Lagrangian Mechanics - Kepler problem, Conservation

In summary, the homework statement is that you use the coordinate transformation to find the change in lagrangian. The Attempt at a Solution is that you use the primed v and x in the Lagrangian, and use the BAC-CAB rule to get the difference.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

I am assuming the coordinate transformation is [itex] \vec{x}' = \vec{x} + \alpha\vec{\gamma} [/itex] ?
Then you have [itex] \vec{v}' = \vec{v} + \alpha\frac{d\vec{\gamma}}{dt} [/itex]
And r is the magnitude of the x vector.

The Attempt at a Solution

Part A.
So to get the change in lagrangian, I put the primed v and x into the Lagrangian and subtracted the given lagrangian to get:
[tex] \Delta L = \frac{1}{2}m|\vec{v} + \alpha\frac{d\vec{\gamma}}{dt}|^2 + \frac{k}{|\vec{x} + \alpha\vec{\gamma}|} - \frac{1}{2}m|v|^2 - \frac{k}{r} [/tex]

So following examples from class, I expand the vector magnitude terms and neglected the second order alpha quantity, which leaves me with

[tex] \Delta L = \frac{1}{2}m(2\alpha \vec{v} \cdot \frac{d\vec{\gamma}}{dt}) + \frac{k}{\sqrt{|\vec{x}|^2 + 2 \vec{x}\cdot\alpha\vec{\gamma}}} - \frac{k}{r} [/tex]

So I thought maybe to taylor expand the first k/r term up to first order alpha, after factoring out [itex] |\vec{x}|^2 [/itex]. And since |x| is r, i can cancel out the last k/r term. That leaves me with
[tex] \Delta L = m(\alpha \vec{v} \cdot \frac{d\vec{\gamma}}{dt}) - \frac{k\alpha}{|\vec{x}|^3}(\vec{x}\cdot\vec{\gamma}) [/tex]

Now taking the derivative of gamma, and noting that dn/dt should be zero and that p cross dx/dt and dp/dt cross x should also be zero, I get for the final expression, plugging everything in

[tex] \Delta L = m\alpha[\vec{v} \cdot [\frac{d\vec{x}}{dt}\times( \vec{p}\times\hat{n}) + \vec{x} \times (\frac{d\vec{p}}{dt} \times \hat{n})]] - \frac{k\alpha}{|\vec{x}|^3} [\vec{x} \cdot [\hat{n} \times (\vec{p} \times \vec{x}) + \vec{x} \times (\vec{p} \times \hat{n})]] [/tex]

But from here, I don't really see how I could get it to equal part b, or if I even did the right process, I probably made a mistake in getting the difference, any tips?


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  • #2
Just wanted to update saying I have solved this so it doesn't stay unanswered, by applying the BAC - CAB rule and then replacing dp/dt with the force you find from the given potential.

FAQ: Lagrangian Mechanics - Kepler problem, Conservation

1. What is the Kepler problem in Lagrangian mechanics?

The Kepler problem in Lagrangian mechanics refers to the study of the motion of two bodies, such as a planet and a star, under the influence of their mutual gravitational attraction. It is named after the German astronomer Johannes Kepler, who first described the laws governing the motion of planets around the sun.

2. What is conservation of energy in Lagrangian mechanics?

Conservation of energy in Lagrangian mechanics refers to the principle that the total energy of a system remains constant over time. This means that the sum of the kinetic energy and potential energy of the system remains constant, even as the system undergoes changes in motion.

3. Can Lagrangian mechanics be applied to systems with multiple bodies?

Yes, Lagrangian mechanics can be applied to systems with multiple bodies. In such cases, the Lagrangian function takes into account the motion and interactions of all the bodies in the system, and the equations of motion can be derived using the principle of least action.

4. How does Lagrangian mechanics differ from Newtonian mechanics?

Lagrangian mechanics differs from Newtonian mechanics in that it uses the principle of least action to derive the equations of motion, rather than the laws of motion and the concept of force. This allows for a more general and elegant approach to solving problems in mechanics.

5. What is the significance of the Lagrangian point in celestial mechanics?

The Lagrangian points are positions in a two-body system where the gravitational forces of the two bodies cancel out, resulting in a stable equilibrium. These points have significant applications in celestial mechanics, such as in the study of satellite orbits and the stability of planetary systems.
