Laplace problem for eccentric spheres

In summary: I'll let you know if I make any progress.In summary, the problem involves finding a general solution for a system of eccentric spheres, with the smaller sphere completely embedded within the larger sphere. The centers of both spheres lie on the z-axis, a distance a apart, and the problem is symmetric. The solution is given in coordinates of the larger sphere and involves a series of summations with different limits. The issue with the solution arises when the offset, a, is greater than zero, causing the solution to blow up and not converge to the prescribed boundary conditions. The solution involves Legendre polynomials and the term (a/r)^(s+1), which must be removed in certain regions to avoid divergence. The solution can be modified by
  • #1

Homework Statement

General solution for eccentric spheres, smaller sphere (radius, b) completely embedded within larger sphere of radius c. The centers of both spheres lie on z-axis, distance a, apart (note: c>b+a). Problem is symmetric, so consider θ=[0,∏], r=[0,c]. The inner sphere is grounded while the outer sphere is held at a potential f2(θ).

Homework Equations

General solution (see Morse & Feshbach, 1953)is given in coordinates of larger sphere as:

Limits of summations
Ʃ1, s=0 to s=s_max (can use s_max=50)
Ʃ2, n=s to n=n_max (can use n_max=50)
Ʃ3, n=0 to s=s

The Attempt at a Solution

I have substituted the relevant boundary conditions into the general solution and computed the unknown coefficients A_n. For the special case when the offset,a is zero,the solution behaves well (and converges nicely to prescribed boundary conditions, BCs). However, in cases where the offset is greater than zero, the solution blows up ( and does not converge to BCs). Any ideas on what might be going wrong?
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  • #2
Usually, with these boundary condition problems, when you get something blowing up to infinity when it shouldn't, it means you are forgetting to throw out some general solution (perhaps some term in V(r,θ) ) that doesn't obey the boundary conditions. You might look at your Legendre polynomial, Ps(cosθ). You have to compute V for different ranges of r and θ, and some solutions that work for certain ranges won't work for others. For example, if a general solution were [itex]e^{ir} + e^{-ir}[/itex], you'd want to throw away the [itex]e^{ir}[/itex] when evaluating the solution for c < r (i.e: r → ∞) because that solution would blow up. Similarly, you need to think about what solutions are appropriate for r → 0, and get rid of the ones that aren't, which I suspect could be an issue here.

Can't say for sure that this is your problem: I don't have to resources to go into this specific problem with depth right now, but that's a general issue with PDEs that you have to work around in physics.
  • #3
Thanks for the feedback!
I have looked at the Legendre polynomials, I am using the unnormalized polynomials. The problem is (a/r)^(s+1) term in V(r,θ) which diverges in the region r<a, for all θ values.


Limits of summations
Ʃ1, s=0 to s=s_max (can use s_max =50)
Ʃ2, n=s to n=n_max (can use n_max=50)
Ʃ3, n=0 to s=s
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  • #4
Yeah, the [itex] \left( \frac{a}{r}\right)^{s+1}[/itex] term is exactly the kind of term I am talking about. That needs to be taken out when evaluating [itex]V(r, \theta )[/itex] in a region containing r = 0
  • #5
Actually, the radial domain of the solution is r ε [b,c], so r=0, is already excluded because a singularity exists there. As for the formualtion, (a/r)^(s+1) cannot be removed because I am seeking for a solution in a region between the two spheres. Any other ideas?
  • #6
Are you sure (a/r)^(s+1) can't still be removed? It does diverge in the r ε [b,c] region. It seems like for the region within r = a (and not within the inner, grounded sphere) you would need to throw it out and have a different solution for the rest of the region. Basically, a new boundary condition? I don't think it would cause a discontinuity, since (a/r)^(s+1) just converges to 1 at r =a, so V should be equal on either side of the boundary.

EDIT: Nevermind. I might be wrong about that. I'm giving this problem a try in depth, but it might be a bit beyond my pay grade, if I'm to be honest. I think the answer does lie in enforcing another condition to remove divergent terms in the general solution, but I'm not clear on how to go about it.
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  • #7
Thanks for following up! Yes, the trick lies in enforcing a condition that removes the divergent terms (however, the (a/r)^(s+1) term is still part of the solution). I intend to shift the range of radii (from r=[b,c] to r=[a,a+c]) and see how the solution responds.
  • #8
No doubt, the fact that we have a radius, as well as some measurement along the z axis, complicates things. Might not be a bad idea.

Related to Laplace problem for eccentric spheres

What is the Laplace problem for eccentric spheres?

The Laplace problem for eccentric spheres is a mathematical problem that involves finding the electric potential and electric field inside and outside of a sphere that has an eccentricity, or deviation from a perfect spherical shape.

Why is the Laplace problem for eccentric spheres important?

The Laplace problem for eccentric spheres is important because it has practical applications in fields such as electromagnetism and meteorology. It also serves as a fundamental example of solving Laplace's equation in non-Cartesian coordinates.

How is the Laplace problem for eccentric spheres solved?

The Laplace problem for eccentric spheres is solved using complex analysis techniques and conformal mapping. The solution involves finding a conformal map that transforms the eccentric sphere into a perfect sphere, for which the electric potential and field can be easily calculated.

What is the significance of the eccentricity in the Laplace problem for eccentric spheres?

The eccentricity of the sphere determines the shape and orientation of the equipotential surfaces and electric field lines. It also affects the distribution of electric charge on the surface of the sphere and the strength of the electric field at different points.

What are some real-world examples of the Laplace problem for eccentric spheres?

The Laplace problem for eccentric spheres can be seen in the Earth's magnetic field, where the core of the Earth is slightly off-center, resulting in an eccentric sphere. It is also relevant in the study of planetary atmospheres, where the shape and orientation of the planet can affect the distribution of electric charge and electric fields within the atmosphere.

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