Kinetic energy of a hollow cylinder

In summary, the conversation is about finding the kinetic energy of a uniform solid cylinder with a cylindrical cavity, rolling without slipping on a horizontal plane. The conversation touches on different formulas and variables, such as the moment of inertia and velocity, and also discusses the importance of finding the point of contact with the ground. Ultimately, the solution involves using the parallel axis theorem to calculate the moment of inertia and then plugging it into the formula for kinetic energy.
  • #1
1. Homework Statement

In a uniform solid cylinder of radius r, mass m and height h we emptied a cylindrical cavity of radius r/4 tangent and parallel to the symmetrical axis z of the original cylinder.
The cylinder is rolling without slipping on a horizontal plane. Find the kinetic energy in terms of θ and θ' where θ is the angle between vertical and the line joining the center of the original solid cylinder and the center of the cavity.

Homework Equations

K= 1/2 Icmw²+1/2mvcm²
K=1/2 I w²

The Attempt at a Solution

I found the moment of inertia I=17/32 m r²
and Icm=17/32 m r² - md²
To find d² I found the z component of cdm = h/2

I don't know which formula is easier to use the first one using Icm and vcm or the second one ?
It is rolling without slipping so w and vcm are related...
But I don't know how yo find w, is it w=θ' * r ?
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  • #2
Hello Lilphy, :welcome:

Could you show the steps taken to find ##I = {17\over 32} mr^2##.
I wonder what ##I_{\rm cm} is once you found I. :rolleyes:

And I see variables in your equations and solution attempt that I don't see in the problem statement... d, h,

My side view of the cylinder (which you have drawn for yourself, I should hope) is as folllows:


##\omega## is indeed ##\dot \theta r ## as you expect.
[edit] oh boy! see post #3 o:)

Do you think the mass of the rolling object is ##m## as in the problem statement, or is it ##{15\over 16}m## ?
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  • #3
BvU said:
ω is indeed ##\dot \theta r## as you expect.
I think you mean ##v_{cm}=r\omega=r\dot \theta##
  • #4
BvU said:
Hello Lilphy, :welcome:

Could you show the steps taken to find ##I = {17\over 32} mr^2##.
I wonder what ##I_{\rm cm} is once you found I. :rolleyes:

And I see variables in your equations and solution attempt that I don't see in the problem statement... d, h,

My side view of the cylinder (which you have drawn for yourself, I should hope) is as folllows:

View attachment 94778

##\omega## is indeed ##\dot \theta r ## as you expect.

Do you think the mass of the rolling object is ##m## as in the problem statement, or is it ##{15\over 16}m## ?

thanks for the answer !

H is the height, d is just the variable used in the definition of the theorem of parallel axis.

To find 17/32 m r2, I just calculated the triple integral
I= 2 π ρ h ∫ r3 dr for r from a/4 to a.
And replacing for ρ=M/(πhr2 15/16). But my M is false so ρ should be=m/(πhr2). So I would be now = 255 r2/512.

But i am not sure this is the good answer because the cylinder is not emptied in the center, so i don't know if this result holds.

To find the distance d to determine Icm, I don't know if it is correct but I calculated the z coordinate of the center of mass and found h/2 so d=h/2. coordinatez= ρ/M 2π ∫∫ zr dr dz r from a/4 to a and z from 0 to h. Then replaced M by ρ*h*π*r2 15/16.
  • #5
lilphy said:
thanks for the answer !

H is the height, d is just the variable used in the definition of the theorem of parallel axis.

To find 17/32 m r2, I just calculated the triple integral
I= 2 π ρ h ∫ r3 dr for r from a/4 to a.
And replacing for ρ=M/(πhr2 15/16). But my M is false so ρ should be=m/(πhr2). So I would be now = 255 r2/512.

But i am not sure this is the good answer because the cylinder is not emptied in the center, so i don't know if this result holds.

To find the distance d to determine Icm, I don't know if it is correct but I calculated the z coordinate of the center of mass and found h/2 so d=h/2.
You don't need to any integration for this problem, just apply standard results.
I would not bother finding the common mass centre. Just treat the motion as rotation about the rolling point, so find the moments of inertia about that point.
  • #6
haruspex said:
You don't need to any integration for this problem, just apply standard results.
I would not bother finding the common mass centre. Just treat the motion as rotation about the rolling point, so find the moments of inertia about that point.
I am not sure I understand what you mean by rolling point ?
So I just have to calculate E=1/2 I w2 with w=θ'
And the moment of inertia would be the moment of inertia of a solid cylinder but with the 15/16 of the mass ?
  • #7
lilphy said:
I am not sure I understand what you mean by rolling point ?
I mean about the point of contact with the ground.
lilphy said:
And the moment of inertia would be the moment of inertia of a solid cylinder but with the 15/16 of the mass ?
No, I didn't say that.
Treat the hollow as a negative mass cylinder, same density, combined with a normal complete cylinder.
Each has a moment of inertia about the point of contact with the ground, and you can find these using standard formulae.
  • #8
haruspex said:
I mean about the point of contact with the ground.

