Kinetic energy in center of mass reference frame

  • #1
Homework Statement
In MIT OCW's 8.01 "Classical Mechanics" textbook, there is a derivation to show that change in kinetic energy is independent of the choice of relatively inertial reference frames.
Relevant Equations
Here is the relevant chapter.

Suppose we have two masses ##m_1## and ##m_2## interacting via some force, and two reference frames, ##S## and ##CM##. The ##CM## frame is the center of mass reference frame. The origin of this reference frame is at the location of the center of mass of the system.

The position of particle ##j## in frame ##S## is ##\vec{r}_j## and in frame ##CM## is ##\vec{r}_{j}'##.

We have



Kinetic energy in the CM frame can be shown to be


where ##\mu=\frac{m_1m_2}{m_1+m_2}## and ##\vec{v}_{1,2}=\vec{v}_1-\vec{v}_2##.

My question is about kinetic energy in frame ##S##.

We start with


And after subbing in ##v_j^2=\vec{v}_j\cdot\vec{v_j}=(\vec{v}_j'+\vec{v}_cm)\cdot(\vec{v}_j'+\vec{v}_{cm})## we end up with


Now, if ##v_{cm}## is constant then ##K_S## differs from ##K_{cm}## by a constant.

But how do we know that ##v_{cm}## is constant?

After writing this up I think I figured out the answer.

There are no external forces on the system of two particles. Thus, the acceleration of the center of mass is zero. Thus the velocity of the center of mass is constant.
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  • #2
Since I already solved the question, I think this question can be deleted.
  • #3
zenterix said:
Since I already solved the question, I think this question can be deleted.
Why? This is not only about you. It's a good illustration of how one grapples with a question and reasons out the answer. Others might profit from it by seeing that, more often than not, getting to the answer is not as smooth a process as textbooks want us to believe.
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Likes sakib71, zenterix and MatinSAR
  • #4
zenterix said:
Since I already solved the question, I think this question can be deleted.
You can also get the result without considering the CoM frame. If two inertial frames are related by some relative velocity ##\vec v##, then the KE of mass ##m_1## is related by:
$$KE_1' = \frac 1 2 m_1v_1'^2 = \frac 1 2 m_1|\vec v_1 +\vec v|^2$$$$= \frac 1 2 m_1(v_1^2 + 2\vec v_1\cdot \vec v + v^2)$$$$= KE_1 + \vec p_1 \cdot \vec v + \frac 1 2 m_1v^2$$Hence, the change in KE is:
$$\Delta KE_1' = \Delta KE_1 + \Delta \vec p_1 \cdot \vec v$$Hence, for a system of (any number of) particles:
$$\Delta KE' = \Delta KE + \Delta \vec P \cdot \vec v$$So, if the total momentum of the system is conserved (##\Delta \vec P = 0##), then the change in KE is independent of the inertial reference frame.
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Likes zenterix and TSny

FAQ: Kinetic energy in center of mass reference frame

What is kinetic energy in the center of mass reference frame?

Kinetic energy in the center of mass reference frame refers to the kinetic energy of a system of particles as observed from a frame of reference that is moving with the center of mass of the system. In this frame, the total momentum of the system is zero, simplifying the analysis of internal motions and interactions.

How is kinetic energy in the center of mass frame calculated?

The kinetic energy in the center of mass frame is calculated by subtracting the kinetic energy associated with the motion of the center of mass from the total kinetic energy of the system. Mathematically, it is given by \( K_{\text{CM}} = \sum \frac{1}{2} m_i v_i'^2 \), where \( v_i' \) is the velocity of each particle relative to the center of mass.

Why is the center of mass reference frame useful in physics?

The center of mass reference frame is useful because it simplifies the analysis of many physical systems, especially in collisions and interactions. In this frame, the total momentum is zero, making it easier to study the relative motions and internal kinetic energy of the particles involved.

What is the difference between total kinetic energy and kinetic energy in the center of mass frame?

Total kinetic energy is the sum of the kinetic energies of all particles in a system as observed from an inertial reference frame. Kinetic energy in the center of mass frame, on the other hand, is the kinetic energy of the particles as observed from the center of mass frame, excluding the kinetic energy due to the motion of the center of mass itself.

How does the kinetic energy in the center of mass frame change during collisions?

During elastic collisions, the kinetic energy in the center of mass frame remains constant because the total kinetic energy is conserved. In inelastic collisions, some of the kinetic energy in the center of mass frame is converted into other forms of energy, such as heat or deformation, leading to a decrease in the kinetic energy in this frame.
