Kramer Kronigs applicable in what situations

  • Thread starter singhvi
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In summary, the Kramers-Kronig relations are valid when the material response (say, the induced field D generated in response to an applied field E) *here and now* depends only on the values of the applied field that occurred in the past. This information can be regained through the use of Kramers-Kronig analysis.
  • #1
Hi guys
I was going through some papers where Kramers Kronigs relations are used and I noticed that they are used to related

1. Real and imaginary part of permittivity
2. Real and imaginary part of refractive index
3. Phase and log of amplitude of a response function (in optics, reflection and transmission) or in other words, real and imaginary part of log of response function

I cannot connect how these situations are similar such that the relations are applicable. In a given scenario how can one judge whether the Kramers Kronig relations are applicable and on exactly which 2 parts of the particular response/property.

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  • #2
The Kramers-Kronig relations are not much more than Hilbert transforms:

Physically, use of the Kramers Kronig relations are valid when the material response (say, the induced field D generated in response to an applied field E) *here and now* depends only on the values of the applied field that occurred in the past (or if you like, restricted to a time-like interval such that causality is obeyed).
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  • #3
To expand on Andy's answer with a specific example, measuring a response with spectroscopy:

Experimentally, Kramers Kronig is useful when doing certain types of spectroscopy.

My lab happens to be lucky in that when we do (Terahertz time-domain) spectroscopy we are able to measure the amplitude of our signal's E-field. Thus, we get both amplitude and phase information out of our measurements.

However, in many spectroscopy setups, only the power (amplitude squared) of the signal is measured and thus phase information is lost. This information can be regained through the use of Kramers-Kronig analysis.

For instance, let's say we are doing transmission spectroscopy and measure the power of the transmitted signal, [itex]T=t_o^2[/itex] where [itex]t_o[/itex] is the amplitude of the transmitted signal:

[tex]t=t_o e^{i\phi}[/tex]



Take the log of both sides and solve for [itex]ln(t)[/itex]:


Thus, we have a response function, [itex]ln(t)[/itex] whose real part we have measured by measured T. The imaginary part of the response function is the phase information of our signal. Thus, we can use Kramer's-Kronig to relate our lost phase info to our measured power.
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  • #4
I seem to remember linearity and passive (no energy source) as being other requirements on the medium.
  • #5
G01 said:
To expand on Andy's answer with a specific example, measuring a response with spectroscopy:

Experimentally, Kramers Kronig is useful when doing certain types of spectroscopy.

My lab happens to be lucky in that when we do (Terahertz time-domain) spectroscopy we are able to measure the amplitude of our signal's E-field. Thus, we get both amplitude and phase information out of our measurements.

However, in many spectroscopy setups, only the power (amplitude squared) of the signal is measured and thus phase information is lost. This information can be regained through the use of Kramers-Kronig analysis.

For instance, let's say we are doing transmission spectroscopy and measure the power of the transmitted signal, [itex]T=t_o^2[/itex] where [itex]t_o[/itex] is the amplitude of the transmitted signal:

[tex]t=t_o e^{i\phi}[/tex]



Take the log of both sides and solve for [itex]ln(t)[/itex]:


Thus, we have a response function, [itex]ln(t)[/itex] whose real part we have measured by measured T. The imaginary part of the response function is the phase information of our signal. Thus, we can use Kramer's-Kronig to relate our lost phase info to our measured power.

Antiphon said:
I seem to remember linearity and passive (no energy source) as being other requirements on the medium.

Andy Resnick said:
The Kramers-Kronig relations are not much more than Hilbert transforms:

Physically, use of the Kramers Kronig relations are valid when the material response (say, the induced field D generated in response to an applied field E) *here and now* depends only on the values of the applied field that occurred in the past (or if you like, restricted to a time-like interval such that causality is obeyed).

Thanks a lot for your replies.

Ya, I understand its a consequence of causality and it is same as a hilber transform, but again my question was, how do I recognize the exact parameters to which the relations can be applied, for eg. if its applicable to the the real and imaginary part of the refractive index as well as the real and imaginary part of the permittivity, because refractive index is only proportional to the root of permittivity?

Also if you have done experiments where you measure the phase and amplitude both, which helps you get the real and imaginary part of the index, but would the real and imaginary part of the transfer function have the same relation, or the log of the transfer function, when the wave is passing through a slab, and hence not all of it is transmitted at the surfaces, and hence the transfer function is (4*n1*n2/(n1+n2)^2 )*exp(N*w*L/c)

where n1 and n2 are the refractive indices, L is length of crystal, N is the complex refractive index, w is angular frequency, c is speed of light

Now would I be able to apply the Kramers Kronig to this transfer function directly, or do I have to take out the term due to transmittance, and can only use it for the complex refractive index

I hope I am able to clarify what I want to ask you guys, any help or references are appreciated
  • #6
I think it applies to any 'well-behaved" linear transfer function
  • #7
Gordianus said:
I think it applies to any 'well-behaved" linear transfer function

Thanks for your reply, you maybe right, but its just not so clear to me, I wish to be able to read more about the application of Kramers Kronig
I would really appreciate if you could give me something more solid, maybe a reference?
  • #8
singhvi said:
how do I recognize the exact parameters to which the relations can be applied,

singhvi said:
I wish to be able to read more about the application of Kramers Kronig

Are you asking, for example, why the index of refraction is complex? Or, are you asking about analytic functions and their applications in physics? Or perhaps something else?

Related to Kramer Kronigs applicable in what situations

1. What is Kramer-Kronig relation and how is it applicable in science?

The Kramer-Kronig relation is a mathematical relationship between the real and imaginary parts of a complex function. It is commonly used in various fields of science, such as optics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics, to connect the behavior of a system in the time domain to its behavior in the frequency domain. It allows for the determination of one part of the function based on the other, providing a powerful tool for analyzing and understanding complex systems.

2. Can Kramer-Kronig relation be applied in non-linear systems?

Yes, the Kramer-Kronig relation can be applied in non-linear systems as long as the system follows the conditions of causality and stability. These conditions ensure that the system can be represented by a complex function, which is required for the Kramer-Kronig relation to hold. In non-linear systems, the relation can provide insights into the system's behavior and help in predicting its response to different inputs.

3. How is Kramer-Kronig relation used in spectroscopy?

In spectroscopy, the Kramer-Kronig relation is used to relate the real and imaginary parts of the complex refractive index of a material. This allows for the determination of the material's optical properties, such as absorption coefficient and refractive index, by measuring either the real or imaginary part of the refractive index. This is especially useful for materials with high absorption, as it enables the measurement of their optical properties without requiring a direct measurement of their transmission or reflection.

4. Is there any limitation to the application of Kramer-Kronig relation?

The main limitation of the Kramer-Kronig relation is that it requires the system to follow the conditions of causality and stability. This means that the system's response cannot be faster than the input signal, and it must remain stable over time. Additionally, the relation assumes a continuous and differentiable function, which may not always be the case in real-world systems. These limitations must be taken into account when applying the Kramer-Kronig relation in scientific studies.

5. How does the Kramer-Kronig relation benefit scientific research?

The Kramer-Kronig relation has numerous benefits in scientific research. It provides a powerful tool for analyzing complex systems and understanding their behavior in both the time and frequency domains. It also allows for the prediction of a system's response to different inputs and the determination of its properties without requiring direct measurements. In addition, the Kramer-Kronig relation has applications in various fields, including optics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics, making it a versatile and valuable tool for scientists.

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