Laplace in Spherical and Cylindrical Coordinates

In summary, the conversation discusses the verification of Laplace in three different coordinate systems - Cartesian, Spherical, and Cylindrical. The speaker needs to know if their formulas in Spherical and Cylindrical coordinates are correct and if the value of p is the same for both systems. The expert provides feedback on the formulas and suggests breaking down the operations for the Spherical coordinate system. They also mention the importance of keeping the variables in the derivatives when solving for Laplace.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm suppose to verify the given Laplace in (a) Cartesian (b) Sperical and (c) Cylindrical coordinates. (a) was easy enough but I need to know if I'm doing (b) and (c) correctly. I don't need a solution, I simply need to know if the my Spherical formula is correct, my Cylindrical formula is correct and lastly, if my value of p is the same for both (b) and (c). is p=rsinθ valid for both Cylindrical and Spherical points?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
Hold on, I was confused by theta/phi ambiguity and your component ordering.
You have the correct spherical vector but in an unfamiliar order.
Since I typed all of this I will not leave it in case anybody else is helped by it.

What is p=rsinθ? the value of function f or the radial unit variable in spherical because you used r not p in the formula. I use ρ,φ,θ in spherical to distinguish from r, θ, z

Almost right. pretty close. Cylindrical looks good. But Spherical is off in the two angular variables. You might beak it up into two operations. Laplacian is basically the divergence of the gradient of a scalar field. In cylindrical the azimuthal differential , rdθ , depends on r and θ because to move in the θ direction length is an arc depending on radius. In spherical your surface differential depends on r, Φ, and θ. to get an area on the surface of a sphere, coming down from north pole your distance is an arc with differential length rsinθ just like cylindrical turned vertically but then the other dimension is rsinΦ or r^2sinθsinΦ. That is the differential unit surface.

It looks like you have f a function of r and θ. If this is the case the you need to keep them in and do the derivatives instead on pulling them out of the del operator like they were constants. if your function is rsinθ you have 1/r^2 d/dr( r^2 d/dr( rsinθ)) then 1/r^2 d/dr( r^2 sinθ) last 2sinθ/r. this is the final r hat component. In the formula you posted the derivatives were shown as two nested derivatives instead of the double derivative d^2/dr^2 for this reason. The same for the zenith variable (down from z axis, some use theta some use phi). For the azimuth variable (around the equator) this is worked out.
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FAQ: Laplace in Spherical and Cylindrical Coordinates

1. What is Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates?

Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates is a partial differential equation that describes the potential function in a three-dimensional space. It is given by ∇2V = 0, where V is the potential function and ∇2 is the Laplace operator.

2. How is Laplace's equation solved in spherical coordinates?

In spherical coordinates, Laplace's equation can be solved using separation of variables. This involves expressing the potential function as a product of three functions: one dependent on radius r, one on polar angle θ, and one on azimuthal angle φ. The resulting ordinary differential equations can then be solved to obtain the solution to the equation.

3. What is Laplace's equation in cylindrical coordinates?

Laplace's equation in cylindrical coordinates is another form of the partial differential equation that describes the potential function in three-dimensional space. It is given by ∇2V = 0, where V is the potential function and ∇2 is the Laplace operator. In cylindrical coordinates, the Laplace operator takes the form of ∂2/∂r2 + (1/r)∂/∂r + (1/r2)∂2/∂φ2 + ∂2/∂z2.

4. How is Laplace's equation solved in cylindrical coordinates?

Laplace's equation in cylindrical coordinates can also be solved using separation of variables. The potential function is expressed as a product of three functions: one dependent on radius r, one on azimuthal angle φ, and one on height z. The resulting ordinary differential equations can then be solved to obtain the solution to the equation.

5. What is the significance of Laplace's equation in spherical and cylindrical coordinates?

Laplace's equation is a fundamental equation in physics and engineering, and its solutions have a wide range of applications. In spherical and cylindrical coordinates, it is particularly useful for solving problems involving cylindrical or spherical symmetry, such as in electrostatics, fluid dynamics, and heat transfer. It also forms the basis for the study of harmonic functions, which have important applications in mathematics and physics.
