Lagrangian - surface of sphere

In summary, gravity is ignored and the m/2 constant is left out since its constant, resulting in sin^2{\theta} \dot{\phi} = A = constsin^2{\theta} \dot{\phi} = A = const
  • #1
I have a free particle moving on the surface of a sphere of fixed radius R. Gravity is ignored and m/2 is left out since its constant.
The lagrangian is [itex] L = R^2 \dot{\theta^2} + R^2 sin^2{\theta} \dot{\phi^2}[/itex]

Using the Euler Lagrange equations I obtain
[itex] sin^2{\theta} \dot{\phi} = A = const \ (1) \\ \ddot{\theta} - sin{\theta}cos{\theta} \dot{\phi^2} = 0 \ (2) [/itex]
and by substituting 1 into 2
[itex] \ddot{\theta} = A^2 cos{\theta}/sin^3{\theta} [/itex]

By integrating w.r.t time and using the fact [itex] dt = d{\theta}/\dot{\theta}[/itex] and that theta and its time derivative are treated as independent coordinates i get
[itex] \dot{\theta} + A^2/ 2 \dot{\theta} sin^2{\theta} \ = c_1 [/itex]
integrating w.r.t time again i get. [Using omega instead of theta dot now.]

[itex] \theta - A^2 cot{\theta}/\omega^2 \ = t c_1 + c_2[/itex]

I can't see anything wrong but I am supposed to get this into the form

[itex] \theta(t) = arccos ( \sqrt{1 - A^2/\omega^2} cos(\omega t + \theta_0)[/itex]

and I cant. If anyone can help I would appreciate it a lot. Thanks
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  • #2
Your integration of the ##\ddot\theta## equation looks suspicious.
  • #3
You're right it was. What I get now which I am pretty sure is correct is this horrible integral

[itex] \theta = \frac{1}{\omega} \int \sqrt[]{ c_1 - c_2/sin^2{\theta} } \ d \theta [/itex]

Which I also have no idea how to solve :S
  • #4
rolotomassi said:
You're right it was. What I get now which I am pretty sure is correct is this horrible integral

[itex] \theta = \frac{1}{\omega} \int \sqrt[]{ c_1 - c_2/sin^2{\theta} } \ d \theta [/itex]

Which I also have no idea how to solve :S
You cannot have ##\theta## as the integration variable and the result!
  • #5
wow I'm being stupid today.

If i separate the variables I get [itex] \int \frac{1}{ \sqrt[]{(c_1 - c_2/sin^2{\theta} )} }d \theta \ = \ \int dt [/itex]
  • #6
Indeed, so I suggest a change of variables in the left integral. (Doing this change of variables from the beginning significantly simplifies the differential equation. You might try it instead.)
  • #7
I start again and get [itex] \dot \theta = c_1 \int \frac{u}{(1-u^2)^{3/2}} \frac{dt}{du}du[/itex] But still abit stuck. If I sub in du/dt I keep getting a theta dot term. But I can't just assume u dot is independent of u and take it out the integral either. Brain is really hitting brick wall after brick wall with this
  • #8
So start by solving the integral then.
  • #9
Solving the integral IS the question. If i could solve the integral I wouldn't be asking for help on solving the integral.
  • #10
Well, so use the substitution in it. It is a standard integral.
  • #11
The integral is now [itex] \int d\theta (c_2 + \frac{c_1^2}{u^2 -1})^{-1/2}= \int dt[/itex] As I find it. But i get this simplifying to [itex] \int du \frac{1}{u^2 - a^2} [/itex] for the LHS where a^2 is a combination of the other constants. But this is a logarithm when integrating which doesn't make sense for the answer.
  • #12
[itex] \int 1/(c - 1/2sin^2x)^{1/2} dx[/itex] is what I've got now
  • #13
You are not doing the arithmetics properly then. Please show your work.
  • #14
That was the correct integral bar a constant, which has now been solved. Thanks anyway

FAQ: Lagrangian - surface of sphere

1. What is the Lagrangian - surface of sphere?

The Lagrangian - surface of sphere is a mathematical concept used in physics to describe the motion of a particle on the surface of a sphere. It takes into account the particle's position, velocity, and the forces acting upon it.

2. How is the Lagrangian - surface of sphere different from the Lagrangian - surface of a plane?

The main difference between the Lagrangian - surface of sphere and the Lagrangian - surface of a plane is the curvature of the surface. The surface of a sphere is curved, while the surface of a plane is flat. This difference affects the equations used to describe the motion of a particle on each surface.

3. What is the role of the Lagrangian - surface of sphere in classical mechanics?

In classical mechanics, the Lagrangian - surface of sphere is used to describe the motion of a particle on a spherical surface. It is an alternative approach to Newton's laws of motion and can provide more insight into the dynamics of a system.

4. How is the Lagrangian - surface of sphere used in celestial mechanics?

In celestial mechanics, the Lagrangian - surface of sphere is used to study the motion of objects in space, such as planets and satellites, which can be approximated as moving on the surface of a sphere. It allows for more accurate predictions of their orbits and interactions with other celestial bodies.

5. Can the Lagrangian - surface of sphere be applied to other curved surfaces?

Yes, the Lagrangian - surface of sphere can be applied to other curved surfaces, such as ellipsoids or toroids. However, the equations used to describe the motion will differ depending on the specific shape of the surface.
