Lagrange Multipliers. All variables cancel

In summary: That has a minimum when sin^2(\phi)cos^2(\theta)= 0 which is when \phi= 0, \pi and \theta= 0, \pi/2, \pi, 3\pi/2. The maximum is where sin^2(\phi)cos^2(\theta)= 1 which is when \theta= \pi/4, 3\pi/4, 5\pi/4, 7\pi/4 and \phi= \pi/2.In summary, using Lagrange Multipliers, we can find the minimum and maximum temperatures on a cannonball heated with temperature distribution T(x,y,z)=60(y2+z2-x2).
  • #1

Homework Statement

A cannonball is heated with with temperature distribution T(x,y,z)=60(y2+z2-x2).

The cannonball is a sphere of 1 ft with it's center at the origin

a) Where are the max and min temperatures in the cannonball, and where do they occur?

Homework Equations


Where g is the the constraint and λ is the common ratio.

[itex]\nabla[/itex]= fx i + fy j + fz k

The Attempt at a Solution

The cannonball is the restraint so
λ[itex]\nabla[/itex]f = 2xλ i + 2yλ j + 2zλ k
[itex]\nabla[/itex]T = -120x i + 120y j + 120z k

2xλ = -120x, λ= -60
2yλ = 120y, λ = 60
2zλ = 120z, λ = 60

I don't know where to go from here. All the variables canceled so I can't relate them to each other, and the λs are different.
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  • #2
2*x*lambda=(-120*x) doesn't mean lambda=(-60). It means either x=0 OR lambda=(-60). You have to consider both cases.
  • #3
But couldn't x be any value? For x ≠ 0, λ=-60. And then when x = 0 we get 0=0 with no λ.

If you do that for all the values you can get x=y=z=0, plug into the constraint and get the center of the circle, with no value for λ. How would that help find the max and the min?
  • #4
NoOne0507 said:
But couldn't x be any value? For x ≠ 0, λ=-60. And then when x = 0 we get 0=0 with no λ.

If you do that for all the values you can get x=y=z=0, plug into the constraint and get the center of the circle, with no value for λ. How would that help find the max and the min?

x=y=z=0 is an important point. You should keep it in mind. It's an interior critical point. But yes, if x is nonzero then lambda=(-60). What does that tell you about y and z? If x is zero then lambda could be 60. Still doesn't tell you anything about y and z. But now you have to use the constraint y^2+z^2-x^2=1. You have to think this all through. You don't necessarily get a finite number of extrema on the boundary. There might be a lot of them.
  • #5
Well if x=0 then the constraint becomes y^2+z^2=1, with λ=60. So would the maxima occur anywhere in the yz unit circle? Which would yield (0, y, ±√(1-y^2)) as the maxima?

And then the smallest λ would occur at x≠0, and y=z=0? Which would give Minima on
x: [-1,0) U (0,1]

Or am I off-base here?
  • #6
NoOne0507 said:
Well if x=0 then the constraint becomes y^2+z^2=1, with λ=60. So would the maxima occur anywhere in the yz unit circle? Which would yield (0, y, ±√(1-y^2)) as the maxima?

And then the smallest λ would occur at x≠0, and y=z=0? Which would give Minima on
x: [-1,0) U (0,1]

Or am I off-base here?

Getting closer. So the points to think about are (1,0,0), (-1,0,0), (0,y,z) along the circle where y^2+z^2=1 and the interior critical point at (0,0,0). What is the value of T in each of those cases?
  • #7
T(x,y,z)=60(y^2 + z^2 - x^2)
T(0,0,0) = 0
T(1,0,0) = -60
T(-1,0,0) = -60
T(0,y,z) = 60(y^2+z^2), but since this is along a circle T(0,y,z) = 60

Which gives the minimum at (1,0,0) and (-1,0,0), and the max at (0,y,z) where y^2+z^2=1.

