How Does a 4-Divergence Impact the Equations of Motion in Electrodynamics?

In summary, the given Lagrangian density can be used to derive the Euler Lagrange equations of motion, which can be reduced to the Maxwell equations under the assumption of the coulomb gauge. The Lagrangian density also differs from another similar Lagrangian by a 4-divergence, which does not affect the equations of motion but may affect the action if the potential is not zero at the initial and final instances. The function f in the Lagrangian can only be a function of the field and not the derivative of the field in order for the Lagrangian to remain unchanged.
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Homework Statement

Given the Lagrangian density:
[tex] L= -\frac{1}{2} \partial_{\mu}A_\nu \partial^{\mu}A^\nu -\frac{1}{c}J_\mu A^\mu [/tex]

(a) find the Euler Lagrange equations of motion. Under what assumptions are they the Maxwell equations of electrodynamics?

(b) Show that this Lagrangian density differs from
[tex] L=-\frac{1}{4}F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu}-\frac{1}{c}J_\mu A^\mu [/tex]
by a 4-divergence.
Does the added 4-divergence affect the action? Does it affect the equations of motion?

Homework Equations

[tex] F^{\mu\nu}= \partial^\mu A^\nu -\partial^\nu A^\mu [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

(a) I worked out the equation of motion to be
[tex] \partial_\mu \partial^\mu A^\nu = \frac{1}{c} J^\nu [/tex]
For the second part, I'm not sure. Since the Maxwell equations come from this equation of motion:
[tex] \partial _\mu F^{\mu\nu}=\frac{1}{c}J_\nu [/tex]
I think I just compare the two expressions (and expanding F as above), so they are the same if
[tex] \partial_\mu \partial^\nu A^\mu = 0 [/tex]

I'm not sure if this is right though.

(b) I'm less sure of this part. First I found the difference between the two Lagrangian densities to be
[tex] \frac{1}{2}\partial_\mu A_\nu \partial^\nu A^\mu [/tex]
and I'm not sure how to show this is a 4-divergence.

I'd assume that it does affect the action, but I don't know how to show it.

I'm fairly sure it does affect the equations of motion, as the first Lagrangian results in
[tex] \partial_\mu \partial^\mu A^\nu = \frac{1}{c} J^\nu [/tex]
while the second results in
[tex] \partial _\mu F^{\mu\nu}=\frac{1}{c}J_\nu [/tex]
so they're obviously different. But this seems a little easy, as it seems as if this had already been shown?

Thanks for any help.
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  • #2
they key concept here is the implementation of the coulomb gauge i.e. [tex] \partial_{\mu} A^{\mu} = 0 [/tex] so that

\frac{1}{2}\partial_\mu A_\nu \partial^\nu A^\mu = \frac{1}{2}\partial_\mu (A_\nu \partial^\nu A^\mu)

since the second term after applying the differential operator is 0 due to the gauge condition

The equations of motion are thus unchanged by this and in general Lagrangian theory Lagrangians that differ by a total derivative lead to the same equations of motion. Since if

[tex] L' = L + \partial_{\mu} f(q(x^{\mu}), x^{\mu}) [/tex] then the action is given by

[tex] S' = S + f(q_{f}(x^{\mu}), x_{f}^{\mu}) - f(q_{i}(x^{\mu}), x_{i}^{\mu}) [/tex]

the extra term gives zero under variation such that

[tex] \delta S' = \delta S [/tex]

Consequently the action is left invariant if the potential can be assumed to be 0 at the initial and final instances otherwise it changes by a constant
  • #3
From what you say, the function f here is :

[itex]f^\mu = A_\nu \partial^\nu A^\mu[/itex]

I notice that f here is a function of the field ([itex]A_\nu[/itex]) but also function of the derivative of the field ([itex]\partial^\nu A^\mu[/itex]).

I have seen that the Lagrangian is not altered when f is a function of the field, but not if it is function of the derivative of the field. This is also reflected in the way you define the function f in the Lagrangian.

I am myself trying to prove that :

[itex]L' = L - \frac{1}{2} \partial_\nu ( -A_\mu \partial^\mu A^\nu + A^\nu \partial_\mu A^\mu)[/itex]

where the last term does not contribute to the Lagrangian so that [itex]L' = L[/itex]. I see that the second term can at least be removed using Lorentz gauge [itex]\partial_\mu A^\mu = 0[/itex], but the first one is identical to the one discussed here.

So my question is the following one : can your argument work even if you have derivatives of the field inside f?

FAQ: How Does a 4-Divergence Impact the Equations of Motion in Electrodynamics?

1. What is a Lagrangian density?

A Lagrangian density is a mathematical function used to describe the dynamics of a physical system in terms of its energy and motion. It is a generalization of the Lagrangian function, which is used in classical mechanics to describe the motion of a single particle.

2. How is the Lagrangian density related to the Lagrangian function?

The Lagrangian density is the integral over space of the Lagrangian function, which is a function of the system's variables such as position, velocity, and time. This integral is used to describe the dynamics of a system with multiple particles or fields.

3. How is the Lagrangian density problem solved?

The Lagrangian density problem is typically solved using the Euler-Lagrange equations, which are a set of differential equations that describe the motion of a system in terms of its Lagrangian density. These equations can be solved numerically or analytically, depending on the complexity of the system.

4. What is the significance of the Lagrangian density in physics?

The Lagrangian density is a fundamental tool in theoretical physics, as it allows for the description of complex systems in terms of their underlying energy and motion. It is used in a variety of fields, including classical mechanics, quantum field theory, and general relativity.

5. Can the Lagrangian density be used to describe all physical systems?

No, the Lagrangian density is limited to describing systems that can be modeled using classical mechanics. It cannot be used to describe quantum mechanical systems, which require a different approach. However, the Lagrangian density is still a powerful tool for understanding and analyzing many physical systems.
