Lagrangian moving blocks problem

Yes, the derivative of veff(r) with respect to r at the minimum (r0) will give you the desired angular frequency.
  • #1

Homework Statement

1. Two identical blocks A and B with mass m are joined together by a taut string B of length `. Block A moves on a frictionless horizontal table and block B hangs from the string which passes through a small hole in the table as shown in the figure.
(a) Using polar coordinates for the block on the table, obtain the Lagrangian for the complete system. Take g to be the acceleration due to gravity. (5 Marks)
(b) Obtain the equations of motion for the radial coordinate of A and its angular coordinate φ. (5 Marks)
(c) Show that there is an equilibrium, constant-r solution with r = r0 = (p^2/m^2g)^1/3 , where pφ is the angular momentum of A. (4 Marks)
(d) Suppose A is nudged slightly inwards whilst executing circular motion on the table with r = r0, show that the trajectory of A executes small oscillations with frequency ω = sqrt(3/2) p/mr^2. (6 Marks)

Homework Equations

The Lagrangian is L=m(dr/dt)^2+(1/2)mr^2(dφ/dt)^2-mgr
Equations of Motion d^2r/dt^2=(1/2)(r(dφ/dt)^2-g)

The Attempt at a Solution

The only part of this I have a problem with is (d), taking the radial E.O.M and equating it to the centripetal force gives mw^2r=-((dr/dt)(dφ/dt))/(r), however as it is executing circular motion, is the radial velocity dr/dt not=0? In which case leaving mw^2r=0, which can't be solved to give the above?
The only way I can seem to get the factor of 3/2 from anywhere is by rewriting the Lagrangian, as dr/dt=0 and dφ/dt=p/mr^2 to give 3/2mgr, then I have an unwanted factor of g, and have no idea what this could be equated to in order to get an equation that makes sense to find w.

Any pointers would be much appreciated :)
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  • #2
You have two possible routes:

Yes, mw^2r = 0 for the circular solution. However, for solutions which are close to r0, you can expand the solution for small deviations from r0.


If you know how to compute effective potentials, compute the effective potential and deduce the second derivative at the minimum, which is at r0.
  • #3
What would be the function I would be expanding though? I don't see what makes sense to expand in order to find the angular frequency
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  • #4
The function r. Around the point of circular orbit.

The assumption is that the deviation from the circular orbit is small. If it is large you will get nonlinearities and talking about an angular frequency becomes moot.
  • #5
and computing the effective potential gives me veff=(p^2/2mr^2)-mgr, still giving me an unwanted 'g'
  • #6
Did you try finding the second derivative at the minimum?
  • #7
That will still leave me with a g there won't it? The term mgr will just become mg(dr^2/dt^2)
  • #8
You need the derivative with respect to r, not t!

FAQ: Lagrangian moving blocks problem

What is the Lagrangian moving blocks problem?

The Lagrangian moving blocks problem is a mathematical problem that involves predicting the motion of a system consisting of multiple blocks connected by springs. It is named after the mathematician Joseph-Louis Lagrange who first introduced the concept in the 18th century.

What are the main assumptions in the Lagrangian moving blocks problem?

The main assumptions in the Lagrangian moving blocks problem are that the blocks are rigid bodies, the springs are ideal and have no mass, and the forces acting on the blocks are conservative. These assumptions allow for a simplified mathematical model to be used to predict the motion of the system.

How is the Lagrangian moving blocks problem solved?

The Lagrangian moving blocks problem is typically solved using the principle of least action, which states that the path taken by a system between two points is the one that minimizes the action integral. This involves setting up and solving a system of equations known as the Lagrangian equations of motion.

What are the applications of the Lagrangian moving blocks problem?

The Lagrangian moving blocks problem has a wide range of applications in physics and engineering, including analyzing the motion of pendulums, springs, and other mechanical systems. It is also used in fields such as robotics, control systems, and structural mechanics.

What are some challenges in solving the Lagrangian moving blocks problem?

One of the main challenges in solving the Lagrangian moving blocks problem is accurately modeling the forces and constraints acting on the system. This requires a thorough understanding of the physical system and careful consideration of all external factors. Another challenge is dealing with complex or nonlinear systems, which may require more advanced mathematical techniques to solve.

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