Kramers-Kronig relationship between ultrasonic attenuation and phase velocty

In summary, the Kramers-Kronig relationship is a mathematical principle that relates the ultrasonic attenuation and phase velocity of a material. It states that the change in attenuation at a particular frequency is proportional to the change in the phase velocity at that same frequency, and vice versa. This relationship is important in ultrasonic measurements and helps to characterize the elastic properties of materials. It also allows for the calculation of one parameter if the other is known, providing a useful tool in the field of ultrasonic technology.
  • #1
Hi Forum,

I am currently attempting to utilize" Unfortunately ... I have not been successful. I have tried for the past week and asked those around me.
All help is appreciated.

The equation is as follows:
( 1/c(w0) ) - ( 1/c(w) ) = 2/pi*( integral from w0 to w ; wrt dw')

the integrand is

alpha ;known function for attenuation.
c ;function for speed
w0 ;known base frequency, speed known at this frequency
w ;variable frequency (chosen by me; I would use equation to solve for c(w) )

I believe the problem lies with the units I use for attenuation.
Attenuation data that is available in db/cm does not provide the correct results. This happens when I keep the attenuation in db/cm or do a conversion.

ie. A is db/cm. I use the value ==10^(A/20).

I do get correct results when I use attenuation data available in cm. (no db or anything).

So is my conversion wrong? Is there another way to treat attenuation? I have tried variations such as 10^(A/10), and made sure MatLab numerical integration is accurate, other unit conversions accurate, etc.

All help is welcome! :)
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  • #2
How are you able to tell whether your results are correct? Where are you obtaining the different types of data?
  • #3
You obviously shouldn't use decibels. The final units should be sec/m since it is the inverse of speed. So the attenuation coefficient should have units of 1/(m-s^2) I think.

FAQ: Kramers-Kronig relationship between ultrasonic attenuation and phase velocty

1. What is the Kramers-Kronig relationship?

The Kramers-Kronig relationship is a fundamental principle in physics that links the real and imaginary parts of a complex function. It states that the real and imaginary parts of a complex function are mathematically related through integration.

2. How does the Kramers-Kronig relationship apply to ultrasonic attenuation and phase velocity?

In the context of ultrasonic waves, the Kramers-Kronig relationship relates the attenuation coefficient (describing the decrease in amplitude of the wave) and the phase velocity (the speed at which the wave propagates). This means that changes in one parameter will affect the other, and the two are mathematically linked.

3. What is the significance of the Kramers-Kronig relationship in ultrasonic imaging?

The Kramers-Kronig relationship is essential for accurately interpreting ultrasonic images. It allows for the calculation of one parameter (e.g. phase velocity) based on measurements of the other (e.g. attenuation coefficient), providing a more complete understanding of the underlying physical processes.

4. How is the Kramers-Kronig relationship experimentally verified in ultrasonic studies?

The Kramers-Kronig relationship can be verified through experiments that measure and compare the attenuation coefficient and phase velocity of ultrasonic waves. By analyzing the data and applying the relationship, researchers can confirm its validity and make more accurate predictions about the behavior of ultrasonic waves.

5. Are there any limitations to the Kramers-Kronig relationship in the context of ultrasonic waves?

While the Kramers-Kronig relationship is a powerful tool in ultrasonic studies, it does have limitations. For example, it assumes that the material being studied is homogeneous and isotropic, which may not always be the case. Additionally, the relationship is only applicable to linear systems, so it may not accurately describe the behavior of highly nonlinear materials.
