Kepler's 3rd Law, geometric relationship?

In summary, this passage from Plato discusses how the birth of a god or goddess is determined by a perfect number in terms of the distance and limits between the two, which is then multiplied by a number determined by the rational diameters of the pempad or the irrational diameters of the pempad. This number then determines the birth of that individual.
  • #1
Mr Joe Bangles
Hello, quick question here

I am studying mathematical astronomy / the history of , and I have noted that by raising the average sidereal period of any planet in our solar system, to the power .666666, that you are left with the average distance of that planet from the Sun, in AU

I was told that this is essentially Kepler's 3rd law, restated, and that it was a " geometric relationship "

However, I am not a mathematician and don't understand how this

translates to this

Can somebody help clear this up for me ?

Astronomy news on
  • #2
[tex]P^{0.666666...} = P^{\frac{2}{3}} = \sqrt[3]{P^2}[/tex]

Kepler's law says:
The square of the period of any planet is proportional to the cube of the semimajor axis of its orbit. or

[tex]P^2 \propto D^3[/tex]
  • #3
Kepler's third law states: The squared orbit periods of two planets are proportional to the cubes of their semi-major axis.
That is
\frac{P_1^2}{P_2^2}=\frac{a_1^3}{a_2^3} \textrm{ or } P^2 \sim a^3 \textrm{ or } P^{\frac{2}{3}}=P^{.66666} \sim a
and your (and Kepler's) average distance ##D=a## is the length of the semi-major axis. The proportional factor is the Gaußian gravitational constant. For the derivation, see
  • #4
OK, thanks for putting it in traditional notation

That's very interesting, ...the cube root

The cube root of the ancients' 25,920 year equinox precession cycle is approximate to the synodic month average as per the Babylonian Zig Zag function

Perhaps a basis for associating the " Great Month " period to the lunisolar month average ?


  • #5
As you can see, a mittle laths goes a wong lay!
  • #6
Indeed, Perok.

This passage from Plato is what got me started on the topic, originally

"Now for divine begettings there is a period comprehended by a perfect number, and for mortal by the first in which augmentations dominating and dominated when they have attained to three distances and four limits of the assimilating and the dissimilating, the waxing and the waning, render all things conversable and commensurable [546c] with one another, whereof a basal four-thirds wedded to the pempad yields two harmonies at the third augmentation, the one the product of equal factors taken one hundred times, the other of equal length one way but oblong,-one dimension of a hundred numbers determined by the rational diameters of the pempad lacking one in each case, or of the irrational lacking two; the other dimension of a hundred cubes of the triad. And this entire geometrical number is determinative of this thing, of better and inferior births."


Thanks, guys

  • #7
You might not want to get too bogged down with ancient writings as far as being precise, as they have been vastly improved upon, to put it lightly. :smile:

FAQ: Kepler's 3rd Law, geometric relationship?

1. What is Kepler's 3rd Law?

Kepler's 3rd Law, also known as the harmonic law, states that the square of a planet's orbital period is directly proportional to the cube of its semi-major axis.

2. What is the geometric relationship in Kepler's 3rd Law?

The geometric relationship in Kepler's 3rd Law refers to the ratio between a planet's orbital period and its distance from the sun. This ratio is constant and is known as the orbital period squared over semi-major axis cubed.

3. How does Kepler's 3rd Law apply to planetary motion?

Kepler's 3rd Law applies to planetary motion by describing the relationship between a planet's orbital period and its distance from the sun. It helps us understand the patterns and movements of planets in our solar system.

4. What is the significance of Kepler's 3rd Law?

The significance of Kepler's 3rd Law lies in its ability to accurately predict the orbital periods of planets based on their distance from the sun. It also helped pave the way for future discoveries in the field of astronomy and planetary motion.

5. How is Kepler's 3rd Law related to Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation?

Kepler's 3rd Law is related to Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation as it helps us understand the forces that govern the motion of planets in our solar system. It also provides evidence for the existence of a universal force of gravity acting between all objects with mass.
