Lagrangian of object with air resistance

In summary: The particle is maybe radiating something away, so energy is not conserved, but energy is conserved in the reservoir. In summary, the conversation revolved around the use of Lagrangian mechanics to solve physical problems, particularly those involving air resistance. It was discussed that air resistance cannot be expressed by a potential and that it is difficult to describe using the standard Euler-Lagrange equations. Some suggestions were made for alternative methods, such as adding new terms to the Lagrangian or using Rayleigh's dissipative function. It was also mentioned that there is a paper available for reformulating Hamilton's principle to account for non-conservative forces. Finally, a Lagrangian was proposed that can account for air resistance by increasing the particle's
  • #1
So I was going through an ODEs textbook and in a section discussing physical problems, decided that it would be interesting to come up with the equations of motion using Lagrangian mechanics for the examples they posted. For the first example, a falling rock, this easily worked. The second example was a falling object with air resistance. The equation they came up with was ma + kv = mg (I'd use dot notation but I'm unsure how to do it on here) which makes perfect sense; my issue was that I couldn't think of how the air resistance would affect either the kinetic or potential energies. So I pose the question: how would air resistance affect the kinetic or potential energy and what would their equations look like, such that the Lagrangian method would yield the above equation of motion?
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  • #2
Air resistance is a non-conservative force, so it cannot be expressed by a potential.
  • #3
The Euler-Lagrangian equation itself is changed in this case, the lagrangian is still the same one in vacuum.
  • #4
For non-conservative systems, the Lagrangian needs to be <guessed>. What term would you add to the kinetic one, so that after applying the E_L equations you'd get the same eq. of motion as in Newtonian dynamics ? My guess for linear air resistence would be

L = mv^2 /2 + mgx + kxv
  • #5
Maurice, air friction is a complicated phenomenon and it has no single and simple mathematical expression in terms of velocity. Usually, rapidly falling objects will create turbulent flow of the air and then the resistance force can be argue to be proportional to square of the velocity (Newton's formula for resistance). Resistance that increases proportionally to speed occurs for either very slowly moving bodies (falling dust grains), or very fast ones in diluted gas (higher atmosphere...)

In general, dissipation is a phenomenon that is hard to describe by the standard Euler-Lagrange equations.

Adding new terms to the Lagrangian is an interesting idea, but I have never seen such a new term which would give the simplest equation of motion with friction

m\ddot x = -k\dot x.

The term ##kxv## is a total time derivative of ##kx^2/2## and thus has no influence on the equations of motion.

On the other hand, if you do not need to stick with the standard Euler-Lagrange equations (in other words, with the Hamilton principle), there is a modification of the Euler-Lagrange equations due to Rayleigh, which adds new terms to the E-L equations and describe linear friction. Search "Rayleigh dissipative function" in textbooks, for example Goldstein's Classical Mechanics.
  • #6
I agree with Jano L.'s post. I thought to add you will have difficulty trying to come with a Lagrangian that results in
m\ddot x = -k\dot x.
via the standard Euler-Lagrange equations. Consider how the the total energy of the system (the Hamiltonian) changes over time.
\frac{d}{dt} \left(\sum_i \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot{x}_i}\dot{x}_i - \mathcal{L} \right) = -\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial t}
We can violate conservation of energy by, for example, having a time varying potential so [itex] \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial t} \neq 0[/itex] but that doesn't seem to allow implementation of friction.

I did have an idea once for attempting to implement friction without modifying the Euler Lagrange equations. The idea was to double the number of generalized coordinates, and try to get the new coordinates to account for the work done by friction. I was not successful.
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  • #7
I did have an idea once for attempting to implement friction without modifying the Euler Lagrange equations. The idea was to double the number of generalized coordinates, and try to get the new coordinates to account for the work done by friction. I was not successful.
The friction is often described in a very similar way. One such simple model is one oscillator in interaction with many other oscillators. Although the system as a whole conserves energy, the energy of the first oscillator can change. Under certain conditions the systematic result of the action of the other oscillators is that the first one loses energy.

You can find details in this paper:
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  • #8
I'm not sure how much time you want to throw at this problem, but if it continues to interest you then here is a paper which reformulates Hamilton's principle to allow for non-conservative forces. There might be a more updated version in the Physics Review somewhere, but I had this version easy at hand.
  • #9
I'm not sure I understand the significance of this, but it's possible to choose a Lagrangian whose equations of motion include air resistance this way:

[itex]L = e^{b t}(\dfrac{1}{2} m v^2)[/itex]

Then the Lagrangian equations of motion are:

[itex]\dfrac{d}{dt} (\dfrac{\partial L}{\partial v}) = \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial x}[/itex]
[itex]\dfrac{d}{dt} (e^{b t} m v) = 0[/itex]
[itex]b e^{b t} m v + e^{b t} m \dfrac{d v}{dt} = 0[/itex]
[itex]m \dfrac{d v}{dt} + b m v = 0[/itex]
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  • #10
That's quite interesting, what strikes me as odd is that b is positive instead of being negative, you would think the new "kinetic energy" term should die off exponentially.
  • #11
Interesting. This Lagrangian can be used for particle whose mass increases exponentially in time while the momentum remains unaltered. This can happen if the mass comes from stationary reservoir. Since L is independent of x, we still have momentum conservation, and thus velocity is decreasing.

FAQ: Lagrangian of object with air resistance

1. What is the Lagrangian of an object with air resistance?

The Lagrangian of an object with air resistance is a mathematical function that describes the total energy of the object, taking into account both its kinetic energy and potential energy, as well as the effects of air resistance. It is a way of expressing the dynamics of the object in terms of its position, velocity, and acceleration.

2. How is air resistance included in the Lagrangian?

Air resistance is included in the Lagrangian through the use of a drag coefficient, which takes into account the shape and size of the object, as well as the properties of the air it is moving through. This drag coefficient is typically a function of the object's velocity, and is used to calculate the force of air resistance acting on the object at any given time.

3. How is the Lagrangian used to solve for the motion of an object with air resistance?

The Lagrangian is used to solve for the motion of an object with air resistance through the use of Lagrange's equations, which are a set of differential equations that relate the forces acting on the object to its motion. By solving these equations, one can determine the position, velocity, and acceleration of the object at any given time.

4. What are the advantages of using the Lagrangian approach for objects with air resistance?

The Lagrangian approach offers several advantages when studying objects with air resistance. It allows for a more intuitive understanding of the dynamics of the object, as well as a more elegant and efficient method for solving for its motion. Additionally, it can be extended to more complex systems, making it a valuable tool for studying a wide range of physical phenomena.

5. Are there any limitations to using the Lagrangian for objects with air resistance?

While the Lagrangian approach is a powerful tool, it does have some limitations when applied to objects with air resistance. It assumes that the object's motion is deterministic, meaning that it can be fully determined by its initial conditions. However, in reality, the behavior of objects with air resistance can be chaotic, making it difficult to accurately predict their motion. Additionally, the Lagrangian approach may not be suitable for complex systems with multiple interacting objects and forces.

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