Lagrangian & Hamiltonian of Fields

In summary: Obviously you need a hamiltonian/lagrangian to describe things in Hamilton/Lagrange formalism. Within those formalisms the hamiltonian/lagrangian is all there is by definition.And yes, most other theories are going to be "wild" and clearly wrong. However, there will always be the possibility that there is some more fundamental type of description from which the Hamilton/Lagrange formalisms would be limits. In such a theory, there would clearly be a new notion of how dynamics appear.
  • #1
For each of the four fundamental forces (or fields), must one always specify the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian? What else must one specify for other fields (like the Higgs Fields)?
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  • #2
You cannot specify both. If you specify one the othr follows. Normally, we define a model from its Lagrangian.
  • #3
The Lagrangian/Hamiltonian encodes the dynamics of your model. As Orodruin said, you don't need both since the one is a Legendre transformation of the other [ you can always change from the 1 to the other], something that is true in classical mechanics as well.

Now for your second question, I don't really understand what caused you this confusion:
For example you want to describe a QED model- your Lagrangian will contain both photons and fermions [charged] could as well emit the fermions but your model would be unrealistic and boring. So you don't have much to specify about the fields...
As far as I know, the only thing that you need to define your fields with, is to state how they transform under the model (symmetry model) in consideration.
  • #4
ChrisVer said:
The Lagrangian/Hamiltonian encodes the dynamics of your model. As Orodruin said, you don't need both since the one is a Legendre transformation of the other [ you can always change from the 1 to the other], something that is true in classical mechanics as well.

Now for your second question, I don't really understand what caused you this confusion:
For example you want to describe a QED model- your Lagrangian will contain both photons and fermions [charged] could as well emit the fermions but your model would be unrealistic and boring. So you don't have much to specify about the fields...
As far as I know, the only thing that you need to define your fields with, is to state how they transform under the model (symmetry model) in consideration.

Is the Lagrangian/Hamiltonian enough to specify all possible models? For example. Is it possible for a model that needs more than the Lagrangian/Hamiltonian to specify it?
  • #5
cube137 said:
Is the Lagrangian/Hamiltonian enough to specify all possible models?
That depends on what you mean by "all possible models". The Lagrangian certainly is enough for all models in Lagrangian mechanics by definition. Of course there may be some wild theories out there not described by Lagrangian mechanics and it would be presumptuous to assume that anything can ever specify "all" models. You need a qualifier for what you consider a "possible model".
  • #6
Orodruin said:
That depends on what you mean by "all possible models". The Lagrangian certainly is enough for all models in Lagrangian mechanics by definition. Of course there may be some wild theories out there not described by Lagrangian mechanics and it would be presumptuous to assume that anything can ever specify "all" models. You need a qualifier for what you consider a "possible model".

For example.. quantum mechanics and general relativity being emergence from another theory that doesn't use Lagrangian or Hamiltonian.. does this statement even makes sense? I'm asking if a theory can exist that doesn't use Lagrangian/Hamiltonian that can unite QM and GR. Any example or papers?
  • #7
To be honest I don't understand Orodruin's point, neither something being not described by a Lagrangian/Hamiltonian... It's like trying to deal with something without caring about the dynamics [the Hamiltonian for example contains information about the energies; kinetic and potential]. I understand the "wild theories", but I'd be confident enough to call those theories more than just "wild".
  • #8
ChrisVer said:
To be honest I don't understand Orodruin's point, neither something being not described by a Lagrangian/Hamiltonian... It's like trying to deal with something without caring about the dynamics [the Hamiltonian for example contains information about the energies; kinetic and potential]. I understand the "wild theories", but I'd be confident enough to call those theories more than just "wild".

Obviously you need a hamiltonian/lagrangian to describe things in Hamilton/Lagrange formalism. Within those formalisms the hamiltonian/lagrangian is all there is by definition.

And yes, most other theories are going to be "wild" and clearly wrong. However, there will always be the possibility that there is some more fundamental type of description from which the Hamilton/Lagrange formalisms would be limits. In such a theory, there would clearly be a new notion of how dynamics appear.

FAQ: Lagrangian & Hamiltonian of Fields

What is the Lagrangian of a field?

The Lagrangian of a field is a mathematical function that describes the dynamics of a physical system. It is a sum of the kinetic and potential energies of the field, and it governs how the field evolves over time.

What is the Hamiltonian of a field?

The Hamiltonian of a field is a mathematical function that describes the total energy of a physical system. It is related to the Lagrangian through a mathematical transformation, and it can be used to solve for the equations of motion of the field.

How are the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian related?

The Lagrangian and Hamiltonian are related through a mathematical transformation called the Legendre transformation. The Hamiltonian is equal to the Lagrangian plus the dot product of the field's momentum and its velocity.

What is the significance of the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian in physics?

The Lagrangian and Hamiltonian are fundamental concepts in classical mechanics and are used to describe the dynamics of a wide range of physical systems, from particles to fields. They allow us to solve for the equations of motion and understand the behavior of these systems over time.

Can the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian be used in quantum mechanics?

Yes, the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian can also be used in quantum mechanics, although they are modified to incorporate the principles of quantum mechanics. In this context, they are known as the quantum Lagrangian and quantum Hamiltonian.
