Lagriangian Mechanics, Rectangle (2D)

In summary: Expert SummarizerIn summary, the conversation discusses the topic of physics and robotics, with the person asking for help in creating a simulation involving multiple angles and joints. Some suggestions for examples are given, including the double pendulum and Furuta pendulum, as well as resources for understanding articulated robots.
  • #1
Hi All,
I'm relatively new to physics and robotics, and have been getting my head around the subject. I'm currently reading the book Introduction to Robotics by John Craig.

Trying to write a simple simulation to test out some ideas to prove lagrangian such demo is a long thin 'Rectangle' in 2D.

So I have the angle and that's its reduced coordinates...similar to the inverted pendulum but using a solid rigid body instead of just a point mass.

Is there any good examples??...then extending it to a chain of joints with multiple angles?

Thanx for any help.

Albert :)
Physics news on
  • #2

Hi Albert,

It's great to hear that you are interested in exploring the connection between physics and robotics! John Craig's book is a great resource for understanding the fundamentals of robotics.

In terms of your simulation, there are a few examples that come to mind that could help you with your project. One example is the classic double pendulum problem, which involves two pendulums connected by a joint. This can be a good starting point for understanding the dynamics of multiple angles and joints.

Another example is the Furuta pendulum, which is a pendulum mounted on a rotating arm. This system can also help you explore the concepts of lagrangian dynamics and how they apply to real-world systems.

In terms of extending your simulation to a chain of joints with multiple angles, you can look into the concept of articulated robots. These are robots with multiple joints and links, and they are widely used in industrial applications. There are many resources available online that can help you understand the dynamics of articulated robots and how to simulate them.

I hope this helps and good luck with your project!

FAQ: Lagriangian Mechanics, Rectangle (2D)

1. What is Lagrangian Mechanics?

Lagrangian Mechanics is a mathematical framework used to describe the motion of a system of particles. It is based on the principle of least action, which states that the motion of a system will follow the path that minimizes the total energy of the system.

2. How is Lagrangian Mechanics different from Newtonian Mechanics?

Lagrangian Mechanics is a more general and elegant approach to describing the motion of a system compared to Newtonian Mechanics. It does not require the use of forces or accelerations, instead it uses a single equation, known as the Lagrangian equation, to describe the motion of a system.

3. What is a rectangle in 2D?

A rectangle in 2D is a geometric shape with four sides and four right angles. It is characterized by its two dimensions, length and width, which are perpendicular to each other. In Lagrangian Mechanics, a rectangle can represent a rigid body or a system of particles.

4. How is a rectangle represented in Lagrangian Mechanics?

In Lagrangian Mechanics, a rectangle is represented by its position, velocity, and orientation in 2D space. The position is described by the coordinates of its center of mass, while the velocity is the rate of change of its position. The orientation is described by the rotation angle of the rectangle.

5. What are some real-life applications of Lagrangian Mechanics for rectangles in 2D?

Lagrangian Mechanics is used in various fields such as engineering, physics, and robotics to model the motion of rigid bodies, including rectangles. It can be used to analyze the movement of objects in space, the behavior of pendulums, and the dynamics of mechanical systems such as cars and airplanes. It is also used in computer graphics and animation to simulate the movement of objects in video games and films.

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