Kinetic Theory of Gases: Momentum Change & Force

In summary: The average value of that force is of interest, so the average value of that time is used. In summary, the kinetic theory of gas states that the force on a wall is equal to the change in momentum divided by the average time taken for a particle to travel from one side of a cube container to the other and back. However, in most cases, the time used in this equation should be the collision time, not the time taken for the particle to travel back and forth. This is because the formula is calculating the average force over time, not the force at a specific instance.
  • #1
The kinetic theory of gas state that p=(1/3)(N)(m)(u^2)/(V).
In one step of its derivative related to change of momentum and force given to the wall (Refer to Cubic Container and molecule movement in x,y,z axes in attachment), the equation is given by:

change in momentum / time = force
delta(p) / (2L/u) = F
2mc / (2L/u) = F
(m)(u^2) / (L) = F

*L= length of cube
m = mass of one molecule
u = velocity of one molecule in x axis

This equation assume that "time" means [time taken for the molecule to move from one side of cube to the other side and back to the first side (2L= distance traveled)] divided by [velocity of molecule = u].

I think this is a wrong assumptions. Time for rate of momentum change actually means the time in which the force take to change the momentum of a particle. This means time in the above equations should be [time when force by wall change the momentum of particle, in other words the collision time] not [time taken to move from one side to another side].

Someone please do explain this. Thank you.

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  • #2

The total force on the wall is the rate of change of momentum of all the particles taken together. That rate will depend on the frequency each particle strikes the wall, on average, and that depends on the time to travel 2L.
  • #3

But, in usual cases, such as calculating forces given by an object to a wall, the time used is time taken in collision, not time taken for the object to move from a point to that wall and back to that point again. Why it doesn't apply here?

Refer to formula: delta p / delta t = F
delta t is collision time. This formula is also used in kinetic theory of gases.
  • #4

Because what is being calculated is the average force over time. If you could look at a perfectly detailed graph of force v time you'd see it made up of gazillions of separate tiny pulses, but that's not of interest.
  • #5

I would like to clarify that the equation presented in the content is correct. The time in the equation refers to the time taken for the molecule to move from one side of the cube to the other side and back, which is the time it takes for the molecule to complete one full cycle of motion. This is because in the kinetic theory of gases, molecules are assumed to follow a random motion and collide with each other and the walls of the container.

The equation is derived from the concept of conservation of momentum, which states that the total momentum of a system remains constant unless acted upon by an external force. In this case, the force acting on the molecule is the force exerted by the wall during a collision. The time taken for this collision is the time used in the equation.

I understand the confusion regarding the use of the term "time" in this context, but it is important to note that the equation is derived and used in the context of kinetic theory of gases, where molecules are assumed to have random motion and collisions. This is a simplified model and may not accurately represent the motion of individual molecules, but it provides a good understanding of the behavior of gases at a macroscopic level.

I hope this explanation helps in understanding the concept better. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

FAQ: Kinetic Theory of Gases: Momentum Change & Force

What is the Kinetic Theory of Gases?

The Kinetic Theory of Gases is a scientific theory that explains the behavior and properties of gases at a molecular level. It states that gases are made up of tiny particles that are in constant motion and that the pressure of a gas is a result of the collisions between these particles and the walls of the container.

What is momentum change in the context of the Kinetic Theory of Gases?

In the Kinetic Theory of Gases, momentum change refers to the change in the velocity of gas particles as a result of collisions with each other or with the walls of the container. This change in momentum is what causes the pressure of the gas.

How does force play a role in the Kinetic Theory of Gases?

Force is a fundamental concept in the Kinetic Theory of Gases as it is the driving factor behind the motion and collisions of gas particles. The force of the collisions between particles and the walls of the container is what creates the pressure of the gas.

What factors affect the momentum change and force in the Kinetic Theory of Gases?

The momentum change and force in the Kinetic Theory of Gases are affected by several factors, including the mass of the gas particles, the speed of the particles, and the temperature and volume of the gas. These factors can impact the frequency and intensity of collisions, thus influencing the pressure of the gas.

How is the Kinetic Theory of Gases applied in real-world situations?

The Kinetic Theory of Gases has numerous practical applications, including in the fields of thermodynamics, meteorology, and engineering. It is used to understand and predict the behavior of gases in various environments, such as in the design of engines, the study of atmospheric conditions, and the production of industrial gases.
