dropped my id card but a stranger found it and emailed me about it. Other time I lost my phone so the stranger called my friends and told them from where I can get the phone. It's good to put your phone number/email with valuable things.
  • #9
He sort-of accepted what I said, so I hope he does it. The chain one was pretty good, but he mumbled something of 'filling a well in which the dead kid was dropped' or something...anyway, thanks. About keeping his sticks with him, he'll have to develop some sort of quick-term memory. By himself.
And...Apple products are have issues in the Ritter family.
Aaaanyway, thanks again. I'll let you know if he finds an ideal method.

I am also bad with keeping things. But, people are usually very kind. Once I dropped my id card but a stranger found it and emailed me about it. Other time I lost my phone so the stranger called my friends and told them from where I can get the phone. It's good to put your phone number/email with valuable things.
This should work. Looks promising.
  • #11
Mine has a thick flat cord such as is used for water bottles and whatnot. I keep it around my neck along with my significant chain/artifact and my Phillips Lifeline pendant (which has saved my life twice).
  • #12
How about having them surgically implanted in your actual thumb?
  • #13
dipole said:
How about having them surgically implanted in your actual thumb?

That would make using them kind of hard >.>

I just keep mine on the same keychain as my keys.
  • #14
PhizKid said:
i have this on my keychain:

I'll suggest this idea.

Danger said:
Mine has a thick flat cord such as is used for water bottles and whatnot. I keep it around my neck along with my significant chain/artifact and my Phillips Lifeline pendant (which has saved my life twice).

Sounds good! [STRIKE]Gold![/STRIKE] mean, thanks for the idea!

dipole said:
How about having them surgically implanted in your actual thumb?
No way pal, USB 3.0 will become universal, as its name suggests very, very soon
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Related to Keeping your thumbdrives together

1. How can I keep my thumbdrives together?

One option is to use a multi-drive case or organizer, which can hold multiple thumbdrives in one place. You can also use a lanyard or keychain to attach the thumbdrives together.

2. What is the best way to organize multiple thumbdrives?

It is recommended to label each thumbdrive with a unique name or color to easily identify and organize them. You can also create separate folders or partitions on each drive for specific types of files.

3. How can I prevent losing my thumbdrives?

It is important to designate a specific spot to store your thumbdrives when not in use, such as a dedicated drawer or pouch. You can also attach them to a keychain or lanyard to keep them with you at all times.

4. Is there a way to keep my thumbdrives secure?

You can use encryption software to password protect your files on the thumbdrives. It is also important to regularly back up your data in case the thumbdrives are lost or damaged.

5. How can I make sure my thumbdrives don't get damaged?

Avoid exposing your thumbdrives to extreme temperatures or moisture, and handle them with care. It is also recommended to regularly scan for viruses and malware to prevent potential damage to your files.

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