Okay, so from (almost) the beginning:
λ = -60, x≠0, y=z=0
λ = 60, x=0

Since the minima will occur at the smallest λ, and x≠0 provides that λ, but it also requires y=z=0 for that to occur. This leaves T(x,0,0) = -60x2 on -1≤x≤1 because of the unit sphere restriction. x=0 is a critical point, and the end points need to be checked, so T(-1,0,0) = T(1,0,0) = -60, and T(0,0,0)=0 The absolute min occurs at (-1,0,0) and (1,0,0). While (0,0,0) is a relative max (or the absolute max on the interval).

The maxima occur at x=0 since λ =60 when x=0. This leaves T(0,y,z)=60(y2+z2), with the restriction y2+z2≤1. The maxima are clearly the endpoints, y2+z2=1. So the maximum value for T occurs along that circle, which gives T(0,y,z)=60, where y2+z2=1.

Hey, it makes sense. Thank you.
  • #8
NoOne0507 said:
T(x,y,z)=60(y^2 + z^2 - x^2)
T(0,0,0) = 0
T(1,0,0) = -60
T(-1,0,0) = -60
T(0,y,z) = 60(y^2+z^2), but since this is along a circle T(0,y,z) = 60

Which gives the minimum at (1,0,0) and (-1,0,0), and the max at (0,y,z) where y^2+z^2=1.

Okay, so from (almost) the beginning:
λ = -60, x≠0, y=z=0
λ = 60, x=0

Since the minima will occur at the smallest λ, and x≠0 provides that λ, but it also requires y=z=0 for that to occur. This leaves T(x,0,0) = -60x2 on -1≤x≤1 because of the unit sphere restriction. x=0 is a critical point, and the end points need to be checked, so T(-1,0,0) = T(1,0,0) = -60, and T(0,0,0)=0 The absolute min occurs at (-1,0,0) and (1,0,0). While (0,0,0) is a relative max (or the absolute max on the interval).

The maxima occur at x=0 since λ =60 when x=0. This leaves T(0,y,z)=60(y2+z2), with the restriction y2+z2≤1. The maxima are clearly the endpoints, y2+z2=1. So the maximum value for T occurs along that circle, which gives T(0,y,z)=60, where y2+z2=1.

Hey, it makes sense. Thank you.

Of course, this problem is easy to solve without calculus. T = 60(y^2+z^2-x^2) <= 60(y^2+z^2+x^2) <= 60 in the sphere x^2+y^2+z^2<=1. Furthermore, we reach T=60 at any point on y^2+z^2=1, x=0. Also: T >= 60*(-x^2) >= -60, and we reach T=-60 at y=z=0, x=+-1. It is nice to see that the Lagrangian multiplier method dies, indeed, give such results.

  • #9
Personally, I wouldn't use "Lagrange Multipliers" for this at all. The temperature function is [itex]T(x,y,z)= 60(y^2+ z^2- x^2)= 60(x^2+ y^2+ z^2- 2x^2)[/itex] which in spherical coordinates is [itex]T(\rho, \theta, \phi)= 60(\rho^2- 2\rho^2sin^2\phi cos^2(\theta))[/itex]. On the surface of the sphere, [itex]\rho= 1[/itex] so that is [itex]T(\theta, \phi)= 60(1- 2sin^2(\phi)cos^2(\theta)[/itex].

FAQ: Lagrange Multipliers. All variables cancel

What are Lagrange Multipliers?

Lagrange Multipliers are a mathematical tool used to find the maximum or minimum value of a function subject to a set of constraints.

How do Lagrange Multipliers work?

Lagrange Multipliers work by introducing a new variable, called a multiplier, to the function and setting up a system of equations that must be satisfied in order to find the optimal solution.

Why do all variables cancel when using Lagrange Multipliers?

When using Lagrange Multipliers, the system of equations that is set up involves taking the partial derivatives of the function and setting them equal to the partial derivatives of the constraints. This results in all variables canceling out, leaving only the multiplier as the unknown value.

What are some real-world applications of Lagrange Multipliers?

Lagrange Multipliers are commonly used in economics, engineering, and physics to find optimal solutions for constrained problems, such as maximizing profits or minimizing energy usage.

Are there any limitations to using Lagrange Multipliers?

One limitation of using Lagrange Multipliers is that the function and constraints must be differentiable. Additionally, there may be multiple solutions or no solution at all for certain problems.

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