Kinetic energy in quantum mechanics

In summary, the conversation discussed finding the kinetic energy given psi as a function of x^2 and the potential energy as a function of x. The professor suggested calculating the hamiltonian operator and dividing it by psi to find the kinetic energy, but this goes against the uncertainty principle and the conservation of energy. It is mathematically incorrect to divide by the function that the operator acts on. The correct formula for kinetic energy is p^2/2m, where P is the momentum operator.
  • #1
Ahmad Kishki
Given psi as function of x^2, and the potential energy as function of x, find the kinetic energy.

My reasoning:
KE=P^2/2m and use the momentum operator.

My professor's reasoning:
Calculate the hamiltonian operator and subtract the potential energy then divide by psi.

I talked to my professor about the part where he divided by psi since then kinetic energy will be a function of x which supposedly implies that momentum is a function of x which goes against the uncertainty principle. He didnt give me a statisfactory reply, and i feel that i might be having a concept hole.
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  • #3
bhobba said:
You really need to have a look at Chapter 3 of Ballentine:

What you did is correct - but why - that's the rub.


So it is wrong to divide by psi... Phew life makes so much more sense now... Thank you you recommended Ballentine a couple of times for me now, and i will surely check this "holy grail of QM" :D thank you
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  • #4
bhobba said:
You really need to have a look at Chapter 3 of Ballentine:

What you did is correct - but why - that's the rub.


I went through the book, but its so much above my level, so could you please explain it to me (atleast intuitively)

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  • #5
Ahmad Kishki said:
I went through the book, but its so much above my level, so could you please explain it to me (atleast intuitively)

Basically symmetry considerations mean the energy and momentum operator must be the form it is and a free particle must be as p^2/2m.

  • #6
bhobba said:
Basically symmetry considerations mean the energy and momentum operator must be the form it is and a free particle must be as p^2/2m.

I just need to make sure... Do we have to divide by psi? H(psi)=E(psi) so does E equal H(psi)/psi ?
  • #7
Or even if KE(psi)=KE(psi) so KE=KE(psi)/psi ?
  • #8
Its p^2/2m where P in the momentum operator - you had it correct from the start.

I don't know where this divide by psi comes from.

  • #9
I'm not sure, whether I understand the question you ask right. I guess, you study nonrelativistic quantum mechanics in the position representation, i.e., Schrödinger wave mechanics. For a particle moving in one spatial dimension, the usual Hamilton operator then looks
$$\hat{H}=-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \partial_x^2+V(x),$$
where ##V## is some potential (or 0 for free particles).

Now given a wave function, ##\psi(x)##, representing a state, i.e., a square-integrable function, which can be (by convention to make life easier) normalized to 1,
$$\int_{\mathbb{R}} \mathrm{d} x |\psi(x)|^2=1,$$
it doesn't make too much sense to ask about what the kinetic energy might be. One "translation" of this vague idea, which makes sense, to ask for the expectation value of the kinetic energy. The operator for kinetic energy is the first term in the Hamiltonian, i.e.,
$$\hat{T}=-\frac{\hbar}{2m} \partial_x^2.$$
The expectation value is then given by
$$\langle T \rangle_{\psi} = \int_{\mathbb{R}} \mathrm{d} x \psi^*(x) \hat{T} \psi(x)= \int_{\mathbb{R}} \mathrm{d} x \psi^*(x) \left [-\frac{\hbar}{2m} \partial_x^2 \psi \right ].$$
Nowhere you have to divide by the wave function. Why should one?

Enough of speculation: Do you have a completely formulated question by your professor to answer?
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Likes Ahmad Kishki
  • #10
Ahmad Kishki said:
I talked to my professor about the part where he divided by psi since then kinetic energy will be a function of x which supposedly implies that momentum is a function of x which goes against the uncertainty principle. He didnt give me a statisfactory reply, and i feel that i might be having a concept hole.

