Lagrange equation (2 masses, 3 springs)

In summary, Lindsay found the following for the kinetic and potential energy: T=\frac {1} {2} m_{1} \dot{\vec r_{1}}^{2} + \frac {1} {2} m_{2} \dot{\vec r_{2}}^{2} V=\frac 1 2 k_{1}{\vec r_{1}}^{2}+\frac 1 2 k_{2} {\vec r_{2}}^{2}+m_{1}gy_{1}+m_{2}gy_{2}+\frac 1 2 k_{3}({\vec r_{1}}-{\vec r_{2}})^{2}
  • #1

Homework Statement

Look at the drawing. Furthermore I have a constant acceleration [tex] \vec g = -g \hat y[/tex]

I shall find the Lagrange function and find the equation of motion afterwards.

Homework Equations

Lagrange/ Euler function and eqauation

The Attempt at a Solution

I found out the following for the kinetic energy and the potential energy:

[tex] T=\frac {1} {2} m_{1} \dot{\vec r_{1}}^{2} + \frac {1} {2} m_{2} \dot{\vec r_{2}}^{2}[/tex]

and for the potential energy:

[tex] V=\frac 1 2 k_{1}{\vec r_{1}}^{2}+\frac 1 2 k_{2} {\vec r_{2}}^{2}+m_{1}gy_{1}+m_{2}gy_{2}+\frac 1 2 k_{3}({\vec r_{1}}-{\vec r_{2}})^{2}[/tex]
Now I used the Euler- Lagrange equation of motion and found out that:

[tex] m_{1}\ddot{\vec r_{1}}=-k_{1}{\vec r_{1}}+k_{3}{\vec r_{1}}-m_{1}g\hat y[/tex]

[tex] m_{2}\ddot{\vec r_{2}}=-k_{2}{\vec r_{2}}-k_{3}{\vec r_{2}}-m_{2}g\hat y [/tex]

Can anyone confirm this? Or did I do any mistakes?

Thanks for your help


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  • #2
Hi Lindsayyyy! :smile:

You did not take the derivative of the k3 term correctly.

Btw, is it given that the springs have length zero in equilibrium?
  • #3
yes, sorry. I forgot to type that, length zero in equilibrium is right. I trying to derive it correctly tomorrow, as I have to go out now. Thanks for help so far.

edit: It should be r2-r1 in my first post at k3. I don't know if that makes my solution right then. Am I only wrong concerning the algebraic signs? If not, I have to do it tomorrow, I'm not able to this qucik now ^^
  • #4
By coincidence I noticed your edit.

Yes, it should be r2-r1 in both equations, which leaves which sign it should have exactly.
With that correction your solution is right.
  • #5
Ok, thank you very much. To sum them in up to one differential equation, am I just allowed to add up both? Because I want to find the stationary points (I don't know if that's the right translation). I guess it means I have to find the points where the system is in equilibrium. I haven't tried it yet, but I would solve the differential equation, derive it two times to find the acceleration and find the zeros of the function.
  • #6
I don't understand you.

Effectively you have 4 equations (one for each of x1, y1, x2, y2).
In equilibrium each acceleration would be zero, meaning each equation equals zero.
Solve the set of equations to find the coordinates for equilibrium.
No derivatives necessary.
  • #7
Hm. The task say I shall find the equation of motion (so I guessed it only should be one). But I still have two ?! ^^ And I was wondering if I just add/subduct them to get "the one" equation of motion.
  • #8
No, you should not add or subtract them.
I suspect they intended the equations of motion (plural).

If you really want one equation, you can define for instance:
[tex]\vec r = (x1, y1, x2, y2)[/tex]
and express the equation using that.

In effect you would still have 4 equations (1 for each coordinate).
  • #9
Thanks again:)

I hope you'are right they made a mistake ^^ because I have no idea if they really just want one equation

FAQ: Lagrange equation (2 masses, 3 springs)

1. What is the Lagrange equation for a system with 2 masses and 3 springs?

The Lagrange equation for this system is given by:

Lagrange equation for 2 masses and 3 springs
Where L is the Lagrangian, T is the kinetic energy, and V is the potential energy.

2. What is the significance of the Lagrange equation in physics?

The Lagrange equation, also known as the Euler-Lagrange equation, is a mathematical tool used to describe the motion of a system by taking into account its kinetic and potential energies. It is a fundamental principle in classical mechanics and is used to derive the equations of motion for a variety of physical systems.

3. How do the masses and springs affect the Lagrange equation in this system?

The masses and springs in this system affect the Lagrange equation through their contributions to the kinetic and potential energies. The masses contribute to the kinetic energy, while the springs contribute to the potential energy. These terms are then used in the Lagrange equation to describe the motion of the system.

4. Can the Lagrange equation be used to solve for the motion of the system?

Yes, the Lagrange equation can be solved to obtain the equations of motion for the system. These equations can then be used to predict the future behavior of the system and determine its stable and unstable configurations.

5. Are there any limitations to using the Lagrange equation for this system?

One limitation of using the Lagrange equation for this system is that it assumes the masses and springs are ideal, with no damping or external forces acting on them. In real-world systems, there may be factors such as friction or air resistance that can affect the motion and accuracy of the equations derived from the Lagrange equation.
