Kerry vs Bush: honesty, trust and ethics

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  • Thread starter Loren Booda
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In summary, the conversation discusses the personal beliefs and trustworthiness of the candidates Bush and Kerry, as well as their perceived levels of ethics. While opinions vary, Kerry is generally seen as more honest and ethical, and the preferred choice for trusting with one's life. Bush is viewed as an "all-out loser" and lacking in ethics, with some discussion of his past and present actions. Overall, Kerry is seen as the better candidate in terms of trustworthiness and ethics.
  • #1
Loren Booda
Of the candidates Bush and Kerry, whom do you personally believe more honest, whom would you rather trust with your life, and whom do you consider more ethical?
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  • #2
I'm assuming this is a poll --- so

Loren Booda said:
Of the candidates Bush and Kerry, whom do you personally believe more honest,...

Bush (Kerry seems to come in two flavors --- Candidate and Senator)

...whom would you rather trust with your life,...

Short term - Kerry. Long term - Bush.

...and whom do you consider more ethical?

  • #3
They both are ethical to somethings and not ethical in others. Hard decision.
  • #4
I don't consider either particularly honest. They both lie all the time, when Kerry's caught lying, he tries to explain/cover it up, and when Bush's caught lying, he just denies he's lying and keeps repeating the lie.

I would trust Kerry with my life over Bush, since frankly, Bush is just an idiot, and Kerry has actually saved people's lives before.

I think both men view themselves as ethical, Bush's is a more simple, short-sighted ethics, and Kerry's is more grand, larger scale.
  • #5
I would rather have Bush as my next door neighbor. But I don't consider either candidate to be a bad person.
  • #6
Kerry, in a slam dunk.

If Bush had a different last name, is there any chance this guy could have ever have gotten nominated? Just because Democrats put up a nothing candidate running on Daddy's coat tails in 2000, the Republicans had to follow suit?

I'd rank the elder Bush as the second best president in my lifetime, right behind Reagan, but his son is just an all-out loser and has been his whole life.
  • #7
Of the candidates Bush and Kerry, whom do you personally believe more honest.

Kerry, so far I haven't heard him lie even when he has had to explain his logic behind some of his statements.

whom would you rather trust with your life.

No contest... KERRY, Bush could care less just ponder his record with the death penalty in Texas even in cases where the condemmed has enough credible to be re-tried with a good chance of being exonerated.

whom do you consider more ethical?

Again Kerry, " their fruits you will know them" Well compare Kerry's children to the Bush children, which family has produced good fruit (metaphorically speaking). This reveals quite abit about their ethics.

edit: Although the republicans are no doubt frantically seeking some dirt on the Kerry kids. :smile:
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  • #8
Bush is probably the president with the most horrible, large-scale lies, and secret or unpublicized executive changes (such as trying to remove clean water protections for millions of acres), and he does not know how to respond to an emergy (as the footage of him reading to schoolchildren on 9/11 shows), so it's defintely Kerry for all situations.

FAQ: Kerry vs Bush: honesty, trust and ethics

1. How does Kerry compare to Bush in terms of honesty?

Kerry and Bush have both been accused of being less than truthful during their political careers. Kerry has been criticized for flip-flopping on issues and exaggerating his military record, while Bush has faced scrutiny for misleading statements about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Ultimately, it is up to individual interpretation as to which candidate is more honest.

2. Can either candidate be trusted?

Again, trust is subjective and can vary from person to person. Both Kerry and Bush have supporters who believe in their integrity and trustworthiness. However, both have also faced scandals and controversies that have led to doubts about their trustworthiness. It is important for voters to research and make an informed decision based on their own beliefs and values.

3. How do their ethics differ?

Kerry and Bush come from different political parties and have different ideologies, which can influence their ethical beliefs and decisions. For example, Kerry is a Democrat and tends to support policies that promote social and economic equality, while Bush is a Republican and tends to prioritize small government and individual responsibility. It is important to research and understand each candidate's stance on ethical issues that are important to you.

4. Which candidate has a better track record when it comes to honesty and ethics?

Both Kerry and Bush have had their fair share of controversies and scandals, making it difficult to determine who has a better track record. It is important to look at each candidate's entire political career, as well as their actions and decisions while in office, to make an informed judgment.

5. How do the candidates' personal backgrounds affect their honesty, trust, and ethics?

Personal backgrounds can play a role in a candidate's honesty, trust, and ethics, but it is not a determining factor. Both Kerry and Bush come from privileged backgrounds and have faced criticisms for being out of touch with the average American. However, it is important to focus on their actions and policies rather than their personal backgrounds when evaluating their honesty, trust, and ethics.

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