KP Theory Bandstructure Calculations

In summary: It would make sense that if the band gap gets too large then the Luttinger parameters would need to be adjusted in order to keep the energy levels intact.In summary, the article mentions that the KP parameters are a function of crystal size, and that this is a drawback to KP Theory approaches.
  • #1

I was wondering if anybody has any experience doing these calculations? I understand the basic concepts ( eg. k is considered far away from the BZ edge and thus is small and that the Bloch function is the linear combination of the individual Bloch functions at k=0 ). Also, the inner products are done over the primative unit cell. These individual band Bloch functions are constructed by a basis of S and P orbitals.

My question is how do we take into account he geometry of the system. Since the Hamiltonian matrix elements are taken just over the primative unit cell how do we figure in the size effects for quantum dot calculations ? Thanks.


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  • #2
Remember that in a quantum well, the individual bands are separated due the confinement, i.e., the degeneracy of the heavy-hole, light-hole and spin-orbit bands is removed so we have non-degenerate energy levels. I have to think about how the system is changed when we get higher levels of confinement as in a quantum-dot. Look at Chuang's book, Physics of Optoelectronic Devices, the first couple of chapters will help. Also Bastard's book, Wave Mechanincs Applied to Semiconductor Heterostructures will also be of use although it is advanced.

One thing you'll have to remember, in calculating the wave functions for a quantum well, the effective mass is not constant, and you have to match wave functions at the boundaries. Thus making the calculation more difficult. Madarsz and Szmulowiscz did some really fine work back in the late 80's to mid 90's on graded well structures which can give you an idea where to go. I'm sure that there has been a lot of work done lately on this subject.

I'll have to do some poking around.
  • #3
I've never thought about this before, but nevertheless, here's my preliminary thought on this.

In a 2DEG (quantum well), the square well confining potential V(z), gives rise to corresponding wavefunctions along z. This seems to be a not-at-all terrible approximation. The x- and y- terms in the wavefunction are still Bloch states. In a quantum wire, you have Bloch states along only x. And in a quantum dot, the wavefunction looks nothing like a Bloch state in any direction. I would imagine it looked more like the particle in a (finite) box states.

So based on that, it would seem to me that you can't use the k.p approximation* for quantum dots.

PS : Shamefully, I may be completely out of the ballpark here. Please let me know if I am.

* Edit : I'm only aware of the k.p approximation in the context you've described above, ie: when dealing with Bloch states. This would imply that you are using the boundary conditions that give rise to the Bloch states (ie: Born von Karman). It's possible to have other forms of the wavefunction where you end up with a k.p term in the SE. My conclusion doesn't apply to any such case.
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  • #4

This stuff is very new to me also (never heard of KP THeory until 3 weeks ago). Nontheless, my area of study is Computational Materials Science so I should have some familiarity with the semi-empirical methods of band structure calculations. My group has just done DFT calculations to study the atomic structure of quantum dots, but unfortunatley DFT predicts band gaps that are larger than experimentally measured. Predicting the stable atomic structure is just one step in nanostructure design. Bandstructure properties also need to be determined for those stable structures. Thanks.

Best Regards

  • #5[/URL]

This article may shed a little light on the subject.
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  • #6

Thanks Dr Transport, but that article isn't strictly an article on KP Theory. It's more about an alternative to KP Theory approaches to bandstructure calcs. However, this article does mention that the KP parameters are a function of crystal size and this being a a big drawback to KP Theory approaches. I wonder if there is a correlation between the parameters and the particle size of the quantum dot. Thanks


  • #7
I remember adjusting the Luttinger parameters in my [tex] \vec{k} \cdot \vec{p} [/tex] calculation if that is what you mean by adjusting the parameters, but the adjustment wasn't dependent on the crystal size but the direct band gap of the material.

FAQ: KP Theory Bandstructure Calculations

1. What is KP Theory and how is it used in bandstructure calculations?

KP Theory is a theoretical framework used to model the electronic bandstructure of semiconductors and other materials. It uses a combination of quantum mechanics and solid-state physics to calculate the energy levels and wavefunctions of electrons in a material.

2. What are the key assumptions of KP Theory?

The main assumptions of KP Theory include the effective mass approximation, which assumes that the electrons behave as free particles with an effective mass, and the parabolic band approximation, which assumes that the energy bands are parabolic near the band edges.

3. How do you perform a bandstructure calculation using KP Theory?

To perform a bandstructure calculation using KP Theory, you first need to define the material properties, such as the crystal structure and lattice constants. Then, you use the Schrödinger equation and the Hamiltonian operator to calculate the energy levels and wavefunctions of the electrons in the material.

4. What is the significance of bandstructure calculations in materials science?

Bandstructure calculations are important in materials science because they provide valuable information about the electronic properties of materials, such as the bandgap, effective mass, and density of states. This information is essential for understanding the behavior and potential applications of a material.

5. What are the limitations of KP Theory in bandstructure calculations?

While KP Theory is a powerful tool for predicting the electronic properties of materials, it does have some limitations. For example, it may not accurately capture the effects of electron-electron interactions or the influence of defects and impurities in the material. Additionally, it is limited to materials with simple crystal structures and may not be applicable to more complex systems.

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