Lagrange thm: orbits as equivalence classes and cosets

In summary, Brian is trying to understand Lagrange's Theorem by working through some exercises related to the Orbit-Stabilizer Theorem. He needs to show that the equivalence classes of the relation $\equiv_H$ are the left cosets $gH$ of $H$ in $G$. Brian's first attempt at proving this involved showing that if $x \equiv_H y$, then $x$ and $y$ belong to the same coset. However, he realized that his proof was incomplete and added the fact that $y \in yH$ to complete it. He then concluded that the equivalence classes are indeed the left cosets of $H$ in $G$.
  • #1
Hi all, first post, please bear with me!

I am trying to understand Lagrange's Theorem by working through some exercises relating to the Orbit-Stabilizer Theorem (which I also do not fully understand.) I think essentially I'm needing to learn how to show cosets are equivalent to other things or each other.

Here's the setup:
Let $G$ be a group and $H$ be a subgroup of $G$. Define a relation on $G$ by:

$x \equiv_H y$ if and only if $x^{-1}y \in H$

I have already shown that $\equiv_H$ is an equivalence relation. Now I need to show that the $\equiv_H$ equivalence classes are the left cosets $gH$ of $H$ in $G$.

Here is my try:

Let $x,y \in G$ such that $x \equiv_H y$.
Then $x^{-1}y \in H$, which implies $(x^{-1}y)^{-1} = y^{-1}x \in H$.
So $y^{-1}x = h_y$ for some $h_y \in H$.
Then $y(y^{-1}x) = yh_y \in yH$.
thus $x = yh_y \in yH$.
Now $e \in H$, so there exists $h_x \in H$ such that $xh_x = yh_y$.

Um, Q.E.D.?

The logic flow doesn't feel right to me here. My other plan was to assume $xH \neq yH$ and show that that implies $x \not\equiv_H y$, but I couldn't even get that off the ground.

I'd really appreciate any ideas I can get here. Thanks!

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  • #2
buckeye1973 said:
Hi all, first post, please bear with me!

I am trying to understand Lagrange's Theorem by working through some exercises relating to the Orbit-Stabilizer Theorem (which I also do not fully understand.) I think essentially I'm needing to learn how to show cosets are equivalent to other things or each other.

Here's the setup:
Let $G$ be a group and $H$ be a subgroup of $G$. Define a relation on $G$ by:

$x \equiv_H y$ if and only if $x^{-1}y \in H$

I have already shown that $\equiv_H$ is an equivalence relation. Now I need to show that the $\equiv_H$ equivalence classes are the left cosets $gH$ of $H$ in $G$.

Here is my try:

Let $x,y \in G$ such that $x \equiv_H y$.
Then $x^{-1}y \in H$, which implies $(x^{-1}y)^{-1} = y^{-1}x \in H$.
So $y^{-1}x = h_y$ for some $h_y \in H$.
Then $y(y^{-1}x) = yh_y \in yH$.
thus $x = yh_y \in yH$.

Since \(x\equiv_{\small{H}}y\Rightarrow x\in yH\) we can conclude that this equivalence relation divides the group into left cosets. In other words if x and y are equivalent to each other then both belong to the same coset, yH. You can finish the proof here.

Now $e \in H$, so there exists $h_x \in H$ such that $xh_x = yh_y$.

The statement written above(highlighted in red) is correct. But it does not directly imply that both x and y belong to the same coset of G.

Um, Q.E.D.?

The logic flow doesn't feel right to me here. My other plan was to assume $xH \neq yH$ and show that that implies $x \not\equiv_H y$, but I couldn't even get that off the ground.

I'd really appreciate any ideas I can get here. Thanks!


  • #3
Aha, I see, then. The obvious fact that $y \in yH$ (by the identity in the subgroup $H$) had not come to mind. So my proof concludes:

Let $x,y \in G$ such that $x \equiv_H y$.
Then $x^{-1}y \in H$, which implies $(x^{-1}y)^{-1} = y^{-1}x \in H$.
So $y^{-1}x = h_y$ for some $h_y \in H$.
Then $y(y^{-1}x) = yh_y \in yH$.
thus $x = yh_y \in yH$.
Now, $y \in yH$ (because $e \in H$,) so $x$ and $y$ belong to the same left coset $yH$.
Further, by symmetry of the equivalence relation, $x$ and $y$ belong to the same left coset $xH$.
Therefore, $x \equiv_H y \Rightarrow xH = yH$.
In other words, the $\equiv_H$ equivalence classes are the left cosets $gH$ of $H$ in $G$.
$\square$I think this is correct, yes?

