Laplace equation for parallel plate condersers

In summary, the conversation discusses difficulties in solving Laplace's equation for a parallel plate condenser system in electrostatics. The potential function proposed by one person does not fit the boundary conditions, leading to a discussion on the mathematical form of the solution and the limitations of the problem. It is mentioned that this problem is not easily solved and may require more resources for understanding.
  • #1
I've recently started studying Laplace's equation and it's solution under various simple circumstances in electrostatics. I tried to solve the equation for a parallel plate condenser system, but I couldn't meet the boundary conditions. I had two plates, one placed on xz plane at y=0 (with potential = 0), second parallel to it, at y=d (with potential [itex]V_0[/itex]). I placed them such that they're symmetrical in x and z, i.e., y-axis crosses midpoints of plates; therefore the potential should be an even function of x and z. Noting that [itex]V(0,0,0) = 0[/itex] I wrote the solution:

[tex]A\cosh(kx) \cosh(lz) \sinh(my)[/tex]
with [tex]k^2 + l^2 + m^2 = 0[/tex] and let [itex]A[/itex] be any complex number.

I assumed that potential should drop to zero when [itex]x,z \to \pm \infty[/itex], and this's the boundary condition that doesn't meet with my "solution".

Can anyone help me working out the solution, or forward me to some resource on it?
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  • #2
Your formula cannot fit the potential. Of course, k and l are zero (because of symmetry the potential does not depends on x or z).
But the potential in this problem is a linear function of y. There is no way to fit a sinh into a straight line.
Then your assumption about the mathematical form of the solution is wrong.
Let's start with Laplace's equation:

[TEX]{\partial^2 \varphi\over \partial x^2 } +
{\partial^2 \varphi\over \partial y^2 } +
{\partial^2 \varphi\over \partial z^2 } = 0. [/TEX]

The first and third terms are zero. Then:
[TEX]{\partial^2 \varphi\over \partial y^2 }= 0. [/TEX]

Then: [TEX]\varphi = ay+b[/TEX]
  • #3
This can't be true because plates are not infinite, and field lines are no longer straight lines when we approach to the edges:

And how do we say potential itself does not depend on x either z? Apparently they do --even though the assumption that field lines were straight, they should vanish in the outside region between plates, which is defined by x and y.

I remember this problem is not easily solved (possibly from Feynman lectures)
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  • #4
Well, if you had said that the plates where finite. I wouldn't have bothered to answer.
This problem, as Feynman said is not soluble analytically.

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Laplace's equation for parallel plate capacitors is a mathematical equation that describes the electric field between two parallel plates that are separated by a distance d. It states that the electric field is directly proportional to the charge density and inversely proportional to the distance between the plates.

What are the assumptions made in Laplace's equation for parallel plate capacitors?

The main assumptions are that the plates are infinitely large, the electric field is uniform between the plates, and there is no electric field outside of the plates. Additionally, the dielectric medium between the plates is assumed to be a perfect insulator.

How is Laplace's equation for parallel plate capacitors derived?

Laplace's equation for parallel plate capacitors is derived using the principles of electrostatics and the boundary conditions that apply to the electric field between the plates. It can also be derived from the more general Poisson's equation by assuming a constant charge density and no external sources.

What is the significance of Laplace's equation for parallel plate capacitors?

Laplace's equation for parallel plate capacitors is important in understanding the behavior of capacitors and their ability to store electric charge. It is also used in various engineering and physics applications, such as designing parallel plate capacitors for specific purposes.

How is Laplace's equation for parallel plate capacitors solved?

Laplace's equation for parallel plate capacitors can be solved using various numerical and analytical methods, depending on the specific conditions and boundary conditions of the capacitor. Some common methods include separation of variables, finite difference methods, and finite element methods.
