Knowledge needed for the University

In summary, the conversation discusses the options for studying aerospace engineering in universities in the United States and the United Kingdom. The person recommending Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University due to their impressive program and faculty, as well as their accelerated masters program. Other top universities mentioned include the University of Michigan, MIT, University of Liverpool, Rutgers University, Stanford University, Purdue University, University of Bristol, Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering, and California Institute of Technology. The person also mentions their own experience at UT Austin and recommends adding Georgia Tech to the list. It is advised to have a strong foundation in math and physics before starting the program. The person asks about the individual's specific interests in aerospace engineering.
  • #1
I want to study aerospace engineering in an university of the United States of America, or in the United Kingdom.

I have been thinking about the University of Michigan, The MIT, The University of Liverpool, The Rutgers University, The Stanford University, The Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, The Purdue University, The University of Bristol, The Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering, or the California Institute of Technology.

Which do you recommend me?What knowledge I need to have before I entry in an University of this kind?

My native language is Spanish
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  • #2
I'm biased and would recommend Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University mainly because I am so impressed at the program here (and I'm a student). The professors here are amazing and apply a physical situation to every concept they run by you. They do very interesting research here with a multitude of companies and offer excellent clubs for any - if not all - of your engineering tastes. You only need to have a love of math and physics to get in here. I would recommend a GPA of above 3.0 (which is what I had). Honestly, its not that difficult to get in...but the course is tough and only the committed make it out.

Again I'm impressed of what I have seen here so far and I intend to do my masters here. (They have an accelerated masters program - which means if you start as a complete freshman, you have your BS in AE and an MS in AE in 5 years, of which I intend to do.) The professors are so helpful and provide, so many tools to use such as tutoring all week long.

Just make sure this is something you really want to do.

In the end its your choice but Embry-Riddle is worth looking into. Here is their site

Hablas espanol? Entonces, me gustaria verte aqui un dia!

  • #3
djeitnstine said:
I'm biased and would recommend Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University mainly because I am so impressed at the program here (and I'm a student). The professors here are amazing and apply a physical situation to every concept they run by you. They do very interesting research here with a multitude of companies and offer excellent clubs for any - if not all - of your engineering tastes. You only need to have a love of math and physics to get in here. I would recommend a GPA of above 3.0 (which is what I had). Honestly, its not that difficult to get in...but the course is tough and only the committed make it out.

Again I'm impressed of what I have seen here so far and I intend to do my masters here. (They have an accelerated masters program - which means if you start as a complete freshman, you have your BS in AE and an MS in AE in 5 years, of which I intend to do.) The professors are so helpful and provide, so many tools to use such as tutoring all week long.

Just make sure this is something you really want to do.

In the end its your choice but Embry-Riddle is worth looking into. Here is their site

Hablas espanol? Entonces, me gustaria verte aqui un dia!


Which campus?
  • #4
Daytona Beach
  • #5
Are these schools that you have already gotten into? Or just a Christmas wish list, hah.Anyways, I'm currently doing my Aerospace Engineering degree at UT Austin, another one of the top 10 aerospace schools. I'd also add Georgia Tech to your list if your focus in on Aerospace engineering.There's really nothing much you can do before school except to just have a general interest in aerospace engineering, a firm/solid foundations in physics and math, as they are critical to Aerospace engineering and well, practically every other engineering majors out there.What specifically are you interested in for aerospace? Space route, atmospheric route..?

Related to Knowledge needed for the University

What knowledge is needed for the University?

The specific knowledge needed for university will depend on your chosen field of study. However, in general, universities require a strong foundation in subjects such as English, math, science, and social studies. Additionally, critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills are important for success at the university level.

Do I need to have a certain grade point average to be accepted into a university?

Each university will have their own requirements for admission, including a minimum GPA. It is important to research the specific requirements for the universities you are interested in applying to. Keep in mind that a strong GPA can improve your chances of being accepted into a university.

Is it necessary to have prior knowledge in a specific subject to study it at the university level?

In most cases, universities do not require prior knowledge in a specific subject. However, it is important to have a strong foundation in the subject and a willingness to learn and improve. Some universities may offer introductory courses for students who are new to a subject.

How can I prepare for the knowledge needed at the university?

To prepare for the knowledge needed at the university, it is important to focus on developing strong study habits, critical thinking skills, and time management skills. Additionally, taking challenging courses in high school and actively seeking out opportunities to learn and grow can also help prepare you for university-level studies.

What resources are available to help me acquire the necessary knowledge for university?

Universities often have resources such as tutoring services, study groups, and writing centers to help students acquire the necessary knowledge for their studies. Additionally, there are many online resources and educational platforms available for self-study and skill development. It is also beneficial to reach out to professors and peers for guidance and support.

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