Kuhn-Tucker Optimization Problem

In summary, the conversation discusses the Ehrlich economic model of crime and its expected utility function. The problem is to maximize the utility function while considering the time allocation between legal work and crime, as well as the potential consequences of being caught. The solution involves rewriting the budget constraint as a linear equation and solving for the variables.
  • #1
Well, I've been working on this problem, but I can't get the right path to the solution.

Homework Statement

"Consider the following version of the Ehrlich economic model of crime where an individual has the expected utility function:

U = p ln(Iu) + (1 - p) ln (Is).

p = objective probability of being caught
Iu= Criminal's income if caught
Is= Criminal's income if not caught

The criminal's initial endowment of time is T hours a day and should be divided into "time for crime" (tc) and "time for legal work" (tl). So T = tc + tl.
If the criminal choose to work legally, he gets an income of wl> 0 per unit of time; while engaged in crime he gets an income of wc> wl per unit of time.
If the individual is caught committing crimes, he get a penalty f > wc - wl per unit of time.

So, the income of an individual who commits a crime but is not arrested is Is = wltl + wctc while if he get arrested
Iu = wltl + wctc - f tc .

Homework Equations

Then, the criminal divides his time between crime and work legally, an his problem is given by:

max U = p ln(Iu) + (1 - p) ln (Is). with tc, tl[itex]\geq[/itex]0

s.t. Is= wltl + wctc
Iu = wltl + wctc - f tc
T = tc + tl

a) For solving the problem in ( Iu,Is), rewrite the budget constraint as a linear equation: Is = a - bIu . Find a and b.
b) Graph the problem in ( Iu,Is). Solve the problem in ( Iu,Is) when wl=1 , wc= 2, f= 1.5 , T= 3. Then find the corresponding solutions for (tc,tl)."

The Attempt at a Solution

Using differentiation and the Kuhn - Tucker conditions I've concluded that

a= ((1- p) + p (Is))/(1-p)
b= p (Is)/(1-p)Iu

But I don't believe that's correct.

Hope you could help. Thank you for reading.
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  • #2
Dev06 said:
Well, I've been working on this problem, but I can't get the right path to the solution.

Homework Statement

"Consider the following version of the Ehrlich economic model of crime where an individual has the expected utility function:

U = p ln(Iu) + (1 - p) ln (Is).

p = objective probability of being caught
Iu= Criminal's income if caught
Is= Criminal's income if not caught

The criminal's initial endowment of time is T hours a day and should be divided into "time for crime" (tc) and "time for legal work" (tl). So T = tc + tl.
If the criminal choose to work legally, he gets an income of wl> 0 per unit of time; while engaged in crime he gets an income of wc> wl per unit of time.
If the individual is caught committing crimes, he get a penalty f > wc - wl per unit of time.

So, the income of an individual who commits a crime but is not arrested is Is = wltl + wctc while if he get arrested
Iu = wltl + wctc - f tc .

Homework Equations

Then, the criminal divides his time between crime and work legally, an his problem is given by:

max U = p ln(Iu) + (1 - p) ln (Is). with tc, tl[itex]\geq[/itex]0

s.t. Is= wltl + wctc
Iu = wltl + wctc - f tc
T = tc + tl

a) For solving the problem in ( Iu,Is), rewrite the budget constraint as a linear equation: Is = a - bIu . Find a and b.
b) Graph the problem in ( Iu,Is). Solve the problem in ( Iu,Is) when wl=1 , wc= 2, f= 1.5 , T= 3. Then find the corresponding solutions for (tc,tl)."

The Attempt at a Solution

Using differentiation and the Kuhn - Tucker conditions I've concluded that

a= ((1- p) + p (Is))/(1-p)
b= p (Is)/(1-p)Iu

But I don't believe that's correct.

Hope you could help. Thank you for reading.

Your expressions for a and b are incorrect.

I hate this question's notation, so I re-cast it as
max p*log(x1) + (1-p)*log(x2),
x1 = w1*t1+w2*t2-f*t2
x2 = w1*t1 + w2*t2
T = t1+t2,
all vars >= 0.
You want to use the three constraints to eliminate x1, and so express x2, t1 and t2 in terms of x1. That is a simple linear-equation-solving exercise.

  • #3
Thank you for your reply. It was very helpful .

FAQ: Kuhn-Tucker Optimization Problem

1. What is the Kuhn-Tucker Optimization Problem?

The Kuhn-Tucker Optimization Problem, also known as the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions, is a method used to solve nonlinear optimization problems with constraints. It is an extension of the Lagrange multiplier method and is used to find the maximum or minimum of a function subject to a set of constraints.

2. How is the Kuhn-Tucker Optimization Problem different from the Lagrange multiplier method?

The Kuhn-Tucker Optimization Problem is an extension of the Lagrange multiplier method and is used for nonlinear optimization problems with constraints. Unlike the Lagrange multiplier method, it can handle inequality constraints and does not require the constraints to be linear. Additionally, the KKT conditions provide both necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality, while the Lagrange multiplier method only provides necessary conditions.

3. What are the KKT conditions?

The KKT conditions are a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality in the Kuhn-Tucker Optimization Problem. These conditions include the gradient of the objective function, the gradients of the constraints, and the values of the Lagrange multipliers. These conditions must be satisfied at the optimal solution of the problem.

4. How is the Kuhn-Tucker Optimization Problem solved?

The Kuhn-Tucker Optimization Problem is typically solved using numerical methods, such as the gradient descent method or the Newton-Raphson method. These methods involve iteratively updating the values of the variables until the KKT conditions are satisfied. Alternatively, some problems may have closed-form solutions that can be found through algebraic manipulation of the KKT conditions.

5. What are some applications of the Kuhn-Tucker Optimization Problem?

The Kuhn-Tucker Optimization Problem has various applications in fields such as economics, engineering, and operations research. It can be used to optimize resource allocation, production planning, and portfolio selection, among other things. It is also commonly used in machine learning and artificial intelligence for optimizing models and algorithms.

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