Kleppner Kolenkow 2.34 (mass whirling around on a string)

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a mass attached to a string that is revolving around a ring. The goal is to find the angular velocity and string tension as the string is pulled with constant velocity. After deriving the equations using Newton's laws, an issue arises where the angular velocity and string tension become unbounded as the distance between the mass and the center decreases. This is explained by conservation of angular momentum, where pulling the string closer to the center results in a decrease in moment of inertia and an increase in angular velocity. The conversation also touches on the concept of tangential acceleration and the importance of using the correct equations.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A mass m whirls around on a string which passes through a ring. Neglect gravity. Initially, the mass is distance ##r_0## from the center and is revolving at angular velocity ##\omega_0##. The string is pulled with constant velocity ##V## starting at ##t=0## so that the radial distance to the mass decreases. Find ##\omega(t)## and string tension applied to the mass.

Hint: ##Vt = \frac{r_0}{2}## implies ##\omega = 4\omega_0##

Homework Equations

Newton equations of movment in tangential and radial directions.

The Attempt at a Solution

Firstly, because of the junction between the mass and the string, I find that the radial speed of the mass is ##\dot{r}(t) = -V##. Therefore, the radial distance should be [itex] r(t) = r_0 - Vt [/itex] for ## 0\le t \le \frac{r_0}{V}##, and 0 for any later time.
Then, using Newton's second law in tangential direction, I get that [itex] a_{\theta}=0 [/itex] at any time, and therefore
[itex] \frac{\dot{\omega}}{\omega} = \frac{2V}{r_0-Vt} [/itex].
This can be rewritten
[itex] \frac{d}{dt}(ln(\omega) ) = -2 \frac{d}{dt}(ln(r_0-Vt)) [/itex] ,
which gives
[itex] \omega(t) = \omega_0 {(\frac{r_0}{r_0-Vt})}^2 [/itex].
Finally, computing this result into the equation of movement for radial direction gives me that the tension in the string is :
[itex] T(t) = \frac{m\omega_0^2r_0^4}{{(r_0-Vt)}^3} [/itex]

4. Question
Even though it works for the hint, there is something very wrong with my proof because angular velocity and string tension are unbounded as ## r(t) \rightarrow 0 ##. It doesn't make sense to me. Thanks for taking the time.
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  • #2
What's your objection to your result beyond "not making sense?"
  • #3
Hi, thanks for replying.
It seems unlikely to me that angular speed and string tension tend to infinity as ##r(t) \rightarrow 0##. That's why I think I'm wrong, very wrong :-)
  • #4
Angular momentum is conserved --- if your "ice skater" is not just anorexic but achieved the physique of a stick figure, and pulls stick arms into the point that they're parallel and co-located with the stick body, r in I = mr2, the angular moment of inertia, goes to zero, I goes to zero, and angular momentum = I x omega pretty much demands an infinite rotational speed.
  • #5
I don't know what is momentum yet, I'm a beginner in physics
  • #6
Have you had to watch the Olympic figure skating to keep other people in the house happy enough to let you watch the hockey?
  • #7
Huh, yes maybe. I've not been watching TV lately. What do you mean?
  • #8
When ice skaters go into a spin for a big finish, they pull their arms in along their rotational axis, and the spin rate increases quite dramatically. Conservation of angular momentum. If you've got a young enough physics prof/instructor, he/she'll stand on a rotating turntable and do the same thing as a demonstration.
  • #9
By dramatically, you mean infinitly ?
  • #10
They never get to the zero radius for their angular moments of inertia, so, "no."
  • #11
So what you say is that it'll be clear when I'll study angular momentum ? The resulat seems correct to you then ?
  • #12
It looks great --- you dun good.
  • #13
Thank you for your explanations and for giving some of your time.
  • #14
Hey, hopefully someone sees this. I had the same problem for a homework problem and I got the answer wrong. In the solutions, my instructor says the following.

Since there is no tangential acceleration therefore we have:
$$\dot{r}\omega +2r\dot{\omega}=0$$

And then proceeds to OP's correct answer. I don't understand where the two comes from? I did:
$$v_t =\omega r$$
$$\frac{d v_t}{dt} = \frac{d}{dt}(\omega r)=\dot{r}\omega +r\dot{\omega}=0$$

What did I do wrong?
  • #15
johnnyhgrace said:
Hey, hopefully someone sees this. I had the same problem for a homework problem and I got the answer wrong. In the solutions, my instructor says the following.

Since there is no tangential acceleration therefore we have:
$$\dot{r}\omega +2r\dot{\omega}=0$$

And then proceeds to OP's correct answer. I don't understand where the two comes from? I did:
$$v_t =\omega r$$
$$\frac{d v_t}{dt} = \frac{d}{dt}(\omega r)=\dot{r}\omega +r\dot{\omega}=0$$

What did I do wrong?
Derive the general expression for the acceleration starting with $$\mathbf{a}=\frac{d^2\mathbf{r}}{dt^2}=\frac{d^2(r\mathbf{\hat r})}{dt^2}$$and apply it to the specific problem that you have. If you still need help, please start a new thread. Recycling old threads is frowned upon.
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  • #16

FAQ: Kleppner Kolenkow 2.34 (mass whirling around on a string)

1. What is the concept behind Kleppner Kolenkow 2.34 (mass whirling around on a string)?

The concept behind Kleppner Kolenkow 2.34 is a simple pendulum system, where a mass is attached to a string and is allowed to swing back and forth under the influence of gravity. The mass is whirled around in a circle, creating a circular motion that is affected by the tension in the string and the gravitational force.

2. How is the tension in the string related to the mass and velocity in Kleppner Kolenkow 2.34?

The tension in the string is directly related to the mass and velocity of the system. As the mass increases, the tension in the string also increases. Similarly, as the velocity increases, the tension in the string also increases. This relationship is described by the equation T = mv^2/r, where T is the tension, m is the mass, v is the velocity, and r is the radius of the circular motion.

3. How does the radius of the circular motion affect the period of the system in Kleppner Kolenkow 2.34?

The radius of the circular motion has a significant impact on the period of the system. As the radius increases, the period also increases. This is because a larger radius means the mass has to travel a longer distance in each revolution, resulting in a longer period. The relationship between the radius and the period is described by the equation T = 2π√(r/g), where T is the period, r is the radius, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

4. What are the different factors that can affect the motion of the mass in Kleppner Kolenkow 2.34?

There are several factors that can affect the motion of the mass in Kleppner Kolenkow 2.34. These include the length of the string, the angle at which the string is released, the initial velocity of the mass, and any external forces acting on the system. Additionally, the mass and gravitational force also play a role in determining the motion of the mass in this system.

5. What are some real-life applications of Kleppner Kolenkow 2.34 (mass whirling around on a string)?

Kleppner Kolenkow 2.34 can be seen in various real-life applications, such as amusement park rides, pendulum clocks, and even in sports like figure skating and gymnastics. It is also used in physics experiments to demonstrate the relationship between tension, mass, and velocity. In addition, this concept is used in engineering to design and analyze systems that involve circular motion, such as roller coasters and carousels.
