Kinematics of a linkage system of 4 bars

In summary, the student attempted to solve a problem involving rotating ends of objects having a fixed distance by using Freudenstein's equation but wasn't able to get the answer they wanted.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Tabulate and plot the angular position, velocity and acceleration of θ4 for t=0 to t=10 in increments of 0.1

r1= 30 mm
r2 = 12 mm
r3 = 39 mm
r4 = 36 mm

θ2 = 0.1t (radians)

The Attempt at a Solution

Well first I wrote this down:

r1 = r2cos(θ2) + r3cos(θ3) - r4cos(θ4)

It didn't really get me anywhere so after some research I found Freudenstein's Eqn:

K 1 cos θ 2 + K2 cos θ 5 + K 3 = cos ( θ 2 - θ 5 )

K1 = l1 / l4 K2 = l 1 / l 2 K3 = ( l 32 - l 12 - l 22 - l 2 4 ) / 2 l 2 l 4

Inputting the values I ended up with this:

(30/36)cosθ2 + (30/12)cosθ5 - (91/96) = cos(θ2 - θ5)

I have no idea how to solve this equation in terms of θ5 though!

(once I find θ5 I'll just use θ5 = 360 - θ4 to get θ4)

Am I doing this right at all? Any help would be soooooooo much appreciated!

Let me know if you need any more info or if I posted wrong or anything!
Thanks again!
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  • #2
r2 and r4 have fixed points of rotation, but r3 is floating. Can you find a relationship concerning that the rotating ends of r2 and r4 have a fixed distance r3 between them?
Another approach is to let t=0.1 Are you then able to calculate the new geometry? Obviously, you could take days to slog through this 0.1 seconds at a time, but the process may indicate to you what you have to do to make it more general, and easier.
  • #3
Yeah, well what I ended up doing is just throwing Freudenstein's eqn into Mathematica, have it solve it for θ5 and then just use that... it wasn't a pretty equation, but it seemed to have gotten the job done:

y = -cos^(-1)((160 cos^2(x)-582 cos(x)-2 sqrt(9216 sin^4(x)+49319 sin^2(x)+2816 sin^2(x) cos^2(x)-31520 sin^2(x) cos(x))+455)/(48 (4 sin^2(x)+4 cos^2(x)-20 cos(x)+25)))

(y is θ5, x is θ2)

Still this solution is obviously not how they wanted me to do it...

If anyone knows a more elegant way of solving this problem, I've already handed it in but I'd love to know how to do it!

FAQ: Kinematics of a linkage system of 4 bars

1. What is a linkage system of 4 bars?

A linkage system of 4 bars is a mechanism composed of four rigid bars connected at their endpoints by joints, allowing them to move relative to each other. This system is commonly used in engineering and robotics to convert one type of motion into another.

2. What is kinematics and how does it relate to a linkage system of 4 bars?

Kinematics is the branch of mechanics that studies the motion of objects without considering the forces that cause the motion. In the context of a linkage system of 4 bars, kinematics is used to analyze the position, velocity, and acceleration of the bars as they move relative to each other.

3. What are the types of motion that can be produced by a linkage system of 4 bars?

A linkage system of 4 bars can produce several types of motion, including rotation, translation, and oscillation. It can also be used to create complex movements, such as straight line motion, circular motion, and intermittent motion.

4. How is the movement of each bar in a linkage system of 4 bars determined?

The movement of each bar in a linkage system of 4 bars is determined by the geometric design of the system and the position of the joints connecting the bars. By analyzing the lengths and angles of the bars, along with the constraints of the joints, the movement of each bar can be calculated using mathematical equations and equations of motion.

5. What are some real-world applications of a linkage system of 4 bars?

A linkage system of 4 bars has numerous real-world applications, including in machinery, robotics, and automotive systems. It is commonly used in steering mechanisms, suspension systems, and even in simple toys and mechanical devices. Linkage systems of 4 bars are also used in the design of prosthetic limbs to create natural and efficient movements.

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