Lagrange Multipliers - Implicitly defined curve

In summary, the conversation discusses using Lagrange Multipliers to find the points closest to the origin on a curve defined implicitly by two equations. The method involves minimizing the distance function to the origin subject to the constraints of the given equations. The conversation also explains how to incorporate a third equation into the optimization process and the significance of the M= condition in the system of equations.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Use Lagrange Multipliers to find the points closest to the origin on the curve defined implicitly by

x2-xy+y2-z2 = 1

2. The attempt at a solution

I know how to do this for regular curves, but I don't know where to start with implicitly defined ones. Any hints to get me started? Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Well, first of all, that's not the curve you're supposed to minimize. You want to find the points closest to the origin, so you need to minimize the function
  • #3
How did you get to that?
  • #4
That is the distence formula. Though one could also use x^2+y^2+z^2 since square root is monotone.
The method is
suppose we wish to optimize L subject to conditions
optimize L(x,y,z) subject to

Introduce M=L+s f+t g
a condition on M will be the system

Where subscipts denote partial derivatives
  • #5
I don't understand why the constraints are f(x,y,z)=0 and g(x,y,z)=0, I also don't understand what the M = condition is for... this is one of my first problems with implicitly defined functions. Anyone care to attempt to clarify? Thanks...
  • #6
Anyone? I've always been stuck on these types of problems, if anyone could bite the bullet and help the noob I would strongly appreciate it.
  • #7
philnow said:
I don't understand why the constraints are f(x,y,z)=0 and g(x,y,z)=0, I also don't understand what the M = condition is for... this is one of my first problems with implicitly defined functions. Anyone care to attempt to clarify? Thanks...

We want to minimize the distance to the origin, right? Well, that is given by the function [tex]D(x,y,z)=\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}[/tex]. But we can just choose any (x,y,z) -- we want to find the minimum value of the set {D(x,y,z) | f(x,y,z)=0 and g(x,y,z)=0}. A real number d is in this set if and only if for some point (x,y,z) the distance D(x,y,z)=d and f(x,y,z)=0 and g(x,y,z)=0. We want to find the smallest such d. In other words, we want to find all points (x0,y0,z0) on your implicitly defined curve whose distance D(x0,y0,z0) from the origin is less than or equal to the distance from the origin of all the other points on that curve.

But how do we do this? Let's ignore g(x,y,z) for a moment and try to how to minimize D(x,y,z) subject only to f(x,y,z)=0:

Recall that the gradient of a function is a vector pointing in the direction of fastest descent. Keeping this in mind, suppose that [tex]\nabla D[/tex] is parallel to [tex]\nabla f[/tex] at some point (x,y,z). What does this mean? Well, the definition of parallel vectors says that at that point,
[tex]\nabla D+\lambda \nabla f=0[/tex]​
for some number [tex]\lambda[/tex]. Here's the cool part: if that point satisfies our requirement that f(x,y,z)=0, then [tex]\nabla f[/tex] vanishes, and the above equation gives
[tex]\nabla D=0;[/tex]​
in other words, that point is an extremum of D(x,y,z)! Thus, all we need to do is solve the system of equations
\nabla D+\lambda \nabla f &= 0\\
f(x,y,z) &= 0
for [tex]x,y,z,\lambda,[/tex] and [tex]\mu[/tex].

Ok, so how do we work in the condition g(x,y,z)=0? Well, since we already have the gradients of D and f parallel, we don't want to disturb that. So, let's try making both of those also parallel to [tex]\nabla g[/tex]. In other words, we want points such that
[tex]\nabla D +\lambda\nabla f + \mu\nabla g=0[/tex]​
for some [tex]\lambda[/tex] and [tex]\mu[/tex]. Now here's where the cool part comes in again: if g(x,y,z)=0 and f(x,y,z)=0, then both of their gradients vanish, and [tex]\nabla D=0[/tex]! Thus, all we need to do is solve the system of equations
\nabla D+\lambda \nabla f +\mu\nabla g&= 0\\
f(x,y,z) &= 0\\
g(x,y,z) &= 0
for [tex]x,y,z,\lambda,[/tex] and [tex]\mu[/tex].

Incidentally, this is where the M= condition you asked about came from. If we define [tex]M=D+\lambda f +\mu g[/tex], then setting the gradient of M equal to zero gives the first equation in the system, and setting the derivatives with respect to [tex]\lambda[/tex] and [tex]\mu[/tex] equal to zero gives the second and third.
  • #8
Thank you so much, that made it very clear.
  • #9
You're very welcome!

Related to Lagrange Multipliers - Implicitly defined curve

What are Lagrange Multipliers?

Lagrange Multipliers are a mathematical tool used to optimize a function subject to one or more constraints. They allow us to find the maximum or minimum value of a function while satisfying the given constraints.

How are Lagrange Multipliers used to find the maximum or minimum value of a function?

To find the maximum or minimum value of a function using Lagrange Multipliers, we first set up a system of equations using the original function and the constraint equations. Then, we solve the system of equations to find the values of the variables that optimize the function.

What is an implicitly defined curve?

An implicitly defined curve is a curve that is described by an equation in the form of f(x,y) = 0. This means that the curve is not explicitly given and cannot be easily graphed. Instead, the points on the curve can be found by solving the equation for specific values of x and y.

How are Lagrange Multipliers used to find points on an implicitly defined curve?

To find points on an implicitly defined curve using Lagrange Multipliers, we first set up a system of equations using the equation of the curve and the constraint equations. Then, we solve the system of equations to find the values of x and y that satisfy the curve equation and the constraints.

What are some real-world applications of Lagrange Multipliers and implicitly defined curves?

Lagrange Multipliers and implicitly defined curves have many applications in various fields of science and engineering. They are commonly used in optimization problems, such as finding the shortest path between two points or maximizing profits in economics. They are also used in physics to find the path of least resistance or to calculate the trajectory of a projectile. Additionally, they are used in computer graphics to create smooth and realistic curves and surfaces.

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