No, I didn't say that.
Treat the hollow as a negative mass cylinder, same density, combined with a normal complete cylinder.
Each has a moment of inertia about the point of contact with the ground, and you can find these using standard formulae.
For the solid cylinder K=1/2(1/2Mr2θ'2)
I think that for the hollow cylinder there will be a dependence in θ, but in the sketch of bvu, the center of the solid cylinder and of the cavity are aligned with the vertical, so i don't "see" what theta represents ?
Thank you !
Edit: Now i know what theta is i forgot that the cylinder is rolling
  • #9
lilphy said:
For the solid cylinder K=1/2(1/2Mr2θ'2)
No, you need the moment of inertia about the point of contact with the ground.
  • #10
haruspex said:
No, you need the moment of inertia about the point of contact with the ground.
Right, so I have to use parallel axis theorem.
I=1/2Mr2+Mr2 = 3/2 M r2 ?
  • #11
and for the hollow it would be
I=1/2m(r/4)2+mr/4sinθ with m=-ρlπr2/16 ?
  • #12
lilphy said:
Right, so I have to use parallel axis theorem.
I=1/2Mr2+Mr2 = 3/2 M r2 ?
Where M is the mass of the completed cylinder, yes.
lilphy said:
and for the hollow it would be
...+mr/4sinθ ... ?
A few problems with that term. How far is the centre of the cavity from the point of contact?
(It's not clear from the problem statement whether theta is measured from the upper radius or the lower radius. I.e. at theta=0, is the cavity above or below the middle of the cylinder?)
  • #13
haruspex said:
Where M is the mass of the completed cylinder, yes.

A few problems with that term. How far is the centre of the cavity from the point of contact?
(It's not clear from the problem statement whether theta is measured from the upper radius or the lower radius. I.e. at theta=0, is the cavity above or below the middle of the cylinder?)
The centre of the cavity using cos law is at a distance of sqrt(5r2/4 -r2/2 cosθ)
So I=m/2 (r/4)^2+ msqrt(5r2/4 -r2/2 cosθ)

Then the total inertia moment at the point of contact is the sum of both.
And K=1/2 Itotθ'2
  • #14
lilphy said:
The centre of the cavity using cos law is at a distance of sqrt(5r2/4 -r2/2 cosθ)
That's not what I get. Please show your working.
  • #15
haruspex said:
That's not what I get. Please show your working.
Oups I made an error in calculating the distance.
It is sqrt(15r2/16-r2/2 cosθ)
  • #16
lilphy said:
Oups I made an error in calculating the distance.
It is sqrt(15r2/16-r2/2 cosθ)
That's nearer to what I get, but still two differences.
Please clarify whether you are measuring theta from the radius that goes up from the centre or from the radius that goes down from the centr.
  • #17
haruspex said:
That's nearer to what I get, but still two differences.
Please clarify whether you are measuring theta from the radius that goes up from the centre or from the radius that goes down from the centr.
This is an approximate sketch of the situation and how i calculate the distance. C is the contact point.
BD= r/4 sinθ
So BC=sqrt( (AC-AD)^2+BD^2 ) = sqrt( (r-r/4cosθ)^2 + (r/4 sinθ)^2 ) = sqrt( r2-2r2/4 cosθ + (r/4)2) = sqrt( 17r2/16 -r2/2 cosθ)
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  • #18
lilphy said:
This is an approximate sketch of the situation and how i calculate the distance. C is the contact point.
BD= r/4 sinθ
So BC=sqrt( (AC-AD)^2+BD^2 ) = sqrt( (r-r/4cosθ)^2 + (r/4 sinθ)^2 ) = sqrt( r2-2r2/4 cosθ + (r/4)2) = sqrt( 17r2/16 -r2/2 cosθ)
Good, you got 17/16 this time, which is what I have. The other difference was because I was measuring theta from the upper vertical radius, whereas you show it from the lower.
On to the next step.
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  • #19
haruspex said:
Good, you got 17/16 this time, which is what I have. The other difference was because I was measuring theta from the upper vertical radius, whereas you show it from the lower.
On to the next step.
The total moment of inertia at the contact point is Itot= 3/2Mr2+mr2/32+17mr2/16-mr2/2 cosθ = 3/2Mr2+35mr2/32-mr2/2cosθ
Is my Itot correct ?
  • #20
lilphy said:
Is my Itot correct ?
I think that's right. Of course, you can combine the first two terms.
  • #21
And so the kinetic energy at the contact point is just K=1/2 Itot w^2
With w=θ' ?
  • #22
Yes, that's the total KE of the cylinder. I'm not sure what you mean by "at the contact point".
  • #23
TSny said:
Yes, that's the total KE of the cylinder. I'm not sure what you mean by "at the contact point".
Oh right, it is of course the moment of inertia at the contact point but it is the kinetic energy of the cylinder..
Thanks for your answer :redface:
And thanks to haruspex for his help :bow:

Related to Kinetic energy of a hollow cylinder

1. What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. It is a scalar quantity and is dependent on an object's mass and velocity.

2. How is kinetic energy calculated for a hollow cylinder?

The kinetic energy of a hollow cylinder can be calculated using the formula: KE = 1/2 * I * ω^2, where I is the moment of inertia and ω is the angular velocity of the cylinder.

3. What is the moment of inertia for a hollow cylinder?

The moment of inertia for a hollow cylinder is determined by its mass, radius, and shape. It can be calculated using the formula: I = 1/2 * m * r^2, where m is the mass of the cylinder and r is the radius.

4. How does the kinetic energy of a hollow cylinder change with its mass and velocity?

The kinetic energy of a hollow cylinder is directly proportional to its mass and the square of its velocity. This means that an increase in either mass or velocity will result in a higher kinetic energy.

5. What are some real-life examples of kinetic energy of a hollow cylinder?

Some real-life examples of kinetic energy of a hollow cylinder include a spinning top, a rolling tire, and a spinning turbine. In each of these examples, the kinetic energy is due to the rotational motion of the hollow cylinder.

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