Lagrange Multipliers. Maximizing Area.

In summary, the problem is to find the base angles and length of sides for maximum carrying capacity of an open gutter with a trapezoid cross section made by bending equal strips along both sides of a 12-inch wide piece of metal. The problem involves three variables - s, b, and θ - and a constraint of 2s + b = 12. The area of the trapezoid can be expressed as a function of these variables and using the double angle formula, the partial derivatives can be found. However, there may not be an analytic solution and numerical methods may be required.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An open gutter with cross section in the form of a trapezoid with equal base angles is to be made by bending up equal strips along both sides of a long piece of metal 12 inches wide. Find the base angles and the length of the sides for maximum carrying capacity.

For more clarification the part about bending equal strips of a 12 inch wide sheet means... There are 3 sides to the trapezoid (open top) the 2 sides are equal so then we are left with a varying base.

Homework Equations

side length = s
base length = b

[itex]\nabla[/itex]f = [itex]\lambda[/itex][itex]\nabla[/itex]g(s,b,[itex]\theta[/itex])

Area of trapezoid = (1/2)(b1 + b2)h

The Attempt at a Solution

Ok first I believe this would be a function of three variables; s, b and [itex]\theta[/itex]. This is because each one of those will have a factor on whether it fits the constraint and what the area of the trap to be.

The constraint will be:
g(s,b,[itex]\theta[/itex]) = 2*s + b = 12

Now here's the fun part I believe:
Area = (1/2)(b1 + b2)h

if we take a part of the trapezoid that's the triangle and find h in terms of s and [itex]\theta[/itex]:
h = s*cos([itex]\theta[/itex])

now we don't care about b2 since this is a top open gutter right and the constraint calls for only 3 sides of the gutter. So here I figured I would still need b2 i just need it in terms of something else.

b2 = b1 + 2*s*sin([itex]\theta[/itex])

so we substitute b2 and h into the original Area equation:

Area = (1/2)(b1+b1+2*s*sin([itex]\theta[/itex])(s*cos)

now add b1 + b1 = 2b1 and distribute the (1/2) and the s*cos([itex]\theta[/itex]) we end up with:

Area = s*b1*cos([itex]\theta[/itex]) + s2sin([itex]\theta[/itex])cos([itex]\theta[/itex])

whew. So now we can use our double angle formula sin(2[itex]\theta[/itex]) = 2sin([itex]\theta[/itex])cos([itex]\theta[/itex])

Area = s*b1*cos([itex]\theta[/itex]) + (1/2)s2sin(2[itex]\theta[/itex])
*this is so we can take partials easier and don't have to deal with the product rule*

Partials of F(s,b,[itex]\theta[/itex]) = Area, then find critical points:
fs = b1*cos([itex]\theta[/itex]) + s*sin(2[itex]\theta[/itex]) = 0
if s = 0 then b1 = 0 or [itex]\theta[/itex] = pi/2

fb1 = s*cos([itex]\theta[/itex]) = 0
s = 0 or [itex]\theta[/itex] = pi/2

f[itex]\theta[/itex] = -s*b1*sin([itex]\theta[/itex]) + s2cos(2[itex]\theta[/itex]) = 0
s = 0

then I started setting those equal to the g(s,b1,[itex]\theta[/itex]) we have 4 equations 4 unknowns and start solving for various variables and substituting. It got REALLY ugly and then I stopped. Somethings not right... Chances are you haven't even read this far cause you already found a mistake :) which I hope. Cause this is just a ridiculous problem.
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  • #2
F=Area+λ(g(s,b,θ)-12), if you want to use Lagrange Multiplier method.

Alternatively, you can use up constraint early on to say that b=12-2s, and save yourself some trouble.
  • #3
hmm So i have two ways of doing this problem? Using Lagrange's Method and not finding the critical points or using the constraint as a substitution in my equation immediately. Sorry a little hazy on this subject.
  • #4
For Lagrange method, you were doing everything correctly, except you forgot to actually include the Lagrange multiplier. If you are having trouble with Lagrange method and aren't required to use it, substitution is a good way to circumvent it here. Your call.

By the way, I'm not sure analytic solution exists. Mathematica had no trouble spitting out numerical solution. There are 5 extremes, the one that gives maximum area, is the following.

