Kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy questions

In summary, the conversation discusses an acrobat on skis starting from rest at a height of 50.0 m and flying off at a 45.0 degree angle above the horizontal, reaching a height of 10.0m. The question is about the skier's speed when leaving the track, with the given equations for kinetic and potential energy. The solution involves understanding the relationship between velocity and kinetic energy, and that the mass of the skier is not needed in the equation.
  • #1
1. An acrobat on skis starts from rest 50.0 m above the ground on a frictionless track and flies off the track at a 45.0 degree angle above the horizontal and at a height of 10.0m. disregard air resistance. what is the skier's speed when leaving the track?

2. K=.5M*V^2 and U=M*g*h

3. I don't have a attempt at the solution not because I am trying to get you to do my homework but because I don't understand the question I am having trouble picturing the scene what does it mean by the horizontal and the 45 degree angle. What is needed and what is just fluff... Can someone help?
Physics news on
  • #2
Before the skier starts down the hill his potential energy is maximum. The skier converts his potential energy to kinetic as he travels down the incline. So I ask you this: when is the skiers kinetic energy at a maximum and what is the skiers potential the moment he leaves the ramp?

It will help you to associate velocity with kinetic energy. When is the velocity the highest, When is it the lowest?

also note: potential energy is a function of position, kinetic energy is a function of velocity
  • #3
what I don't get is how do we get the skiers mass with the given info
  • #4
When we write our equation we get this:

[tex].5mv^2=m(9.8)(40)[/tex] (e.i potential energy is converted to kinetic)

If you notice, [tex]m[/tex] reduces to 1. That is why we don't need the mass ^^

FAQ: Kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy questions

1. What is kinetic energy and how is it different from gravitational potential energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. Gravitational potential energy is the energy an object possesses due to its position in a gravitational field. The main difference between the two is that kinetic energy is associated with an object's movement, while gravitational potential energy is associated with an object's position.

2. How is kinetic energy calculated?

Kinetic energy is calculated using the formula KE = 1/2 * mass * velocity^2. This means that an object's kinetic energy is directly proportional to its mass and the square of its velocity.

3. Can an object have both kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy at the same time?

Yes, an object can have both kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy at the same time. For example, a ball thrown into the air has both kinetic energy due to its motion and gravitational potential energy due to its height above the ground.

4. How does the height of an object affect its gravitational potential energy?

The higher an object is positioned in a gravitational field, the greater its gravitational potential energy. This is because the object has potential to gain more kinetic energy if it were to fall from a greater height.

5. Can an object have kinetic energy without any gravitational potential energy?

Yes, an object can have kinetic energy without any gravitational potential energy. For example, a ball rolling on a flat surface has kinetic energy due to its motion, but no gravitational potential energy since it is not in a position to fall or gain potential energy from a gravitational field.
