Lagrangian Mechanics: Intro and Answers to Ari's Questions

In summary: The first term is the usual rest mass term, the second is the interaction with the scalar potential, and the third term is the interaction with the vector potential.
  • #1
Hey everyone,
So I'm just looking around to get a hold of some lagrangian mechanics for the GRE's coming up. Is the lagrangian always dealing with energy? Basically there was a problem I encountered with trying to find the lagrangian of a rolling ball in some setup, and once I knew that it was dealing with L = T - V I was alright, but I had no idea why to assume we were dealing with energy. Is lagrangian always energy??

Any useful websites that gives a good intro of Lagrangian mechanics? Since it's for the GRE, and I'll be learning it formally next year, I probably don't need too in depth an explanation, just a comprehensive one.

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  • #2
The Lagrangian in the standard formulation is the density of action per unit time, hence:
[tex] S[t_1,t_2] = \int_{t_1}^{t_2} L dt[/tex]
[tex] L = \frac{d}{dt}S[t,t_0][/tex]

Since energy is canonically dual to time you get L in energy units.

In principle you could pick a spatial coordinate say z, and use that to parametrize a particle's dynamic path x(z),y(z),t(z). (You'd have to be assured the particle never has zero z velocity so z is a "good parameter"). You'd then work with a z-momentum Lagrangian: L = p_z - A where A is a "potential z-momentum" instead of potential energy.
  • #3
Lagrangian isn't energy.
L = T - V isn't energy. I think T+V would be the energy of some systems, rather than T-V.
  • #4
L=T-V is true in (as far as I know) almost all applications of classical mechanics (I hesitate to say all because I haven't studied all of classical mechanics!). In special relativity; however, L=T-V is no longer true.

In general, L is the Lagrangian which gives you the correct equations of motion. But, the definition like this is not all that helpful practically speaking since we usually use L to GET the equations of motion. Thus, usually, if we want to use L practically speaking, we just remember the correct L for specific cases. For cases like pendulums, balls rolling down inclines (classical mechanics stuff), etc, we just use L=T-V. For special relativity, L=-mc^2/gamma. If we have E&M fields (which must be described relativistically), then we can use L=-mc^2/gamma-q*phi+q*(A,v)/c. Where (A,v) is the dot product of A with the velocity. This should be more than you need for the GRE's. Actually, for the GRE's I think mostly the L=T-V definition is entirely adequate.
  • #5
I think that lagrange is involved in principle of least action, so it is more about action. For example, Newton's Laws, momentums, and even Maxwell's in more advanced ones. I think Hamiltonian is more about energy, as H=2K-L=K+U. Just sharing something that I have learnt.
  • #6
In special relativity the Lagrangian, e.g., for the motion of a point charge in an external em. field is given by

[tex]L=-m c^2 \sqrt{1-(\dot{\vec{x}}/c)^2}-q \Phi(t,\vec{x}) \frac{q}{c} + \frac{q}{c} \dot{\vec{x}}\cdot \vec{A}(t,\vec{x}),[/tex]

where [tex]\Phi[/tex] and [tex]\vec{A}[/tex] are the scalar and vector potential of the electromagnetic field.

PS: Why don't inline formulae work anymore?
  • #7
vanhees71 said:
In special relativity the Lagrangian, e.g., for the motion of a point charge in an external em. field is given by

[tex]L=-m c^2 \sqrt{1-(\dot{\vec{x}}/c)^2}-q \Phi(t,\vec{x}) \frac{q}{c} + \frac{q}{c} \dot{\vec{x}}\cdot \vec{A}(t,\vec{x}),[/tex]

where [tex]\Phi[/tex] and [tex]\vec{A}[/tex] are the scalar and vector potential of the electromagnetic field.

PS: Why don't inline formulae work anymore?

Just asking. Is it followed from gauge invariance? The addition of the vector field? I only learned a little about that, I want to know more.
  • #8
The form of the interaction of point charges with all kinds of fields (scalars, vectors, tensors) can, to a certain extent, be inferred from Lorentz invariance. The Lagrangian, I wrote down for the em. field, indeed leads to a Lorentz invariant action:

[tex]S=-m c^2 \int \mathrm{d} t \sqrt{1-\vec{v}^2/c^2}-\frac{q}{c} \int \mathrm{d} t \dot{x}^{\mu} A_{\mu}[/tex]

with the four-vector notation

[tex](x^{\mu})=(x^0,\vec{x})=(c t, \vec{x}), \quad (A^{\mu})=(\Phi,\vec{A})[/tex]

for the space-time coordinates and em. potentials.

The kinetic part is the proper time of the particle along its trajectory and thus invariant, and the rest is explicitly invariant since [tex]\mathrm{d} x^{\mu} A_{\mu}[/tex] is invariant.

The equations of motion are also gauge invariant, as you can see when you derive them via the Euler-Lagrange Equations (Hamilton's least-action principle): They contain only the Faraday tensor

[tex]F_{\mu \nu}=\partial_{\mu} A_{\nu}-\partial_{\nu} A_{\mu},[/tex]

that are both Lorentz and gauge invariant.
  • #9
vanhees71 said:
In special relativity the Lagrangian, e.g., for the motion of a point charge in an external em. field is given by

[tex]L=-m c^2 \sqrt{1-(\dot{\vec{x}}/c)^2}-q \Phi(t,\vec{x}) \frac{q}{c} + \frac{q}{c} \dot{\vec{x}}\cdot \vec{A}(t,\vec{x}),[/tex]

where [tex]\Phi[/tex] and [tex]\vec{A}[/tex] are the scalar and vector potential of the electromagnetic field.

PS: Why don't inline formulae work anymore?

I think you have an extra q/c term next to your scalar potential.
  • #10
Right it must read

[tex]L=-m c^2 \sqrt{1-(\dot{\vec{x}}/c)^2}-q \Phi(t,\vec{x}) + \frac{q}{c} \dot{\vec{x}}\cdot \vec{A}(t,\vec{x}).[/tex]

FAQ: Lagrangian Mechanics: Intro and Answers to Ari's Questions

What is Lagrangian Mechanics?

Lagrangian Mechanics is a mathematical framework used to describe the motion of particles and systems in physics. It is based on the principle of least action, which states that the motion of a system can be determined by minimizing the action integral.

Who developed Lagrangian Mechanics?

Lagrangian Mechanics was developed by Italian mathematician and astronomer, Joseph-Louis Lagrange, in the late 18th century.

How is Lagrangian Mechanics different from Newtonian Mechanics?

Lagrangian Mechanics differs from Newtonian Mechanics in that it uses a different approach to describe the motion of particles and systems. While Newtonian Mechanics is based on forces and acceleration, Lagrangian Mechanics uses energy and the principle of least action to describe the motion of a system.

What is the Lagrangian function?

The Lagrangian function, denoted by L, is a mathematical function that represents the difference between the kinetic and potential energy of a system. It is used in the Lagrangian formulation to describe the motion of a system.

What are some applications of Lagrangian Mechanics?

Lagrangian Mechanics has a wide range of applications in physics, including classical mechanics, celestial mechanics, quantum mechanics, and field theory. It is used to study the motion of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies, as well as the behavior of physical systems in various fields such as electromagnetism and fluid dynamics.

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