Lab frame versus center of momentum frame

In summary, the conventional approach for analyzing Compton scattering is in the lab frame, while other processes are usually analyzed in the center of momentum frame. This is mainly for convenience, as the measurement equipment is in the lab frame. However, it is possible to convert between the two frames using the Mandelstam variables. Additionally, while it may be possible to collide electrons with stationary muons, it would require the muons to be confined by electric or magnetic fields.
  • #1
Why is it conventional to analyse compton scattering in the lab frame (fixed target) whereas all other processes I've seen are analysed in the center of momentum (colliding beam) frame.

Are there any experiments where one would collide electrons with stationary muons e.g.?
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  • #2
Convenience, mostly.

To answer your second question, how do you get stationary muons?
  • #3
It is often far easier to analyze things in the center of mass frame. The measurement equipment, however, is in the lab frame, so at some point the results of the analysis have to be recast to the lab frame.
  • #4
If the electrons are relativistic then muons confined by electric of magnetic fields could be considered at rest?
  • #5
So If I calculate a cross-section in the center of mass frame, is there any way of converting this directly to a Lab cross-section, or do I have to go back to the Feynman amplitude for the process and redo the kinematics at that point.
  • #6
You can usually write a cross-section formula in terms of invariants times simple kinematic factors, making going between the cm and the lab relatively easy.
  • #7
Ahh yes, the old Mandelstam variables, good point.

FAQ: Lab frame versus center of momentum frame

What is the difference between the lab frame and the center of momentum frame?

The lab frame is a reference frame in which the observer is stationary and the momentum of the system is not conserved. The center of momentum frame is a reference frame in which the total momentum of the system is zero.

Why is the center of momentum frame useful in scientific experiments?

The center of momentum frame is useful because it allows for easier analysis of particles in a system by eliminating the effects of the total momentum. This makes it easier to study the individual interactions between particles.

How do you transform between the lab frame and the center of momentum frame?

To transform from the lab frame to the center of momentum frame, you must first calculate the total momentum of the system in the lab frame. Then, you can use this momentum to calculate the velocity of the center of momentum frame. To transform back to the lab frame, you can use the same process, but in reverse.

Can the center of momentum frame be used in all scientific experiments?

No, the center of momentum frame can only be used in experiments where the total momentum of the system is conserved. In experiments where there are external forces acting on the system, the center of momentum frame cannot be used.

How does the center of momentum frame relate to the concept of conservation of momentum?

The center of momentum frame is a reference frame in which the total momentum of a system is zero. This means that in this frame, the principle of conservation of momentum holds true. This is because the total momentum of the system is not affected by external forces in this frame, allowing for easier analysis of momentum conservation.

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