Kinematic Equations: T vs Delta T vs DT

In summary, in kinematics, there are different forms of the equations that use variables such as t, delta t, dt, d, delta x, and dx. These variables all relate to time and are used to solve different types of problems. While basic problems can be solved using basic equations, a deeper understanding of mechanics and more complex problems requires knowledge of calculus. Delta t and delta x are commonly used at the high school level, but as you progress to higher levels of study, the use of dt and dx becomes more necessary. A strong background in calculus is essential for studying mechanics in detail.
  • #1
You see the variables in the kinematic equations expressed as different things sometimes such as t, delta t, dt; or d, delta x, dx; What are all the different forms of the kinematic equations with these different variables? Do you approach certain problems with certain forms or can they all just be used interchangeably for each other?
Thanks for the help
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  • #2
Have you studied calculus?
t, delta t and dt for example are all related to time (in your example), but they are totally different, obviously.
t is usually a point in the time dimention. t=5, for example, means the point on the "t=5" axis.
delta t usually implies a difference between two time positions. if I have begun moving at t=2, and have finished my movement in t=7, then delta t is 5.
dt is when delta t is taken to be infinitisimally small. This expression is used to develop basic, more general equations in mechanics, using calculus.
Did that answer your question?
  • #3
So is this correct, the calculus is only used to derive the kinematic equations, but in kinematics problems using the kinematic equations you don't use dt or dx you use delta t and delta x?
  • #4
Well, generally, and usually, physics isn't as rigorous and demanding, at least not on high school level and low degrees levels, as mathematics. However, You can't really study mechanics and understand it profoundly if you don't have the tools of calculus.
You can always solve easy problems with basic equations. More complicated problems might involve diffrential equations, for example - but they can also be solved using a "technique", rather than real mathematics. But most problems I encounter on my degree of physics include much use of calculus - not theoratical use but practical one.

delta t and delta x are very common and widly used on high school level as well. "dx" and "dt" are kinda cencored, but as you progress through university and college it becomes difficult to ignore them. There's no way you can study mechanics in a high level of detail without background in calculus.

FAQ: Kinematic Equations: T vs Delta T vs DT

1. What are the kinematic equations?

The kinematic equations are a set of mathematical formulas used to describe the motion of objects in terms of displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time. They are based on the principles of kinematics, which is the study of motion without considering its causes.

2. What is the difference between T, Delta T, and DT in kinematic equations?

T, Delta T, and DT refer to different variables in kinematic equations. T represents time, Delta T represents change in time, and DT represents the time interval between two points in time. These variables are used to calculate the displacement, velocity, and acceleration of an object.

3. How do I use kinematic equations to solve problems?

To use kinematic equations to solve problems, you need to first identify the known and unknown variables, then choose the appropriate equation that relates these variables. Once you have the equation, you can plug in the known values and solve for the unknown variable using algebraic manipulation.

4. Can kinematic equations be used for all types of motion?

Kinematic equations can be used for motion in one dimension (1D), where an object is moving along a straight line, and for motion in two dimensions (2D), where an object is moving in a plane. However, they cannot be used for motion in three dimensions (3D), where an object is moving in space.

5. Are there any limitations to using kinematic equations?

Yes, there are some limitations to using kinematic equations. They assume that the motion is taking place in a vacuum and that there are no external forces acting on the object. They also do not take into account factors such as air resistance, friction, and the curvature of the Earth's surface. Therefore, they may not be accurate in real-world situations.
