Lagrange EOM for 2 masses on a string

In summary, the conversation is about deriving the equation of motion for a system using Lagrange's equations. The system consists of two masses connected by massless strings under constant tension. The person is unsure about how to calculate the potential energy of the system, specifically taking into account the tension in the strings. They also mention the possibility of using work done by the tension in the potential energy equation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Derive the equation of motion for the system in figure 6.4 using Lagrange's equations


Homework Equations

strings are massless and in constant tension


The Attempt at a Solution

I currently have the kinetic energy as .5m1y'12 + .5m2y'22

I am confused regarding the potential energy of the system. I understand each mass will have an m*g*y component associated with them but i am unsure how the tension plays into the potential energy. Once i have the potential energy for the system i can take it from there. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


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  • #2
So here is the how to 1:Short document:
Find me EoM!
2:Long video:

Note: I am going to get some sleep...If that is not what you asked for, please wait for someone else to answer you or @ToBePhysics so I can get to you when I am done doing things.
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  • #3
Hmm interesting video but I am afraid something is just not clicking for me with regards to this problem.

for the potential energy there will be a m1gy1 term and a m2gy2 term. I assume there must also be terms for the work done by the tension in the strings, but only the y components as these are only given one DOF each. That would give a Ty1sin(θ1) and Ty2sin(θ3) correct? assuming θ1 is the angle between the left wall and that string and θ3 is the angle between the right wall and the attached string.

My confusion is coming when i need to take into account the string attaching the two masses. Is my logic correct thus far?
  • #4
stigg said:
Hmm interesting video but I am afraid something is just not clicking for me with regards to this problem.

for the potential energy there will be a m1gy1 term and a m2gy2 term. I assume there must also be terms for the work done by the tension in the strings, but only the y components as these are only given one DOF each. That would give a Ty1sin(θ1) and Ty2sin(θ3) correct? assuming θ1 is the angle between the left wall and that string and θ3 is the angle between the right wall and the attached string.

My confusion is coming when i need to take into account the string attaching the two masses. Is my logic correct thus far?
I don't know much about strings...But I am trying my best gathering resources that help..
  • #5
Hmm not sure that helps me a ton unfortunately.. i am reallly struggling to wrap my head around this potential energy problem.

FAQ: Lagrange EOM for 2 masses on a string

1. What is the Lagrange EOM for 2 masses on a string?

The Lagrange EOM (Equations of Motion) for 2 masses on a string is a set of mathematical equations that describe the motion of two masses connected by a string, under the influence of gravity and tension forces.

2. How is the Lagrange EOM derived?

The Lagrange EOM is derived using the principles of Lagrangian mechanics, which is a mathematical framework for analyzing mechanical systems. It takes into account the potential and kinetic energy of the masses, as well as any external forces acting on them.

3. What are the assumptions made in the Lagrange EOM for 2 masses on a string?

The Lagrange EOM assumes that the masses are connected by an inextensible and weightless string, and that the system is subject to conservative forces such as gravity and tension.

4. Can the Lagrange EOM be applied to systems with more than 2 masses?

Yes, the Lagrange EOM can be applied to systems with any number of masses connected by strings, as long as the system meets the assumptions mentioned above.

5. What are the advantages of using the Lagrange EOM for 2 masses on a string?

The Lagrange EOM provides a more elegant and concise way to describe the motion of the masses compared to traditional Newtonian mechanics. It also allows for easier analysis of complicated systems with multiple masses and constraints.

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