{s -> 3.23703, b -> 5.52595, θ -> 0.284924, λ -> 3.10652}

And that gives area of 18.6391. So once you have the equations, you can check them against these, and see if they work out.

If you are curious, the other extremes included what is probably a saddle point with a greater angle of the sides, the obvious case of s=0, and the negative area solutions with angle > pi/2, otherwise equivalent to the first two cases.
  • #5
inevitable08 said:

Homework Statement

An open gutter with cross section in the form of a trapezoid with equal base angles is to be made by bending up equal strips along both sides of a long piece of metal 12 inches wide. Find the base angles and the length of the sides for maximum carrying capacity.

For more clarification the part about bending equal strips of a 12 inch wide sheet means... There are 3 sides to the trapezoid (open top) the 2 sides are equal so then we are left with a varying base.

Homework Equations

side length = s
base length = b

[itex]\nabla[/itex]f = [itex]\lambda[/itex][itex]\nabla[/itex]g(s,b,[itex]\theta[/itex])

Area of trapezoid = (1/2)(b1 + b2)h

The Attempt at a Solution

Ok first I believe this would be a function of three variables; s, b and [itex]\theta[/itex]. This is because each one of those will have a factor on whether it fits the constraint and what the area of the trap to be.

The constraint will be:
g(s,b,[itex]\theta[/itex]) = 2*s + b = 12

Now here's the fun part I believe:
Area = (1/2)(b1 + b2)h

if we take a part of the trapezoid that's the triangle and find h in terms of s and [itex]\theta[/itex]:
h = s*cos([itex]\theta[/itex])

now we don't care about b2 since this is a top open gutter right and the constraint calls for only 3 sides of the gutter. So here I figured I would still need b2 i just need it in terms of something else.

b2 = b1 + 2*s*sin([itex]\theta[/itex])

so we substitute b2 and h into the original Area equation:

Area = (1/2)(b1+b1+2*s*sin([itex]\theta[/itex])(s*cos)

now add b1 + b1 = 2b1 and distribute the (1/2) and the s*cos([itex]\theta[/itex]) we end up with:

Area = s*b1*cos([itex]\theta[/itex]) + s2sin([itex]\theta[/itex])cos([itex]\theta[/itex])

whew. So now we can use our double angle formula sin(2[itex]\theta[/itex]) = 2sin([itex]\theta[/itex])cos([itex]\theta[/itex])

Area = s*b1*cos([itex]\theta[/itex]) + (1/2)s2sin(2[itex]\theta[/itex])
*this is so we can take partials easier and don't have to deal with the product rule*

Partials of F(s,b,[itex]\theta[/itex]) = Area, then find critical points:
fs = b1*cos([itex]\theta[/itex]) + s*sin(2[itex]\theta[/itex]) = 0
if s = 0 then b1 = 0 or [itex]\theta[/itex] = pi/2

fb1 = s*cos([itex]\theta[/itex]) = 0
s = 0 or [itex]\theta[/itex] = pi/2

f[itex]\theta[/itex] = -s*b1*sin([itex]\theta[/itex]) + s2cos(2[itex]\theta[/itex]) = 0
s = 0

then I started setting those equal to the g(s,b1,[itex]\theta[/itex]) we have 4 equations 4 unknowns and start solving for various variables and substituting. It got REALLY ugly and then I stopped. Somethings not right... Chances are you haven't even read this far cause you already found a mistake :) which I hope. Cause this is just a ridiculous problem.

Here is my solution: I let the width be the parameter M instead of 12. The sides have length s each and the base has width b, with b + 2s = M. I measure the angle t up from the horizontal base, so the width at the top is b + 2s*cos(t) and the height is s*sin(t). The cross-sectional area is A = s*sin(t)*[b+s*cos(t)]. We want to maximize A, subject to the constraint that f = b+2s-M = 0. I let u denote the Lagrange multiplier, so L = A + u*g.

Maple 11 easily get solutions to the equations [itex] L_b=0,\, L_s=0,\, L_t = 0:[/itex]

S:={b=-2u/sqrt(3), s=-2u/sqrt(3),t=Pi/3}, {b=2u/sqrt(3),s=2u/sqrt(3),t=-Pi/3}

Substituting these into the equation g=0 gives {s=b=M/3, t = Pi/3} and {s=b=M/3,t=-Pi/3}.

