Kerr solution as complex transformation

In summary, the conversation is about a complex transformation used in the derivation of the Kerr metric in Ray D'Inverno's book on general relativity. The transformation involves changing variables and using a null basis to derive the metric. This process is considered mysterious by some, but more details can be found in a forum discussion by Chris Hillman.
  • #1
I've been reading Ray D'Inverno's book about general relativity, and when he derives the Kerr metric he uses a trick with a complex transformation. I can follow the derivation, but I have no clue why it works. Anyone care to explain?

The derivation is:

They start with schwarzchild in Eddington-finklestein coordinates and use a null basis:

[tex]g^{a b} = l^a n^b + n^a l^b - m^a \overline{m}^b - \overline{m}^a m^b[/tex]


[tex]l^a = \delta^a_1 [/tex]
[tex]n^a = -\delta^a_0 - \frac 1 2 [1-m(r^{-1}+\overline{r}^{-1})]\delta^a_1 [/tex]
[tex]m^a = \frac 1 {\sqrt{2} \overline{r}} (\delta^a_2 + \frac i {sin\theta} \delta^a_3) [/tex]
[tex]\delta^a_0 = \partial_v[/tex]
[tex]\delta^a_1 = \partial_r[/tex]
[tex]\delta^a_2 = \partial_{theta}[/tex]
[tex]\delta^a_3 = \partial_{phi}[/tex]

Then they transform
[tex] v' = v + i a cos\theta [/tex]
[tex] r' = r + i a cos\theta [/tex]

and end up with:

[tex]l^a = \delta^a_1 [/tex]
[tex]n^a = -\delta^a_0 - \frac 1 2 (1 - \frac {2 m r'} {r'^2 + a^2 cos^2 \theta})\delta^a_1 [/tex]
[tex]m^a = \frac 1 {\sqrt{2} (r'+i a cos \theta)} (-i a sin \theta (\delta^a_0 + \delta^a_1) + \delta^a_2 + \frac i {sin\theta} \delta^a_3) [/tex]

Then they use

[tex]g^{a b} = l^a n^b + n^a l^b - m^a \overline{m}^b - \overline{m}^a m^b[/tex]

to get the Kerr metric.
Physics news on
  • #3

The complex transformation used in the derivation of the Kerr metric is known as the Kerr solution as a complex transformation. This technique is a mathematical tool that is commonly used in physics, particularly in the field of general relativity, to simplify and solve complex equations and problems. In this case, the complex transformation is used to transform the Schwarzchild metric into the Kerr metric, which describes the geometry of a rotating black hole.

The reason why this technique works is because it allows us to manipulate the equations in a way that makes them more manageable and easier to solve. In the Kerr solution, the complex transformation is used to simplify the null basis vectors, making it easier to express the metric in terms of these vectors. This simplification allows for a more straightforward derivation of the Kerr metric.

Furthermore, the use of complex numbers in general relativity is not uncommon. In fact, complex numbers are often used to represent physical quantities in a more elegant and compact way. In the case of the Kerr solution, the use of complex numbers helps to describe the rotation of a black hole in a more concise and efficient manner.

In conclusion, the Kerr solution as a complex transformation is a powerful mathematical tool used in general relativity to solve complex problems. It allows for a simpler derivation of the Kerr metric and provides a more elegant representation of the rotation of a black hole.

FAQ: Kerr solution as complex transformation

1. What is the Kerr solution as complex transformation?

The Kerr solution as complex transformation is a mathematical technique used to describe the behavior of rotating black holes in space. It involves transforming the real-valued Kerr solution equations into complex-valued equations, which allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the black hole's properties.

2. How does the Kerr solution as complex transformation differ from the real-valued solution?

The Kerr solution as complex transformation differs from the real-valued solution in that it takes into account the effects of rotation on the black hole. This allows for a more accurate representation of the black hole's behavior, including its event horizon and ergosphere.

3. What are the applications of the Kerr solution as complex transformation?

The Kerr solution as complex transformation has various applications in astrophysics and cosmology. It is used to model the behavior of rotating black holes, which are believed to exist in the universe. It also helps in understanding the properties of rotating neutron stars and other celestial objects.

4. What are some limitations of the Kerr solution as complex transformation?

One limitation of the Kerr solution as complex transformation is that it assumes the black hole is in a vacuum, meaning there is no matter or radiation surrounding it. This may not be the case in all real-world scenarios. Additionally, the complex equations involved in the transformation can be difficult to solve and may not always have a unique solution.

5. Are there any ongoing research or developments related to the Kerr solution as complex transformation?

Yes, there is ongoing research and development related to the Kerr solution as complex transformation. Scientists are continually looking for ways to improve and refine the equations involved in the transformation to better understand the behavior of rotating black holes. There is also ongoing research into the effects of matter and radiation on the Kerr solution and how it may impact its predictions.

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