Kinetics, Complex Reactions, Approximations

In summary: Or alternatively, if you could recommend some resources that would teach kinetics specifically, that would be great too. In summary, I need some help understanding this point in my syllabus.
  • #1
I wasn't sure where to ask this question as I don't know where else to make requests like this, so I thought I would go here. Please feel free to move it to a more appropriate forum if there is one.

My syllabus states the following point:


Analysis of complex reactions using steady-state and quasi-equilibrium approximations, mechanisms of catalytic reactions, determination of reaction order and activation energy for complex reactions

The main point of emphasis are the steady-state and quasi-equilibrium approximations, using mechanisms of complex and catalytic reactions (deducing these from rate data and equations, and deducing rate data, equations and energy diagram shapes for these), and drawing reaction energy diagrams for complex reactions and determining data from that such as activation energies, enthalpies and reaction order (reaction order must also be possible to deduce from the reactions alone, including using approximations to find overall rate equations given just the reactions for each step of your complex reaction). Up to three reactions occurring in tandem (or 3 steps in your complex reaction) may be required, with any or all being equilibria and with some species in multiple reactions.


Does anyone know any online resources where I could learn the theory behind this and perhaps take on some nice, applied problems regarding this material? Or even if I will find this all in detail in an advanced undergraduate physical chemistry textbook (e.g. Physical Chemistry by McQuarrie and Simons')?
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  • #2
Big-Daddy said:
I wasn't sure where to ask this question as I don't know where else to make requests like this, so I thought I would go here. Please feel free to move it to a more appropriate forum if there is one.

My syllabus states the following point:


Analysis of complex reactions using steady-state and quasi-equilibrium approximations, mechanisms of catalytic reactions, determination of reaction order and activation energy for complex reactions

The main point of emphasis are the steady-state and quasi-equilibrium approximations, using mechanisms of complex and catalytic reactions (deducing these from rate data and equations, and deducing rate data, equations and energy diagram shapes for these), and drawing reaction energy diagrams for complex reactions and determining data from that such as activation energies, enthalpies and reaction order (reaction order must also be possible to deduce from the reactions alone, including using approximations to find overall rate equations given just the reactions for each step of your complex reaction). Up to three reactions occurring in tandem (or 3 steps in your complex reaction) may be required, with any or all being equilibria and with some species in multiple reactions.


Does anyone know any online resources where I could learn the theory behind this and perhaps take on some nice, applied problems regarding this material? Or even if I will find this all in detail in an advanced undergraduate physical chemistry textbook (e.g. Physical Chemistry by McQuarrie and Simons')?

Having met you on a thread I would say that an advanced undergraduate physical chemistry textbook is exactly what you need! :biggrin:

Note that kinetics, IMO anyway, is hardly a specialist subject in itself, it is just an important part of the mental baggage and standard approaches of people exploring chemical and biochemical mechanism. When you have absorbed the material from a physical chemistry book (in which kinetics is by no means the most difficult part) it will be time to ask again about any more advanced resources.
  • #3
epenguin said:
Having met you on a thread I would say that an advanced undergraduate physical chemistry textbook is exactly what you need! :biggrin:

Note that kinetics, IMO anyway, is hardly a specialist subject in itself, it is just an important part of the mental baggage and standard approaches of people exploring chemical and biochemical mechanism. When you have absorbed the material from a physical chemistry book (in which kinetics is by no means the most difficult part) it will be time to ask again about any more advanced resources.

OK - do you have a book to recommend which would cover the details I listed above (whilst still remaining general and broad to physical chemistry at the advanced undergrad level)?

FAQ: Kinetics, Complex Reactions, Approximations

What is kinetics?

Kinetics is the study of how fast chemical reactions occur and the factors that affect their rates, such as temperature, concentration, and catalysts.

What are complex reactions?

Complex reactions are chemical reactions that involve multiple steps and intermediate products before reaching the final desired product. They often have a more complicated reaction mechanism and require more sophisticated methods to study and analyze.

What is the purpose of approximations in kinetics?

Approximations in kinetics are used to simplify complex reaction mechanisms and make them more manageable to study. They involve assuming certain conditions or reactions are insignificant, allowing for simpler equations and calculations.

What is the difference between rate law and rate constant?

Rate law is the mathematical equation that describes the relationship between the rate of a reaction and the concentrations of the reactants. The rate constant, on the other hand, is a proportionality constant that relates the rate of a reaction to the concentration of the reactants at a specific temperature.

What are some methods used to determine reaction mechanisms?

Some methods used to determine reaction mechanisms include experimental techniques such as monitoring the rate of reaction under different conditions, as well as computational methods such as molecular dynamics simulations. Additionally, spectroscopic techniques and isotopic labeling can also provide valuable information about reaction mechanisms.

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