Alternatively, we can ask Maple for a solution of all 4 equations in the 4 unknowns s,b,t and u. It finds 4 solutions, three of which have either t = 0 or t = Pi (so area = 0); the fourth solution has two branches: the command
allvalues(sol[4]) produces the two solutions given above.

You can also develop the solution manually. From [itex]L_b=0 \text{ we get } u = -s \sin(t).[/itex] Putting that into L_s gives [itex] L_s = \sin(t)[2s \cos(t) + b - 2s], [/itex] so either sin(t) = 0 or [itex]b = 2s[1-\cos(t)].[/itex] Choosing the latter in the equation L_t = 0 gives [itex] s^2 [2 \cos(t) - 1] = 0.[/itex] Thus, [itex] t = \pi/3,[/itex] then b = s, and so b = s = M/3 and t = π/3.

  • #6
so I don't have to use Lagrange multipliers. I can use the partials of f and substitute the constraint into each partial and then solve? Either way this seems to be a messy problem by hand with all the trig involved. This is a problem that my professor wants us to solve by hand not getting straight to it by plugging it into the computer. :/

One question is do you two agree with my area formula for a trapezoid that i derived?
  • #7
inevitable08 said:
so I don't have to use Lagrange multipliers. I can use the partials of f and substitute the constraint into each partial and then solve? Either way this seems to be a messy problem by hand with all the trig involved. This is a problem that my professor wants us to solve by hand not getting straight to it by plugging it into the computer. :/

One question is do you two agree with my area formula for a trapezoid that i derived?

Aside from interchanging sin and cos, we are using the same formula; your angle is the complement of mine. BTW: it is better to _not_ use double-angle formulas, etc.: better by far to take derivatives first, then see if trig identities can be used to simplify things. And, of course, you don't need to use Lagrange multipliers, since you can eliminate the constraint by expressing one of the three variables in terms of the other two. However, I do believe you get simpler equations/expressions by keeping the Lagrangian form, but that is primarily a personal preference.

  • #8
Ray Vickson said:
BTW: it is better to _not_ use double-angle formulas, etc.
And I have a perfect example of it. I entered θ instead of 2θ while typing the area formula into Mathematica, which threw the solution off. After a quick fix, it spits out the same solution that Ray provided.
  • #9
Wow what a problem! Thank you so much for the help you guys! I did it all by hand and it was quite long but I was able to get the same b = s = m/3 = 12/3 = 4 and the base angles to be 120° which is essentially pi/3 because i used sin(θ-90) and cos(θ-90). Thanks again for the help, it was a little hard trying to understand your notations but I finally understood what truly had to be done. This has opened my eyes to some other things I haven't seen before when solving equations like these. :D

FAQ: Lagrange Multipliers. Maximizing Area.

What are Lagrange Multipliers?

Lagrange multipliers are mathematical tools used in optimization problems to find the maximum or minimum value of a function subject to a set of constraints.

How do Lagrange Multipliers work?

Lagrange multipliers work by finding the critical points of a function, where the gradient of the function is equal to the gradient of the constraint. These critical points correspond to the maximum or minimum value of the function subject to the given constraints.

What is the significance of Lagrange Multipliers in maximizing area?

In the context of maximizing area, Lagrange multipliers can be used to find the maximum area of a shape subject to a given perimeter or surface area constraint. This is useful in real-world applications such as optimizing the dimensions of a container to hold a certain volume of liquid.

What are the steps involved in using Lagrange Multipliers to maximize area?

The steps involved in using Lagrange multipliers to maximize area are:

  1. Define the objective function (area) and the constraint (perimeter or surface area).
  2. Set up the Lagrangian by adding the constraint multiplied by a Lagrange multiplier to the objective function.
  3. Find the critical points of the Lagrangian by setting the partial derivatives with respect to each variable (including the Lagrange multiplier) equal to 0.
  4. Solve the system of equations to find the maximum or minimum value of the objective function.

What are some real-world applications of Lagrange Multipliers in maximizing area?

Lagrange multipliers can be used in various fields such as engineering, economics, and physics to optimize the use of resources and find the maximum value of a function subject to constraints. Some examples include optimizing the dimensions of a product to maximize profits, finding the optimal shape of a bridge to minimize material usage, and determining the best location for a satellite to maximize coverage. In terms of maximizing area, Lagrange multipliers can be used in designing efficient packaging, maximizing crop yields, and optimizing the use of land in urban planning.

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