Know of an open source Boltzmann solver for photon transport?

In summary, the conversation revolved around the search for open source Boltzmann solvers for photon/neutron transport simulations in reactors. The speaker was specifically interested in Boltzmann solvers and not Monte Carlo based calculations. They mentioned their intention to adapt the software for radiotherapy simulation applications and requested information on any open source projects. Some potential options that were suggested included the OpenMOC project, the OpenMC project, and the Serpent project. The speaker also noted that the Serpent project has restrictions on commercial use.
  • #1
Many groups have created Boltzmann solvers for photon/neutron transport simulations of reactors over the years - but has anyone released their code? I am specifically interested in Boltzmann solvers, not Monte Carlo based calculations. If you know of any open source projects, please let me know.

Of course if you know of a group with software that is not officially open source (but also not commercially locked), then we may instead be able to come up with some other agreement, so don't hesitate to point me in their direction.
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  • #2
One note to add:

My intentions are to adapt the software for radiotherapy simulation applications using photon and electron cross section databases, so I will not be competing in the field of nuclear physics/engineering.
  • #3

As a fellow user interested in Boltzmann solvers for photon/neutron transport simulations, I have also been searching for open source projects. So far, I have come across a few options that might be of interest to you.

Firstly, there is the OpenMOC project (, which is an open source implementation of the Method of Characteristics (MOC) for neutron transport simulations. It is actively maintained by a team at MIT and has been used in various research projects.

Another option is the OpenMC project (, which is an open source Monte Carlo particle transport code. While it is not a Boltzmann solver specifically, it does have capabilities for neutron transport simulations and is actively developed by a team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Lastly, there is the Serpent project (, which is a general purpose Monte Carlo particle transport code. It has been used for photon/neutron transport simulations in reactor applications and is open source, but with some restrictions on commercial use.

I hope this helps in your search for open source Boltzmann solvers. Good luck!

FAQ: Know of an open source Boltzmann solver for photon transport?

1. What is a Boltzmann solver for photon transport?

A Boltzmann solver for photon transport is a computational tool used in the field of radiative transfer to solve the Boltzmann equation, which describes the transport of photons through a medium. It takes into account factors such as scattering, absorption, and emission of photons to model the behavior of light in various materials or environments.

2. Why is an open source Boltzmann solver for photon transport important?

An open source Boltzmann solver for photon transport allows for transparency and reproducibility in scientific research, as well as fostering collaboration and innovation within the scientific community. It also provides a cost-effective option for researchers and students who may not have access to expensive proprietary software.

3. What are some common applications of Boltzmann solvers for photon transport?

Boltzmann solvers for photon transport have a wide range of applications, including in astrophysics, atmospheric science, medical imaging, and materials science. They are used to study the behavior of light in various environments, such as the Earth's atmosphere, the interiors of stars, or the human body.

4. Are there any limitations to using open source Boltzmann solvers for photon transport?

Like any software, open source Boltzmann solvers for photon transport may have limitations in terms of computational speed, accuracy, or user-friendliness. However, these limitations can often be addressed through updates and improvements made by the open source community.

5. How can I find and use an open source Boltzmann solver for photon transport?

There are a variety of open source Boltzmann solvers for photon transport available, and they can typically be found through online repositories or through scientific organizations and communities. To use one, you will need to have some understanding of coding and the specific software's requirements, as well as access to relevant data and inputs for the simulation.

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