Laplace Transform and Convolution

In summary, the Laplace Transform is a mathematical tool used to convert functions of time into functions of complex frequency, making it easier to solve differential equations and understand the behavior of a system. The Convolution is a mathematical operation commonly used in signal processing and system analysis, and has several advantages such as simplifying complex equations and providing insight into the frequency response and stability of a system. Both the Laplace Transform and Convolution can be applied to any signal or system with a finite number of inputs and outputs, and to perform the Convolution using the Laplace Transform, one must take the Laplace Transform of the input and impulse response, multiply them, and then take the inverse Laplace Transform of the result.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The signal x(t) = u(t-1) - u(t-3) is the input to an LTI system with the impulse response h(t) = u(t-5) - u(t-8). the system is initially at rest.

a) Compute the output y(t) of this system using convolution.
b) Compute the output y(t) of this system using the Laplace transform.

The Attempt at a Solution

a) I got the answer to be

y(t) =

0, t <= 6
2, 6 < t <= 8
1, 8 < t <= 9
2, 9 < t <= 11
0, t > 11

b) I have no idea how to compute the laplace transform of unit step functions. any help?
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  • #2
You could plug u(t) into the definition of the Laplace transform, but its transform is probably in every table of Laplace transforms so you can just look it up.
  • #3
I got the laplace transforms of x(t) and h(t) to be e^(-s)/s - e^(-3s)/s and e^(-5s)/s - e^(-8s)/s, respectively. Where do I go from here?
  • #4
  • #5
I got Y(s) = (e^(-s)/s - e^(-3s)/s) * (e^(-5s)/s - e^(-8s)/s) = (e-6s + e-11s - e-9s - e-8s)/(s2). The laplace transform of that is u(t - 6) - u(t-8) - u(t-9) + u(t-11), but that's not what I got for the convolution in part a.
  • #6
You didn't take the inverse transform correctly. The inverse transform of 1/s2 isn't u(t). Also, your answer to part (a) isn't correct.
  • #7
vela said:
You didn't take the inverse transform correctly. The inverse transform of 1/s2 isn't u(t). Also, your answer to part (a) isn't correct.

Is the laplace transform u(t - 6)t - u(t-8)t - u(t-9)t + u(t-11)t? what did I do wrong in part a?
  • #8
Quincy said:
Is the laplace transform u(t - 6)t - u(t-8)t - u(t-9)t + u(t-11)t?
No. First, what is the inverse Laplace transform of 1/s2?
what did I do wrong in part a?
It's impossible to say since all you did was post your answer. Let's concentrate first on part (b) though. It's relatively easy to get the answer that way, then perhaps you may see what went wrong in part (a). If not, you can post your work and we'll see where you went astray.
  • #9
from looking at the table, I got the inverse laplace transform of 1/s^2 to be t.
  • #10
Oh, sorry, I completely missed the factors of t you had in post 7. That's almost the correct answer. The inverse Laplace of e-asF(s) is f(t-a)u(t-a). In this case, you have F(s)=1/s2, so you have f(t)=t. You end up with y(t) = (t-6) u(t-6) + ...
  • #11
Quincy said:

Homework Statement

The signal x(t) = u(t-1) - u(t-3) is the input to an LTI system with the impulse response h(t) = u(t-5) - u(t-8). the system is initially at rest.

a) Compute the output y(t) of this system using convolution.
b) Compute the output y(t) of this system using the Laplace transform.

The Attempt at a Solution

a) I got the answer to be

y(t) =

0, t <= 6
2, 6 < t <= 8
1, 8 < t <= 9
2, 9 < t <= 11
0, t > 11

b) I have no idea how to compute the laplace transform of unit step functions. any help?

The unit step function is zero until you reach c (the x coordinate of the first step) and after that, the lower boundary of the integral that is the Laplace transform can be restricted to c. If you factor out e^(-s*c), you are left with e^(-s*c)*L(f(t)) where f(t-c) is the function that the unit step function is being multiplied by.

FAQ: Laplace Transform and Convolution

What is the Laplace Transform?

The Laplace Transform is a mathematical tool used to analyze signals and systems in the time domain. It converts a function of time into a function of complex frequency, making it easier to solve differential equations and understand the behavior of a system.

What is the Convolution?

The Convolution is a mathematical operation that combines two functions to produce a third function. It is commonly used in signal processing and system analysis to find the output of a system when given the input and impulse response.

What are the advantages of using the Laplace Transform?

The Laplace Transform has several advantages, including simplifying complex differential equations into algebraic equations, making it easier to solve and analyze. It also allows for the analysis of signals and systems in the frequency domain, providing insight into the frequency response and stability of a system.

Can the Laplace Transform and Convolution be applied to any signal or system?

Yes, the Laplace Transform and Convolution can be applied to any signal or system, as long as they have a finite number of inputs and outputs. They are commonly used in electrical engineering, control systems, and signal processing, but can also be applied to other fields such as physics and economics.

How do I perform the Convolution using the Laplace Transform?

To perform the Convolution using the Laplace Transform, you first need to take the Laplace Transform of both the input and impulse response. Then, multiply the two transformed functions and take the inverse Laplace Transform of the result to obtain the output function in the time domain.

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