Thanks again for your help!

  • #4
buckeye1973 said:
Aha, I see, then. The obvious fact that $y \in yH$ (by the identity in the subgroup $H$) had not come to mind. So my proof concludes:

Let $x,y \in G$ such that $x \equiv_H y$.
Then $x^{-1}y \in H$, which implies $(x^{-1}y)^{-1} = y^{-1}x \in H$.
So $y^{-1}x = h_y$ for some $h_y \in H$.
Then $y(y^{-1}x) = yh_y \in yH$.
thus $x = yh_y \in yH$.
Now, $y \in yH$ (because $e \in H$,) so $x$ and $y$ belong to the same left coset $yH$.
Further, by symmetry of the equivalence relation, $x$ and $y$ belong to the same left coset $xH$.
Therefore, $x \equiv_H y \Rightarrow xH = yH$.
In other words, the $\equiv_H$ equivalence classes are the left cosets $gH$ of $H$ in $G$.
$\square$I think this is correct, yes?

Thanks again for your help!


Hi Brian,

Yes. I don't see any mistake in it.
  • #5
there's nothing wrong with what you did, but your proof implicitly relies on the fact that equivalence classes of an equivalence relation are disjoint (they partition the set they are defined on, the group G in this case).

i would be inclined to prove it like so: suppose x~y (where ~ is the given equivalence via H).

suppose xh is any element of xH. since x~y, $x^{-1}y \in H$, call it h'.

now H is a subgroup, so $h = eh = h'h'^{-1}h$, and $h'^{-1}h$ is another element of H, call it h".

then $xh = xh'h'' = x(x^{-1}y)h'' = yh''$, which is in yH, so xH is contained in yH.

using the fact that y~x (by symmetry of ~), we can prove yH is contained in xH in a similar fashion, thus xH = yH.

another minor point: it could perhaps be, that there are fewer left cosets than equivalence classes, that the partitioning of G into equivalence classes is a refinement of the partition into left cosets. so you need to show this, too:

if xH = yH, then x~y. this isn't too hard, we have that for every xh in xH, xh = yh', for some h' in H. multiplying both sides by $x^{-1}$ on the left:

$h = x^{-1}yh'$ and multiplying both sides by $h'^{-1}$ on the right, we have:

$hh'^{-1} = x^{-1}y$, and by closure (since H is a subgroup), the LHS is in H, so x~y.

Related to Lagrange thm: orbits as equivalence classes and cosets

1. What is the Lagrange theorem and how is it related to orbits as equivalence classes and cosets?

The Lagrange theorem, also known as the orbit-stabilizer theorem, states that the size of a subgroup of a group is equal to the index of the subgroup multiplied by the size of the coset of the subgroup. In the context of orbits, this means that the number of elements in a group's orbit is equal to the number of different ways the group can act on the orbit (equivalence classes) multiplied by the number of elements in each equivalence class (cosets).

2. How does the Lagrange theorem apply to understanding orbits in physics and astronomy?

In physics and astronomy, the Lagrange theorem helps us understand the relationship between the positions and velocities of objects in orbit. By treating the orbit as a group, we can use the Lagrange theorem to calculate the size of the orbit and the possible ways the object can move within the orbit. This is essential for predicting and analyzing the behavior of celestial bodies.

3. Can you give an example of how the Lagrange theorem is used in real-world applications?

One example of the Lagrange theorem in action is in satellite communication. Satellites in geosynchronous orbit are positioned at specific points above the Earth's equator, allowing them to maintain a fixed position relative to the ground. The Lagrange theorem helps us understand the various possible orbits for these satellites and how their positions can be maintained through precise calculations.

4. Are there any limitations or exceptions to the Lagrange theorem when applied to orbits?

Like any mathematical theorem, the Lagrange theorem has its limitations and exceptions. One limitation is that it only applies to finite groups, meaning that the number of elements in the group must be finite. Additionally, the theorem does not apply to all types of orbits, such as chaotic or irregular orbits.

5. How does the concept of equivalence classes and cosets help us understand the behavior of objects in orbit?

Equivalence classes and cosets help us categorize the different possible positions and velocities of an object in orbit. By breaking down the orbit into different equivalence classes, we can better understand the possible ways the object can move within the orbit. Similarly, cosets help us understand the relationship between different elements in the orbit and how they interact with each other.

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