Did he divide by psi or the "square" of psi? If the latter, then it is just a normalization, as vanhees71 is writing in post #9. Usually the wave function is normalized in the first step, so that dividing by the "square" of psi is just dividing by one. It is a matter of convention whether to use a normalized or unnormalized state.
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Likes bhobba
  • #11
Hm, but then you have to divide by the integral over the (modulus) squared wave function and not simply through the square...
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Likes atyy and Ahmad Kishki
  • #12

The whole question was about finding the kinetic energy, the two solutions (mine and the professor's differed) i got very confused due to what he did.
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  • #13
The dividing by psi is not valid. What you did is.

  • #14
bhobba said:
The dividing by psi is not valid. What you did is.


I will have to talk to my professor about that, so i have to argue against dividing by psi, but i just can't find the right argument as to why he is wrong. I could say that dividing by psi to find the kinetic energy makes the schrodinger equation meaningless as a statement of the conservation of energy? But i don't know why i feel that the whole question is meaningless when examined under the light of the uncertainty principle - how could one even determine the kinetic energy as a function of x?
  • #15
Or mathematically speaking, you can not remove the function that the operator acts on, and since E and U are operators it is mathematically erroneous to divide by psi as my professor did?
  • #16
Ahmad Kishki said:
Or mathematically speaking, you can not remove the function that the operator acts on, and since E and U are operators it is mathematically erroneous to divide by psi as my professor did?

Of course.

Think about it. You have converted an equation equating vectors to one equating operators. It makes no sense.

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Likes Ahmad Kishki
  • #17
bhobba said:
Of course.

Think about it. You have converted an equation equating vectors to one equating operators. It makes no sense.


Thank you very much.. I hope he is convinced, specially since this was a question in our mid term
  • #18
vanhees71 said:
Hm, but then you have to divide by the integral over the (modulus) squared wave function and not simply through the square...

Yes, I was just sketching what I thought the OP's professor might have been thinking of. I think the OP should write the exact question, otherwise it's hard to know what is being asked.
  • #19
atyy said:
Yes, I was just sketching what I thought the OP's professor might have been thinking of. I think the OP should write the exact question, otherwise it's hard to know what is being asked.

The question was exactly as mentioned in the post, except it had the psi and potential energy as functions. All it asked was to find the kinetic energy in terms of h bar and mass. The function of psi and u was a little bit messy.. I actually have another question now, what does it even mean to calculate the kinetic energy in quantum mechanics?
  • #20
It means p^2/2m where p is the momentum operator applied to the wavefunctions allowable from the Schroedinger equation.


Related to Kinetic energy in quantum mechanics

What is kinetic energy in the context of quantum mechanics?

Kinetic energy in quantum mechanics refers to the energy possessed by a particle due to its motion. It is one of the fundamental principles in quantum mechanics and is described by the Schrödinger equation.

How is kinetic energy calculated in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, the kinetic energy of a particle is calculated using the Hamiltonian operator, which takes into account the momentum and mass of the particle. The Hamiltonian operator is then applied to the wave function of the particle to obtain the kinetic energy.

What is the relationship between kinetic energy and the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics?

The uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics states that the more precisely we know a particle's position, the less precisely we know its momentum, and vice versa. This means that as the uncertainty in position decreases, the uncertainty in momentum (and therefore kinetic energy) increases.

How does kinetic energy play a role in quantum tunneling?

In quantum tunneling, a particle with insufficient energy to overcome a potential barrier can still pass through it due to its wave-like nature. This is possible because of the uncertainty principle, where the particle's kinetic energy and momentum may fluctuate and allow it to tunnel through the barrier.

What are some real-world applications of understanding kinetic energy in quantum mechanics?

Understanding kinetic energy in quantum mechanics has many real-world applications, such as in the development of new materials, designing efficient solar cells, and improving the accuracy of atomic clocks. It also plays a crucial role in quantum computing and nanotechnology.

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