Killing form of nilpotent lie algebra

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem statement of proving that the Killing form of a nilpotent Lie algebra vanishes identically. Two attempts at a solution are presented, with the first attempt using Cartan's criterion and the second attempt defining a subalgebra K. The conversation concludes with a suggestion to continue by induction.
  • #1
The problem statement

Let [tex]\mathfrak{g}[/tex] be a nilpotent Lie algebra. Prove that the Killing form of [tex]\mathfrak{g}[/tex] vanishes identically.

The attempt 1

[tex]\mathfrak{g}[/tex] itself is a solvable ideal, so [tex]\textrm{rad}(\mathfrak{g})=\mathfrak{g}[/tex] and [tex]\mathfrak{g}[/tex] is not semisimple. By Cartan's criterion the Killing form is degenerate, and there exists non-zero [tex]X\in\mathfrak{g}[/tex] so that

\textrm{tr}(\textrm{ad}_X\textrm{ad}_Y)=0,\quad\forall Y\in\mathfrak{g}.

This does not yet prove that the Killing form would vanish identically, but only that some rows vanish. The natural way to proceed seems to be by induction and using the quotient space [tex]\mathfrak{g}/\langle X\rangle[/tex], but this doesn't necessarily make sense because there doesn't seem to be any reason to believe that [tex]\langle X\rangle[/tex] would be an ideal in [tex]\mathfrak{g}[/tex].

The attempt 2


\mathfrak{h}=\{X\in\mathfrak{g}\;|\;\exists Y\in\mathfrak{g},\; \textrm{tr}(\textrm{ad}_X\textrm{ad}_Y)\neq 0\}.

We want to prove [tex]\mathfrak{h}=\{0\}[/tex]. If it turned out that [tex]\mathfrak{h}[/tex] is a subalgebra, then the proof would be done. If it was a non-zero subalgebra, then it would be a non-zero nilpotent Lie algebra, and hence not semisimple, but it has a non-degenerate Killing form, in contradiction with the Cartan's criterion.

Unfortunately I don't know if the [tex]\mathfrak{h}[/tex] defined like this is a subalgebra. If [tex]X_1,X_2\in\mathfrak{h}[/tex] are arbitrary, we would need to find [tex]Y\in\mathfrak{g}[/tex] so that

\textrm{tr}(\textrm{ad}_{[X_1,X_2]}\textrm{ad}_Y)\neq 0.

We know there exists [tex]Y_1,Y_2\in\mathfrak{g}[/tex] so that

\textrm{tr}(\textrm{ad}_{X_k}\textrm{ad}_{Y_k})\neq 0,\quad k=1,2,

but there still does not seem to be an obvious way to find [tex]Y[/tex].
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  • #2
Probably too late for answer, but still i thought i should try.

I think the solution is the first you wrote.

Let L be the algebra and k(x,y) be the killing form, it holds k([x,y],z)=k(x,[y,z]). we define K={x in L s.t. k(x,y)=0 for any y in L}. Then K is an ideal of L because for any y,z in L an x in K we have k([x,y],z)=k(x,[y,z]), so [x,y] is in K.

Then you can take L/K and continue by induction.
  • #3
Doesn't this follow directly from the definition?

[ad(x)ad(y)]^n maps into L^{2n} (or some power like that*). So if L is nilpotent, then so is ad(x)ad(y). (for any x,y)

* L^k=[L,L^{k-1}], the lower central series.

FAQ: Killing form of nilpotent lie algebra

What is a nilpotent lie algebra?

A nilpotent lie algebra is a type of mathematical structure that consists of a vector space equipped with a multiplication operation, called the Lie bracket, that satisfies certain properties. In particular, a nilpotent lie algebra is one in which repeated applications of the Lie bracket eventually result in the zero vector.

What is the killing form of a nilpotent lie algebra?

The killing form of a nilpotent lie algebra is a bilinear form that measures the non-commutativity of the Lie bracket. It is defined as the trace of the adjoint map, which maps elements of the lie algebra to linear transformations on the same space.

How is the killing form related to the structure of a nilpotent lie algebra?

The killing form provides important information about the structure of a nilpotent lie algebra. In particular, it can be used to determine the dimension of the center of the lie algebra and the number of its conjugacy classes.

What is the significance of the killing form for physicists?

The killing form is useful in physics because it can be used to classify and study certain types of symmetries in physical systems. In particular, it is used in the study of gauge theories, which are important in many areas of physics.

How is the killing form calculated?

The killing form can be calculated using the structure constants of the lie algebra, which describe how the basis elements of the algebra are related to each other under the Lie bracket. The structure constants can be used to construct a matrix representation of the Lie bracket, from which the killing form can be determined.

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